Viewer Questions for Creator 25Dec2019
1) A viewer asks about a relative who is addicted to alcohol and cigarettes; the viewer is a LHP Practitioner and has done the LHP more than once, yet this relative continues with heavy use of alcohol and cigarettes. Would it help to keep doing an LHP, or is free will over riding it – or is maybe something else going on?
2) What is the true origin of tarot cards? Are they portals for the demonic? Are some decks more benign than others? For example the Rider-Waite deck in comparison to the Thoth deck or the Egyptian Decks? Can they be used for a divine purpose when you call upon the Divine Realm and Source Creator for protection and guidance? Are the other divination card decks in the same category, so to speak, as the Tarot?
3) We often hear that is a good idea to wear sunscreen. Some medical studies say that sunscreen can prevent premature aging and skin cancers. Others recommend to not use such chemicals that are found in sun screens as they can actually be harmful. We know that many products are contaminated or manufactured using chemicals that are actually toxic and we have even been warned that some products contain nano-technology that is intentionally used for nefarious purposes. Do we really benefit from sunscreen or is prayer for protection from the harmful rays of the sun enough? We know that there is variability in terms of belief quotient for all humans, even among believers, so is using sunscreen recommended when exposed to the sun to any significant extent?
4) Most American men have prostate problems by age 60. Is this due to genetic tampering by the ETs, or processed food diets, or chemical exposure in the past decades, or something else? What can the majority of the population do to reverse the swollen prostate or cancerous conditions that develop? Would any supplements help?
5) You have stated that meditation without explicit partnering with the divine realm is quite limited in its ability to offer the practitioner anything outside of, essentially, stress relief, relaxation, and the quieting of the mind. How do you then explain that many Buddhist practitioners, who are most often not appealing to the divine realm explicitly due to lack of belief (Buddhism does not teach that Creator/God exists, and many lineages deny the existence of the soul), nevertheless experience profound spiritual openings, awakenings, complete shifts in identity and in how one views and experiences reality, including Divine orientations such as the recognition of Oneness, of compassion and love for all beings, and other holy understandings and expressions? Could it be that one can in fact become enlightened, or even just very spiritually awake, without being explicitly oriented toward God and the Divine realm, as Buddhism has taught and seemingly succeeded at for thousands of years?
6) Were ET’s involved in the disappearance of Malaysian airlines flight 370 that vanished with 200 + people on board? If so are any of them still alive and if there are any survivors are they on an ET slave colony?
7) What purpose does the pineal gland truly serve and is it true that fluoride added to the water supply allegedly to keep our teeth and gums healthy causes calcification of the pineal gland to make us docile and is this a part of the ’dumbing down’ we’ve received from the interlopers or is this disinformation?
8) Some people have been observing in recent years the decline in memory, both short term and long term and this has been observed in people who are relatively young, generally too young for “dementia” or other memory loss phenomena typically associated with aging. Is there something to this in terms of the increasing intensity of the attacks being launched at humans by the interlopers (e.g., deleterious EMFs, harmful chemicals and even nano-sized microchips in the environment and in food and water) that is disrupting the human nervous system? If there is truth to this idea, what are the strongest causal factors of this phenomena? What is the best response to this if it is indeed a real problem?
9) When the current humans were created and placed on Earth, why were they not given some protection from mind manipulation seeing as how this seems to be a problem with each version of human placed in the physical realm? If this current physical human existence does not succeed, will there be some new guidelines on how the next is created? It’s not the physical human’s fault that they are designed in a way that allows such easy manipulation of the physical mind and body. Can’t you put in default programming that allows free will but prevents the initial manipulation so that humans aren’t so easily targeted?
Comments (4)
Can the towers cause cancer as a method to take us out….. for those of us who may be speaking too much truth in regard to being a vaccine activist?
911. I was there and got very sick. Was I exposed to a nuclear blast and thermite (hence cancer? COPD, RADS) 5 of my military team members have already died. I am 5 years out from the cancer. Will the truth every be told to the public. Bldg #7 taken down with no plane hitting it? Inside job?
Dear Oropallo, Sadly the truth is in short supply. Event those who question the official narrative are right in knowing something does not add up, but wrong in assigning the true cause.
Truth tellers are often vulnerable. We recommend partnership with Creator, the only protection powerful enough to counter dark attackers. This daily prayer for protection is one that dedicated Get Wisdom members rely upon:
“Source Creator, partner with me in my life each and every day to keep me safe, to guide, heal, support, and protect against all who oppose bringing forward the truth of the divine.”
How do we verbally ward off alien or demonic intrusion?
Dear Oropallo,
Creator’s protection is the only way to ward off attackers. Check out the link below for a download about how to make prayer more effective.