Webinar: Empty New Age Notions 12May2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar:   Empty New Age Notions 12May2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

What is Helpful and what is NOT?
Karl & Denny explore what Creator reveals about a number of New Age notions and practices.

Are Some New Age Practices Actually Harmful?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s surprising answer that there are in fact many little-known but potentially hazardous side and direct effects of many new age practices and beliefs.

Is There a Karmic Obligation to Speak Out?
Karl & Denny will delve into what Creator says about this.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about empty new age notions … Webinar: How Channelers Can Validate Their Sources 28Apr2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: How Channelers Can Validate Their Sources 28Apr2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Does Channeling Have a Realistic Future?

Karl & Denny will share what Creator says about the many problems with channeled  information and the continued lack of awareness and complacency of the   channelers themselves, who are mostly (over 90%) being duped by imposters.

Is it Self-Deception to Think One Can Channel Higher Self?

Karl & Denny will share Creator’s revelations on another area of concern with the spiritual community encouraging everyone to communicate with their higher self, when they may well end up connecting to an imposter. We will discuss this issue and its consequences so people are forewarned.


Is There a Fool-Proof Way to Verify a Channeling Connection?

Karl has pondered this problem for quite a while and finally came up with an answer that was under our noses all the while. Karl & Denny will share this insight, and tell you how it is done.

How Does This Innovation Potentially Affect Our Future?

Creator has shared with us what this can mean and how this can play out for the good of all.

Viewer Questions and Answers:

The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about how channelers can validate their sources … Webinar: The Divine Plan for Amazing Animals 21Apr2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Supporter Webinar: The Divine Plan for Amazing Animals 21Apr2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Ethical & Karmic Consequences of Exploiting Animals?
Karl & Denny will explore what Creator reveals about the consequences of using animals for labor and as zoo exhibits.

Do All Animals Have Souls? Karl & Denny will share Creator’s revelations about the soul makeup of animals, and what species have individual or collective souls and why this is so.

Why are Some Animals Resilient & Others Fragile?
Karl & Denny will delve into what Creator says about how some animals do things far more demanding than could ever be done by human, and also reveals that there is a sinister worsening of animals going on under our noses.

More On How Animals Heal Humans & How to Heal Them?
Karl & Denny will share divine wisdom about Creator’s plan through examples of animal helpers and animal clients who we have helped with their healing dilemmas.

Viewer Questions and Answers:
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about the divine plan for amazing animals … Webinar: Honeybee Mysteries, Marvels & Mishaps 14Apr2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Honeybee Mysteries, Marvels & Mishaps 14Apr2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

How Does Bee Consciousness Compare to Human? 
Bees live in colonies, presumed to be an instinctive behavior; do they have consciousness and how does it compare to human? Karl & Denny explore what Creator reveals about the amazing awareness of bees.

Does Honey Have Uses Beyond Being a Great Sweetener? Karl & Denny will share Creator’s surprising answer that there are in fact many little-known and undiscovered properties of honey that can be quite helpful and even life-saving to humans.

What is Causing Hive Collapse Threatening Food Production? Karl & Denny will delve into what Creator says about the prevailing theories about this alarming development, and the true forces behind this.

How Can We Save the Bees and Other Pollinators? Karl & Denny will talk about what Creator has shared about how we can help directly, to protect these vital and fascinating creatures.

Viewer Questions and Answers: The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about honeybee mysteries, marvels & mishaps … Webinar: Questions About Healing with the LHP 07Apr2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Questions About Healing with the LHP 07Apr2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Can Discrepancies Occur in Divine Channeling?
Karl & Denny share Creator’s description of one-way errors can occur, even during authentic channeling. Creator further illustrates why it’s important to keep up with ongoing enhancements and revisions of the Protocol, as what may be a limitation today may not apply in the future with advances in understanding new applications.

Is There Still Room for Improvement in the Protocol?
Karl & Denny discuss Creator’s suggestions for enhancing the reach of the Protocol, and give examples of misinterpretation, as well as under-appreciating or over-assuming what will result from a Protocol session.

Are There Risks to the Protocol Practitioner?
Karl & Denny will share insights around practitioner concerns about their karmic obligations and entanglements, ethical issues, and problems related to “detox” phenomena experienced by some clients.

What More Can be Done for Unresponsive, Difficult Clients?
Karl & Denny will help put into perspective what is taking place in serious situations practitioners have asked about, and share Creator’s suggestions.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about healing with the LHP … Webinar: Education — Pass or Fail? 31Mar2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Education — Pass or Fail? 31Mar2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Current Education System – Improve or Replace?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s weighing in on how we treat the young and the divine realm’s surprising perspective of an ideal educational setting.

Is “College for All” a True Benefit for “All” or a Manipulation?
Karl & Denny discuss Creator’s “take” on “higher education”, how it arose and the trade-offs it creates for individuals and for society.

Is There ​​​​​​​any Wisdom in the State Educating the Young?
Karl & Denny will share what Creator says about the ways in which problems have developed in using particular teaching tools that backfire.

Is Student and Even Teacher Bullying Just Human Nature?
Karl & Denny share how Creator exposes the dark truth about the hidden influences that corrupt people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions and the potentially life-long consequences.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about education — pass or fail? … Webinar: Signs from the Divine Realm 24Mar2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Signs from the Divine Realm 24Mar2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

What is Behind “Coincidence” that is “Too Good to be True”?
Many people missing someone will hear unexpectedly, a rare song on the radio that was that person’s favorite. Karl & Denny will share Creator’s explanation for how that can happen, and many other “signs from heaven” in answer to prayers.

Can a Departed Pet Visit the Living as a Divine Message?
Karl & Denny will share an example of this very occurrence.

Are Departed Loved Ones in Dreams Actually Visiting?
Karl & Denny will discuss the hallmark of dream visitation as a divinely orchestrated event. They will also give an account of a husband who passed and stayed behind to convince his wife he still loved her!

Can A Human Rescuer be Divinely Guided to Appear?
Karl & Denny will give examples of how people can be maneuvered by the divine realm to act as helpers and give messages in answer to a prayer.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about signs from the divine realm … Webinar: Virtues for Living on a Divine Path 17Mar2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Virtues for Living on a Divine Path 17Mar2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

What are Divine Virtues & Why are They Important?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s perspective on the attributes that represent virtues, their meaning, intended purpose, and importance to our lives.

What are the Benefits of Living a Virtuous Life?
Living on a divine path not only seems hard, but is often seen as likely to be joyless, and even a self-denial and deprivation. Karl & Denny will share Creator’s views about the benefits.

What are the Consequences of Foregoing Virtues?
Karl & Denny will share what Creator says about the pitfalls of pursuing vice over virtue, how people become misguided, and the consquences of failing to live virtuously.

How Can We Cultivate Virtuousness in Ourselves?
Karl & Denny will explore Creator’s explanation of the resources we can turn to, and strategies to move towards a divine path and stay in divine alignment.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions on virtues for living on a divine path … Webinar: Spirit Caused Problems Missed by Mainstream 10Mar2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Spirit Caused Problems Missed by Mainstream 10Mar2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

In What Ways Can Spirits Influence Without Detection?
Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator says about some of the little-known pitfalls of sharing the world with spirits who know more about us than we know about them. They will share the breakthrough in understanding gained from exploring levels of the mind and probing the possibilities with Source Creator to how learn how dark spirits can manipulate us to go against our beliefs and even change them.

Is Vivid Internal Awareness of Spirits Hazardous?
Is powerful psychic or intuitive awareness a gift or a curse? Karl & Denny will share examples of how people can struggle from seeing and hearing what spirits are up to.

What Causes Sleep Paralysis & How Can it be Prevented?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s explanation for the source of this mysterious and disturbing phenomenon and how it can be healed.

Is There a Way to Heal Severe Mental Illnesses?
Karl & Denny will share new insights from Creator about how hallucinations and delusional thinking arise, and even how psychotic patients can be helped through working with a deep part of the subconscious still unknown to science.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about spirit caused problems missed by mainstream … Webinar: Consciousness Outside Our Awareness 10Mar2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Consciousness Outside Our Awareness 10Mar2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

What is the Life-Force Energy That Animates Us?
Karl & Denny will share what Creator says about the spark of life that has always been one of the biggest mysteries of existence, as it separates the living from the dead. We will describe what this actually is, where it comes from, and the implications for understanding the human experience.

What are Poltergeists?
This is one of the most striking and terrifying paranormal phenomena people have witnessed. Karl & Denny will share Creator’s explanation for what it truly is, what causes it, and how to help people in this confusing and sometimes dangerous predicament.

What Causes Stigmata?
The puzzling, and some would say profound, manifestation of signs resulting from crucifixion in the physical bodies of people can be quite troubling and burdensome, even as they may also be venerated by people of faith as a miracle. Karl & Denny will share Creator’s explanation and demystify what is truly happening.

How Does “Mind Over Matter” Cause Physical Problems?
Karl & Denny will explore Creator’s description on the placebo effect of the mind bringing about a positive benefit “because it is expected to happen”, as a widely accepted common occurrence. Less appreciated is the “nocebo” effect, when the mind causes an ailment or affliction that can be serious, chronic, and even life-threatening. We will explain what we have learned probing such phenomena.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions on consciousness outside our awareness …