Webinar: Misguided and Dangerous New Age Practices 27Oct2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Misguided and Dangerous New Age Practices 27Oct2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Are There Pitfalls in Using Meditation or Calling Spirit Guides?
The first challenge in appreciating how the New Age movement has created problems is understanding the difference between do-it-yourself spirituality and truly calling on the Divine. We will discuss a number of practices that are well-intentioned but fall short.

Does Having the Right Crystals Provide Adequate Protection?
There are many false assumptions promoted about interacting with minerals and other strategies like saging in order to avoid spirit encounters and manipulation. We will describe the problems and best strategies to get true benefits.

Are Practices like Tantric Sex and Ayuhuasca Safe & Helpful?
Karl & Denny will survey a variety of popular approaches to get Creator’s assessment of their safety and effectiveness. In many ways, it is equally important knowing what NOT to do, given so many differing choices in how to devote time and energy for self-care and well-being.

Is All Energy Healing Safe? Astral Travel & Sun Gazing Safe?
Karl & Denny will explore the wide array of experiences having many proponents, and the high percentage of channelers actually connecting to imposters of divine beings, underscores the advantage of having true and reliable divine guidance before embracing unconventional strategies for healing and enlightenment.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about misguided and dangerous new age practices … Webinar: Origin & Meaning of Dreams & Nightmares 13Oct2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Origin & Meaning of Dreams & Nightmares 13Oct2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Why Dreams? What is the Mechanism of Dream Creation?
Sleep, and what happens within the mind during sleep, have been fundamental scientific mysteries throughout history. Source Creator gives us the basic understanding needed to appreciate what part of the mind can keep going and why, the purpose behind the dream state.

What is the Cause & Purpose of Nightmares?
Nightmares are often considered a malfunction, a consequence of something wrong with us or in our life. Creator explains how nightmares are a clearing house for trauma we experience and how they fit in as a normal part of human functioning that deserves to be better understood.

Can Nightmares be Caused From Trauma in Other Lifetimes?
Many nightmares, and dreams of all kinds, are inexplicable, having nothing to do with anything we know of consciously that’s happened to us. We discuss this important subject and give examples of people’s dreams about events in other times and places they seemingly could never have been, but actually experienced in other lifetimes. It is yet another line of evidence supporting reality and the importance of reincarnation.

Do Most Nightmares Have a Sinister Cause? 
Karl & Denny discuss how our own negativity and fear can summon matching energy through connecting to the collective unconscious to witness descriptions of things experienced by others. But our biggest negative influence comes from spirit meddler attachments and even extraterrestrial manipulation. We will explore how and why this is being inflicted on us and what you can do about it.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about origin & meaning of dreams & nightmares … Webinar: Climate Change Throughout the Ages 06Oct2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Climate Change Throughout the Ages 06Oct2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Is the Scientific View of Earth’s Ice Ages Correct?
To understand the recent global warming, knowing what science has established about large temperature fluctuations in the past is essential to put things in perspective. We explored with Creator the fascinating true origin of ice ages and how they came about, which is unknown to science. Karl & Denny share Creator’s perspective about atmospheric CO2 levels: How high has it been in the past, what is the minimum to support enough plant life to produce oxygen, and whether or not we actually need more.

What is the Cause of Pole Shifts & Cataclysmic Changes?
Karl & Denny delve into the more esoteric lore of Earth’s history and past cataclysms with Creator’s help, to understand the ongoing shift in the polar axis, circumstances when even more extreme shifts have occurred, and why this happened.

Why are Remains of Palm Trees & Coral Reefs in the Arctic?
We probe with Creator the reason why evidence of tropical plant life and coral reefs have been found in the Arctic, and the strange prehistory of the Earth in its journey through space.

Any Truth to Strange Esoteric Legends of Earth’s Past?
Karl & Denny discuss evidence about Earth’s pre-history and what happened to an extinct pre-existing cohort of human life, where the earth got its voluminous ocean water, and the mysteries of the sun’s “undiscovered” stellar companion.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about climate change throughout the ages … Webinar: Divine Perspective on Vaccines & Child Health 29Sept2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Divine Perspective on Vaccines & Child Health 29Sept2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

What is the Cause for Concern about Vaccines & Autism?
Karl & Brian explore the true causes of autism, and share Creator’s explanation of what happened with specific examples of children who developed autistic symptoms following vaccination. This puts in perspective the mechanisms and risk factors behind the growing problem of autism as a worldwide dilemma. We explore the pros and cons of vaccination and the controversy about safety. There are things science has yet to understand and appreciate about how the body, especially of infants, responds to injection of material from pathogenic organisms. Creator offers suggestions about how to improve the current vaccination program.

Is the Anti-Vaccine Movement Helping or Hurting?
The hotly contested issues surrounding vaccination are rarely debated openly and carefully, but rather as one-sided proselytizing by either proponents or critics speaking to the media or their own audience. Creator helps this discussion move forward with a dispassionate look at all the important issues at stake and the trade-offs that needed to be understood to make wises choices.

Are Advanced Infants of Today Coming in with Less Karma?
The many descriptions of the indigo, rainbow, and crystal children being born hold great promise for human progress, but the dramatic upsurge of many childhood problems like ADD, ADHD, ODD and autism raise many questions as to why this should be happening. Creator explains the true origins of this dilemma and what to do about it.

Do Some Routine Infant Procedures Have Hidden Risks?
Karl & Brian explore the divine perspective about the dangers of ultrasound, the disadvantages of circumcising male infants, and the unknown special benefits of breastfeeding compared to infant formula.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine truth about divine perspective on vaccination … Webinar: Recent Deadly Games of Extraterrestrials 08Sep2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Recent Deadly Games of Extraterrestrials 08Sep2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Are “Natural” Disasters Caused by Advanced ET Technology?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s explanation of the recent California earthquake and volcanic activity in the Hawaiian islands. We have also had a severe impairment of food crops in the American Midwest due to unusually cold and wet weather. The common thread connecting these events is that all were created by extraterrestrials deliberately.

Is There Any Limit to How Many Things ETs Interfere With?
We can add to the list: intentional snarling of traffic, another prominent clergyman disgraced by sexual misconduct, impoverishment through financial manipulations, directing Mercenary Army Program chemical weapons attacks, introducing hostile and destructive plant life, more examples of channeling and New Age practitioner disinformation, and orchestrating mass shootings to encourage gun confiscation.

What are Characteristics of the Alien Love Bite Phenomenon?
The ability of extraterrestrials to manipulate human love feelings will be discussed and illustrated with client examples. This is a direct interference with human free will and illustrates how they can do so many breeding experiments with human subjects, as well as interfere with people’s lives by causing inappropriate feelings and conduct. The aliens can also take over control of a person’s body and push their own mind aside for a time. This allows a wide array of things to happen done by an extraterrestrial controller and not the person.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about recent deadly games of extraterrestrials … Webinar: Arcturian ET Culture, Characteristics & Agenda 25Aug2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Arcturian ET Culture, Characteristics & Agenda 25Aug2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Where Did Arcturians Come From & Why Are They Here?
Through Creator’s help, Karl & Denny trace the arrival of the Arcturians, a war on Earth among extraterrestrial rivals, and the formation of the Extraterrestrial Alliance that continues to this day.

How Ancient is the Arcturian Civilization & What is it Like?
Karl & Denny discuss the longevity of the Arcturian civilization and the lifespan of its members, what they are like personally compared to other members of the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance, and the extent of the karmic entanglement with humans.

What is the Purpose of the Alien Grey Abduction of Humans?
The Arcturians created the alien Greys as artificial intelligence robots. They have advanced through their own research to develop a sinister agenda of their own. We will discuss their capabilities and limitations in manipulating humans and their contributions to the Extraterrestrial Alliance agenda.

Is There Interbreeding of Arcturians with Humans?
Karl & Denny will discuss the compatibility of the two races and compare and contrast such activity by Arcturians compared to the other extraterrestrials. We discuss some of the misconceptions and subterfuge about Arcturians fostered by disinformation campaigns.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about Arcturian ET culture, characteristics & agenda … Webinar: Unique Advantages of the LHP Protocol 11Aug2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar:  Unique Advantages of the LHP Protocol 11Aug2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Can Practitioners Safely Engage the Darkness with the LHP?
Many people are uneasy and fearful about dealing with dark spirits and extraterrestrial influences because they worry about a backlash. Karl & Denny will explain how the Lightworker Healing Protocol uniquely safeguards both clients and practitioners in contrast to other healing modalities.

How Does the LHP Compare to Other Healing Modalities?
Creator has shared with us that an important message that needs to be spread, is that any healing work not actively requesting a divine partnership will have limited benefits. This is true of most “energy healers”. Karl & Denny will also probe the possible risk of attracting and introducting dark spirit possession by energy healers invoking outside energies without divine protection.

What Capabilities Make the LHP Unique & Powerful?
Karl & Denny will highlight some of the key attributes and approaches that make the Lightworker Healing Protocol truly special in its inner workings and able to obtain the deep healing truly needed to affect the destiny of individuals and collective humanity.

Can Anything Jesus Taught His Disciples be Added to LHP?
Karl asked this question of Creator and will share the amazing and encouraging answer!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about unique advantages of the LHP protocol … Webinar: Divine Healing – LHP Opportunities & Constraints 04Aug2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Divine Healing – LHP Opportunities & Constraints 04Aug2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

How can GW and LHP  beliefs be discussed with others?
With the growing disbelief fostered by the secular movement, and often inflexible dogma held by the religious, practitioners of the Protocol will encounter resistance and disbelief from many, if not most, of those around them, often even skeptical loved ones. We explore this issue with Creator and will share the divine perspective about coping with this dilemma.

Will all practitioners get the same benefit using the LHP?
Karl & Denny will go over the basic requirements most practitioners can meet to get success with the Lightworker Healing Protocol, and illustrate how, on occasion, the practitioner can be too close to the problem and get in their own way.

What Happens When One Fails to Get Benefits with the LHP?
It is important for both clients and practitioners to understand the many complications and uncertainties in requesting divine healing, even with an elegant tool like the Lightworker Healing Protocol. Many practitioners have doubts, and it is important to learn what Creator says about the inevitable failures and seeming failures they will experience, to put things in perspective so they avoid self-blame.

Is there anything Jesus taught his disciples about how to heal that could be added to the Protocol?
Karl asked this question of Creator and will share the amazing and encouraging answer! Karl & Denny will highlight a few of the ways that the Lightworker Healing Protocol is superior to other healing modalities.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine healing, LHP opportunities & constraints … Webinar: Time Travel Consequences and Opportunities 28Jul2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Time Travel Consequences and Opportunities 28Jul2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Can Time Travelers Access Actual Past or Only Parallel Past?
Science fiction presumes we can’t go back to an earlier point in our life on the same timeline without risking change to something that might undo our very existence. Karl & Denny will explore why Creator says this isn’t at all true, although there are complications involved if we’re not careful.

What if a Time Traveler Were to Prevent Their Own Birth?
Can we get lost in time somewhere? We have probed a number of such scenarios with Creator who explains how time travel and the looping of time among time domains can encompass such possibilities and make sense of the energetic consequences.

How Does Time Travel to the Past Affect Future Lifetimes?
How does affecting the past change our karma? If someone went back in time and killed themselves in infancy to avoid a troubled childhood, would they benefit? Can requesting healing to be done back in time for someone who’s passed, bring them back to life?

Can We Bend Time with Divine Help to Get More Done?
Karl & Denny explore this possibility with Creator to understand the reality of what can be done to alter the consequences of time in our favor.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about time travel consequences and opportunities … Webinar: Healing Energy Across Parallel Lifetimes 21Jul2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Healing Energy Across Parallel Lifetimes 21Jul2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

How Powerfully Can Future Lives Affect Our Current Life?
Creator further unravels the complexities of the crosstalk from living multiple parallel lifetimes simultaneously. This is the current paradigm as a consequence that everything is happening simultaneously in the Now.

How Important are Future Extensions vs. Other Timelines?
The fact that each life creates a potential future life extension means further opportunities for trauma are created that can influence the present lifetime. Karl & Denny will share the probing questions addressed by Creator about how all this works through the Law of Karma to influence us.

How Can the Past be Healed Without Undoing the Present?
There are many myths about time travel that color our thinking. Karl & Denny will describe how the divine can heal the energetic signature of past events without undoing them in actuality. This brings the true healing needed to return balance and happiness to the current life experience.

Can Retroactive Healing be Done for Those in the Light?
Our exploration of divine healing across time domains led us to probe whether we can have retroactive healing work performed in the past, for loved ones who have passed on. The surprising answer is not only can this be done, but it holds many benefits for helping future lifetimes. It’s never too late to heal something.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about healing energy across parallel lifetimes …