Webinar: What Your Higher Self Can Do For You 03Mar2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: What Your Higher Self Can Do For You 03Mar2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

What is the Higher Self?
Many know of its existence but are uncertain about what it is and its place in the soul hierarchy. Karl & Denny will share Creator explanations of the makeup and purpose of this important part of our soul’s complex vastness and entirety.

Is Direct Communication with the Higher Self Possible?
There are many misconceptions about the need for, and how one can communicate with, the Higher Self directly, especially to enhance receiving information. Many approaches are being followed which give false feedback. Karl & Denny will share Creator’s setting the record straight about what is possible and what is not.

What is the Role of the Higher Self?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s clarifications regarding the divine perspective on the critical role of the Higer Self and further discuss what the Higher Self contributes to the life experience of an incarnated human and how it governs.

Can We Appeal to the Higher Self Directly?
People are mostly unaware that their Higher Self can do many additional and remarkable things for the asking. Karl & Denny will share Creator’s instructions for how you can unleash this power to improve your life!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about what the higher self can do for you … Webinar: Hate Crimes & Hoaxes Similarly Inspired 03Mar2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Hate Crimes & Hoaxes Similarly Inspired 03Mar2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Are Hate Crimes a True Warning of Cultural Backwardness?
Karl & Denny will share what Creator says in response to the questions: “How big is the problem, truly?” “Are the crime statistics at all accurate about the prevalence of racial hate crimes?”

Are Hate Crime Hoaxes Rare or a More Frequent Problem?
What motivates people to concoct a hoax about such a sensitive subject as race relations? Is there a deeper problem going on under our noses than racism alone? Karl & Denny discuss Creator’s answers to these important questions.

Does Breathless Media Coverage Help Race Relations?
Does intensive media attention serve the cause of truth in showcasing hate crimes with such a bright public spotlight? Does politics play a negative role in assessing these problems in society? Are there deeper and more sinister motivations and whose might these be? Karl & Denny share Creator’s answers.

Is Deep Hatred of Political Opponents Justified and Normal?
Karl & Denny will explore Creator’s expose on whether the narratives tying political agendas to racial prejudice are warranted and helpful to advance the cause of human progress.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions on hate crimes and hoaxes similarly inspired? … Webinar: Prevent Getting Trapped Returning to the Light 24Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Prevent Getting Trapped Returning to the Light 24Feb2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

What is the Best Way to Prepare for Your Eventual Passing?
Given what Creator says about many people becoming earthbound spirits when they pass, Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator advises how we think about this next stage of our existence, and what specific things we can do to truly be ready for a smooth passage with no delays or struggling.

What is the Divine View of Assisted Suicide?
With all the religious injunctions against suicide, many have fought to legalize it, and to have physician assistance with the process to make it more humane. Karl & Denny will share how Creator responds to the questions: “Is this a morally acceptable practice?” “Do we need to overcome the fears instilled in us?”

Are Dark Forces Working Against Our Return to the Light?
We have been taught that what happens to us after we die will depend on who we are and what we have done, to bring about a fitting end or judgment of us. Karl & Denny will reveal what Creator says about whether this is a misinterpretation. Is it really dark forces working against us that can hold us back?

Can Crossing Over to the Light be Guaranteed in Advance?
Karl & Denny will discuss Creator’s answers to these questions: “Can we create an insurance policy in the form of a future spirit rescue, in the event we might need it when we exit our body for good one day?” “Can people who are in a prolonged coma or in a vegetative state be assisted to cross over, and is that a blessing?”

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about preventing getting trapped on your return to the light … Webinar: Preparing Questions for Creator 24Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Preparing Questions for Creator 24Feb2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Does the Originator’s Question Become the Channeler’s?
During a channeling, is Creator answering the originator of the question, or strictly the channeler who is asking it on behalf of the questioner during the session? Karl & Denny will share Creator’s answer about whether the channeler is just a conduit having no influence on the words and answers that come forth, or a potential source of error.

What Happens When the Channeler is Confused?
What are the pitfalls in the event of misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the intent behind the question on the part of the channeler asking a question on behalf of someone? Many questions are open-ended and can be answered from different perspectives and levels of detail. Karl & Denny share Creator’s comments on just how big a problem this is in getting the best information from a session.

How Critical is Deep Understanding of the Subject?
What if the channeler has a deep understanding but the originator of the question does not? Will lack of familiarity prevent unearthing a deeper description? What if the opposite is true? Karl and Denny share Creator’s response.

How Can Questions be Crafted for the Best Response?
Karl & Denny will explore Creator’s tutelage on what to think about and address to get the answers you want most. Can a channeler’s shortcomings be mitigated?

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about preparing questions for Creator … Webinar: Human Follies Designed to FAIL 17Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Human Follies Designed to FAIL 17Feb2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Can We Trust Government Watchdog Agencies?
Karl & Denny will share what Creator says about whether there is corruption that goes beyond political and corporate interests. Who do these powerful agencies really serve and what are the consequences?

Risks to Maximizing Profit Over Any Other Interests?
Karl & Denny share Creator’s answer to the question, “Can planned obsolescence of consumer products lead to human obsolescence?”

Why Environmental Activism Almost Never Becomes Action?
Karl & Denny will discuss Creator’s answer to this perplexing question! Creator’s perspective on lofty conservation measures and who they may really be serving will be shared.

Can Protective Legislation Backfire?
Karl & Denny will explore Creator’s perspective about gun control and vaccination as examples of government policies that are a mixed blessing.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about human follies designed to FAIL … Webinar: Preparing Others for the Afterlife 17Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Preparing Others for the Afterlife 17Feb2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

How Can We Help Prepare Loved Ones for Passage?
Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator says about the importance of preparing to cross over one day, and what can complicate the passing under such trying circumstances. Creator’s suggestions for helping people cope with the enormity of impending death will be shared.

How to Support a Non-Believer when Death is Pending?
Karl & Denny will share what Creator reveals about the plight of the non-believer, and how to still give them hope to cling to.

Can Grieving Another Interfere With Their Transition?
Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator reveals about the power of people’s thoughts and the consequences of the bonds people have formed, when they become too possessive, or their grief is too intense.

The Importance of Timely Healing for a Smooth Transition
Karl & Denny will discuss the various emotional liabilities that can hinder the soul’s return to the light. Also shared will be Creator’s travel tips that help people get ready for the next journey.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions preparing loved ones for the aftermath … Webinar: How to Streamline & Empower Complex Prayers 10Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: How to Streamline & Empower Complex Prayers 10Feb2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

How Can Prayers be Made More Efficient to Request?
Karl & Denny will share an amazing revelation from Creator! Humans create “code words” all the time that symbolize complex and detailed concepts among knowing participants, and enable people to communicate intricate intentions quickly and easily. Can this work for prayer as well?

Can “Code Words” and “Mega Prayers” Dilute Intention?
Karl & Denny have learned from Creator that INTENTION is the true power behind prayer. That prayer is a tool to shape, enliven and deliver human intention to Creator and the Divine Realm. Can code words “really” accomplish this sufficiently?

Are There Limits to Streamlining Prayer Requests?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s perspective on the pitfalls of trying to maximized efficiency, and where to draw the line.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about how to streamline & empower complex prayer … Webinar: Microbes as a Tool of the Darkness 10Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Microbes as a Tool of the Darkness 10Feb2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Are Hazardous Pathogens “Natural” or Engineered?
Karl & Denny will reveal what Creator says about the origin and purpose of deadly microbes. Are they “natural” – either being a product of divine creation, or natural selection, or are they “engineered” by non-divine beings for nefarious purposes?

Are Microbes Native to Earth?
Karl & Denny will share what Creator reveals about the origins of dangerous germs. Can they arrive “naturally” or accidentally from space? Can they survive in the hostile atmosphere of deep space? Can they ride in on meteorites or even space dust? How long can pathogens survive in a dormant state?

Are Some Infamous Outbreaks of Human Origin?
Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator says about the origin of AIDS and Ebola.

Have Some Microbes been Introduced by Actual Aliens?
Many researchers have uncovered stories of flying saucers appearing just before outbreaks of deadly plague in the middle ages. Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator says about this and other speculated nefarious extraterrestrial “seedings”.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about microbes as a tool of the darkness … Webinar: Mysteries of the Walk-In Phenomenon 03Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Mysteries of the Walk-In Phenomenon 03Feb2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Is Becoming a Walk-in a Shortcut to Reincarnation?
Creator reveals the reasons why and how the soul and consciousness of a being can step into an existing body and replace the former inhabitant.

What are the Karmic Consequences for the Walk-in Soul?
Karl & Denny will discuss the energetic consequences and complications from inhabiting a human body influenced by two soul-based beings at once.

What is it Like to Enter Physical Life as a Walk-in?
Karl & Denny will interview a person who Creator affirms has entered their current life as a walk-in, and who retains a memory of the experience itself, as well as the challenges of adjusting. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

How Common are Walk-ins? “Who” or What can Walk-in?
Almost everything can be a blessing or a curse, depending on intent. Karl & Denny will share what Creator reveals about ways in which spirit meddlers and extraterrestrials can exploit the walk-in phenomena for manipulation of human beings.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about human origins and destiny … Webinar: Escaping the Grip of Cellular Memory Problems 03Feb2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Escaping the Grip of Cellular Memory Problems 03Feb2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

How Can Cells Have Consciousness?
Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator shares about how it can be both beneficial and harmful for the body to have a mind of its own.

How Big a Problem is Cellular Memory?
Karl & Denny will describe the experiences and symptoms of actual clients impaired by cellular memory re-creating past trauma, even from other lifetimes, and how this figures into everyday problems.

How Does Cellular Memory Manifest Karmic Dilemmas?
Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator says about aspects of the mechanism of cellular memory and its interactions with repositories of consciousness, like the akashic records, which are the springboard for karma influencing our lives.

How Can Cellular Memory be Effectively Healed?
Karl & Denny will discuss the breakthrough potential of the Lightworker Healing Protocol for alleviating things like chronic anxiety and depression, and even helping severe health conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and autism by removing cellular memory effects.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about escaping the grip of cellular memory problems …