Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 22May2022

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 22May2022 

  1. What exactly are the “Face on Mars” and the apparent pyramids nearby in the Cydonia region of Mars? Is the “face” truly a megalithic sculpture of a humanoid face, or just a trick of light and shadow as seen from space? If they are real, what is their story; who built them, and why?
  2. Thoth and the Emerald Tablets Message Body: Who was Thoth and what do the Emerald Tablets represent? Was Toth an Anunnaki, a human or a hybrid?What is the truth of Toth’s existence, and what was the purpose of Emerald Tablets & Thoth’s teachings?
  3. If one third of people don’t go into the light upon their deaths, how do some do so years later if a human has not done a Spirit Rescue for them? 
  4. Are there scientists today that are seeking to find a solution on how to utilize the Quantum Field or Zero Point Energy as a power source and, at the same time, are turning to Creator for help to accomplish this?
  5. What are or were the values of such traditions and religions such as Paganism, Shamanism, and Druidry along with the other indigenous religions that were wiped out by the more modern state sponsored mainstream religions?In what way did these serve the Light and in which ways did they serve the ET interlopers?
  6. What are the plausible changes that humans would notice if the ETs were to leave? What would be noticed with respect to weather changes?Are there any other changes that would need some type of explanation given humans seem to think hurricanes and other severe weather and seismic disasters are part of the natural world?
  7. Is Graphene toxic? Is it now being used in chemtrails above the USA and other countries? What purpose does it serve? Does the Lightworker Healing Protocol cover this in terms of its harmful influence on humans and other living things?
  8. What can you tell us about the Georgia Guidestones?What is the purpose of this monument and what is your perspective on its message, warnings and origins?
  9. The typical human perspective towards reptiles, in general, is that they seem to be the antithesis of what we would consider as ‘love-based beings’ yet they were created by the same Creator that created the corrupted, but ‘love based’ humans who still seem to have vestiges of this loving nature. Can you explain these differences and how a Reptile could be reconsidered, especially in its healed state?
  10. If karma is an adjunct to the learning process, and Creator itself is, it seems, also leaning from the creation process, is it also subject to the Laws of Karma, and if not, why not? How is the Divine Realm itself subjected to the laws of karma as it relates to the created universe?

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 18July2021

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 18July2021

  1. Can you explain the connection between the astral planes and the subconscious mind, if there is any?
  2. Creator talks about the lower and higher astral planes. Other groups talk about the astral, mental, causal, and soul planes and planes above the soul plane. What is the difference and what are the actual planes the soul experiences?
  3. How was it possible for the Anunnaki, Reptilian and Arcturian races, for example, to advance past the stage of current human nuclear technology without destroying themselves, since they have been corrupted by dark spirits to be aggressive, power-hungry beings? This seems always to be the rationale for assuming that any ET races that HAVE made it to interstellar travel would necessarily have outgrown such folly as war, or they would have already destroyed themselves along the way.
  4. Are there, as has been described by other channelers, independent, advanced, physical “free races” on some planets, that would be natural allies of humanity, that are benevolent, and not under Anunnaki rule—or at least able to contact human channelers “behind the backs” of Anunnaki rulership—or were all such channelings just another example of Anunnaki psychics leading humanity astray with more seductive disinformation?
  5. How much of inner corruption is due to external influences from dark spirit attachments and possessions and/or ET Alliance mind control manipulation, and how much is due to strictly internal influences of craving, aversion and confusion (the “Three Roots of suffering,” according to Buddhist philosophy)?
  6. We have been told that in order for a human to establish a direct communication with the Divine there has to be certain criteria in place, one of those being that there needs to be a high purpose for the communication. Yet we have also been told by Creator that being able to talk to the Divine directly had been the standard mode of operation before the divine human was corrupted and disconnected from most of their intuitive connection. Is it true that when still functioning as intended, humans could talk to the Divine all day long without there having to be a high purpose necessarily as a prerequisite for the communication to be established?
  7. If created beings are extensions of Creator‘s consciousness, and the perception of apparent separation from Creator’s consciousness is actually an illusion, how could the first Angelic beings, who later became the Fallen Angels, due to the pursuit of power to strengthen their egos, fall into that delusion of separation in the first place, of even having a separate “ego”, while the others did not, and remained in Divine Alignment? What were the conditions that allowed or caused some Angels to fall out of Divine alignment?

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 28Feb2021

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 28Feb2021

1) What are the values inherent in geomancy, numerology and bibliomancy and can they be used beneficially and, if so, how is the best way to do that? 

2) Given the smaller land mass and smaller population when compared to some other countries, why is the United States so powerful and prominent on the world’s stage?

3) We have learned that in some cases a human soul can inhabit a human/Grey hybrid when the human component is sufficient in the make-up, but can a human clone or a human/Grey hybrid reproduce with a regular human being?

4)  How long can a human clone live and how long can a human/grey hybrid live?

5) Are there any hybrids or clones who are in the public eye such as entertainers or prominent figures in religion, politics or business?

6) How does the human clone and human/grey hybrid program harm humans and how does it serve the current negative ET annihilation plan? 

7) In what way, specifically, does the use of the Lightworker Healing Protocol solve the clone and human hybrid problem that is currently contributing to the ET annihilation plans for humankind?

8) We know that having false hopes and constant doubts can be detrimental. Could lacking faith or belief be just as detrimental? 

9) Taking into consideration one’s entire consciousness, including all conceptual, sensory and emotional phenomena and the parts of our minds which are not part of our conscious awareness – what is the best way to discern the most beneficial course of action that is in alignment with the Divine Realm and Source Creator’s plan?

10)  If a being in the light has a negative karmic backlog from previous incarnations, but chooses not to reincarnate to possibly heal that karma, how is their existence in the light affected, if at all? 

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Apr2020

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Apr2020

1) The Chinese coronavirus is spread as aerosols, not merely as droplet dispersion. Is this virus being distributed by chemtrails? The USA continues to be hit hard by chemtrails. Can the Lightworker Healing Protocol be modified to address exposure or elimination of chemtrails, at least in the USA if not globally? And finally is the mainstream media being used to disinform the public about the severity of this pandemic?

2) It has been stated in the Adolph Hitler channeling, as well as others, that WWII was slated to be the final solution for the pesky humans on Earth. It was also stated that this was avoided because of many prayers with a resultant divine intervention.  This would seem to go against Creator’s statement that ANY killing is non-divine.  WWII has always been characterized as the “good” war, and that it was necessary to stop Hitler. Could you clear this up for us?

3) Is there any truth to the idea that more enlightened/awake/aligned with the Divine a person becomes, the faster they may experience the effects of karma, and therefore the stakes appear to be higher for the wiser, more spiritually advanced person, although it may actually be a difference only in the size of the experienced gap between an action and its consequence?

4) In recent years, there has been a rock/megalith discovery on Gornaya Shoria/ Mount Shoria in southern Siberia in Russia. Was this an enormous rock structure created by the Anunnaki or another ET Race? If so, what was the significance of this site? Was the Trilithon at Baalbek and Gobekli Tepe also Anunnaki sites, possibly used for sacrifice and ’entertainment” of Anunnaki?

5) A well known whistleblower who claims to be a part of, or a former member of, the Secret Space Program, or what is known here as the Mercenary Army Program, states that the German breakaway culture in space has time traveled and established 50 colonies in space with approaching one billion in population each and they are in contact with other ET groups not yet described here. This is 7 times the Earth’s current human population. Is this true? If it is true, is the Lightworker Healing Protocol work being done here benefit these supposed off planet human populations? What about the off planet human slave colonies that we already know about?

6) You have said that perhaps 10% of babies born today are ET hybrids who are categorically soulless beings. How does this affect the karma involved when they interact with their families and others in their lives? If a divine human family member were to mistreat the hybrid child, for example, does that incur karma for the human in the same way as it would if a human child were involved?

7) Seeing as how we were ill-equipped to handle the interlopers with this current divine human project and we fail and humanity is eliminated, what would Creator do differently, if anything, for the next attempt for the divine human? Would the ET races be eliminated as well or would there be another attempt to place them back on Earth? Would we be given any other upgrades to make us less susceptible to manipulation? From my understanding, it is not the fault of humans for not being able to withstand the evil spirits and ET meddling because we are just not equipped with enough capability to do some, right from the outset. Was this a miscalculation by Creator thinking we were given enough to overcome the great power of the interlopers or why weren’t we given some baseline programming not to at least be so easily reprogrammed?

In question 2) Karl Mollison continues to channel information about Adolph Hitler, WWII, and divine intervention to save humanity. Learn more by checking out the original Hitler channeling from 2017.

Viewer Questions for Creator 25Dec2019

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Viewer Questions for Creator 25Dec2019

1)  A viewer asks about a relative who is addicted to alcohol and cigarettes; the viewer is a LHP Practitioner and has done the LHP more than once, yet this relative continues with heavy use of alcohol and cigarettes. Would it help to keep doing an LHP, or is free will over riding it – or is maybe something else going on?

2)  What is the true origin of tarot cards? Are they portals for the demonic? Are some decks more benign than others? For example the Rider-Waite deck in comparison to the Thoth deck or the Egyptian Decks? Can they be used for a divine purpose when you call upon the Divine Realm and Source Creator for protection and guidance? Are the other divination card decks in the same category, so to speak, as the Tarot?

3)  We often hear that is a good idea to wear sunscreen. Some medical studies say that sunscreen can prevent premature aging and skin cancers. Others recommend to not use such chemicals that are found in sun screens as they can actually be harmful. We know that many products are contaminated or manufactured using chemicals that are actually toxic and we have even been warned that some products contain nano-technology that is intentionally used for nefarious purposes. Do we really benefit from sunscreen or is prayer for protection from the harmful rays of the sun enough? We know that there is variability in terms of belief quotient for all humans, even among believers, so is using sunscreen recommended when exposed to the sun to any significant extent?

4)  Most American men have prostate problems by age 60. Is this due to genetic tampering by the ETs, or processed food diets, or chemical exposure in the past decades, or something else? What can the majority of the population do to reverse the swollen prostate or cancerous conditions that develop? Would any supplements help?

5)  You have stated that meditation without explicit partnering with the divine realm is quite limited in its ability to offer the practitioner anything outside of, essentially, stress relief, relaxation, and the quieting of the mind. How do you then explain that many Buddhist practitioners, who are most often not appealing to the divine realm explicitly due to lack of belief (Buddhism does not teach that Creator/God exists, and many lineages deny the existence of the soul), nevertheless experience profound spiritual openings, awakenings, complete shifts in identity and in how one views and experiences reality, including Divine orientations such as the recognition of Oneness, of compassion and love for all beings, and other holy understandings and expressions? Could it be that one can in fact become enlightened, or even just very spiritually awake, without being explicitly oriented toward God and the Divine realm, as Buddhism has taught and seemingly succeeded at for thousands of years?

6)  Were ET’s involved in the disappearance of Malaysian airlines flight 370 that vanished with 200 + people on board? If so are any of them still alive and if there are any survivors are they on an ET slave colony?

7)  What purpose does the pineal gland truly serve and is it true that fluoride added to the water supply allegedly to keep our teeth and gums healthy causes calcification of the pineal gland to make us docile and is this a part of the ’dumbing down’ we’ve received from the interlopers or is this disinformation?

8)  Some people have been observing in recent years the decline in memory, both short term and long term and this has been observed in people who are relatively young, generally too young for “dementia” or other memory loss phenomena typically associated with aging. Is there something to this in terms of the increasing intensity of the attacks being launched at humans by the interlopers (e.g., deleterious EMFs, harmful chemicals and even nano-sized microchips in the environment and in food and water) that is disrupting the human nervous system? If there is truth to this idea, what are the strongest causal factors of this phenomena? What is the best response to this if it is indeed a real problem?

9)  When the current humans were created and placed on Earth, why were they not given some protection from mind manipulation seeing as how this seems to be a problem with each version of human placed in the physical realm? If this current physical human existence does not succeed, will there be some new guidelines on how the next is created? It’s not the physical human’s fault that they are designed in a way that allows such easy manipulation of the physical mind and body. Can’t you put in default programming that allows free will but prevents the initial manipulation so that humans aren’t so easily targeted?

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“I can tell you with complete and total sincerity from the bottom of my heart, so to speak, that my life was well worth living from just having given my few talks and telling my story. It was worth every moment of doubt and fear and physical harm done to me, including my death and the loss of my remaining years. I would gladly do it over and over again. This I will be doing in person in my next incarnation as well. I will continue to serve. The highest calling is the serving of the soul.” ~ Phil Schneider channeled by Karl Mollison 05May2017.
“In raising up the interlopers you will transcend, and that will launch you on your way into the ascension process. It will not happen unless this problem is met head-on and dealt with. That is the urgency of our message for you. It is not a misdirection or an inconvenience that can be dismissed and left to others. All have a stake in this and all have a say in what will happen next. If you choose actively or if you choose passively, you will be choosing and the consequences will ensue. Choose wisely and well and if you choose to be on the path of divine love, you will not fail.” ~ Source Creator

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 17Oct2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 17Oct2017

revised  – Questions for Creator 17 Oct 2017

1) Gifford  – Why does the ET Alliance (Annunaki, Nordics and Reptilians) want our planet for themselves so badly, and/or to eliminate humanity?

2) Karen G. Can you expound on the idea of freedom and the fear of death?

3) Karen G. When a message is given that does not align with the Light what is it that we being asked to accept?

4) Karen G. – Have some practices that could be beneficial, such as meditation, been deliberately made difficult  through DNA or mind control manipulation to cause humanity to feel that they cannot be successful in applying these methods?

5) Be content  –  Is our higher self the highest evolved aspect of our soul (assuming other aspects exist in higher dimensions) ?

6) Be content  –  When people die on earth and return to the light, do they become aware of their other lifetimes on other worlds?  If so, are they trapped into reincarnation on earth, or are they consciously free to either return to Source or to go on to existence in other worlds or dimensions as their soul’s evolution permits, making this last lifetime their final earth lifetime?

7) Douglas Quaid –  Was reptilian being that replaced Dönitz an actual physical reptilian?  Or one who either literally shapeshifted or was using psyonic field projection to make all the humans think he was Dönitz?  Or if it was just the reptilian’s soul that was implanted into a cloned body of Dönitz? How does this literally work given that the testimony from the Light Being (Dönitz) was that he was killed?

8)  Denny – How do you resolve the fact that the state claims a monopoly of violence and yet human government is generally accepted as needed?

9) Denny  – What can you tell us about giants that once lived on the American continent?

10) Denny – Why was Santa Rosa, California chosen as the location for the firestorm attack?