GetWisdom.com Webinar: Mind-Control Affecting Society 04Nov2018
What we’ll cover in this event …
Our Investigation of Mind-Control Continues …
Karl and Denny explore what Creator says about the impact of mind-control on society at large. How does mind control affect culture? How does it affect lifestyle choices? Scientific pursuits? Careers and career choices? Art and entertainment? Family and neighborhoods? Why do small rural communities value stability and tradition, while large cities are cold, impersonal, and immoral despite the close proximity of people? Why are people concentrating in cities in spite of this stark difference?
The Broad Undermining of Humanity
Karl and Denny explore what Creator says on this critically important topic. Can mind-control and an explicit and dark agenda explain ever-increasing societal disintegration? Does mind-control explain how our education of the young has become so dysfunctional and counter-intuitive? Does it explain the confusion around religion, and the adolescent behavior of politicians?
Viewer Questions and Answers
The GetWisdom.com Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about mind-control affecting society …