MAP (SSP) Abductee Channeled by Karl Mollison 05 July 2020
MAP stands for Mercenary Army Program and it is also more popularly known as the Secret Space Program. MAP has been determined to be a more accurate term for what is actually going on. The trappings around the term Secret Space Program are a perfect set up for confusion, disinformation and also provides ample red flags that become very obvious once we get an education about this topic.
Most explanations are misleading and this is evidenced by the testimonies themselves from those who are likely members. The descriptions of their experiences fit more closely to the idea of abduction, various manipulations and deceits to garner their participation and cooperation.
In fact, most of the discoveries along the way reveal what may be viewed as a very dark agenda for anyone involved.
These are the signs to look for if you suspect that you might be a MAP Abductee.
Tired in the morning, like you’ve been out working all night.
Unexplained marks on your body. Injuries that cannot be accounted for.
Loss of time. Especially childhood memories of chunks of missing time.
Military affiliations: parents, uncles and aunts and/or grandparents in the military, intelligence services, defense contractors, civilian working in classified military installations.
You yourself are in the military.
Extraordinary interest in anything related to space, ET’s, Astronomy, the occult sciences and exotic military arts.
Unexplained PTSD symptoms.
Unexplained symptoms of Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD).
Fragmented memories of being on a space ship or among ET’s/non-human entities.
Waking night paralysis.
Frequent sightings of UFO or lights that seem to interact with your unspoken thoughts.
Sightings of UFO or lights that instill fear or give you the feeling that you are being watched or studied.
Some or all of these may be present. Some extreme cases are known where the abductee may have only one of the signs noted above, but actually is very involved as a MAP Abductee. In some cases, the abductee has had multiple lives as a member of the MAP. This is not a new phenomenon at all. It goes back thousands of years.
One thing that you may have heard is the term “20 and back” and this has been verified through the channeling work of Karl Mollison. This entails time travel and regression where the subject is taken out of their lives to serve a term of twenty years and then returned to the same time, location and age with the illusion that nothing has happened.
The common scenario is that the abductee is taken in childhood, pre-teen or as a teenager, then serves the 20 years in a training of sorts that may include rather harsh tests of loyalty, endurance and reliability to do what is commanded. They are often implanted with memories of having some noble function or duties.
Many if not all of the females are pressed into some type of sex slavery role and as their memories are accessed this is often not made known until quite late into the investigation or not at all. Also many of the female abductees are impregnated and their babies are harvested early term and sometimes their memories of this are enmeshed into narratives about saving humanity or some other human-like ET race that depends upon their cooperation for sharing their offspring and DNA. Genetic material from males is also taken for use in this breeding program. This purpose of this program is to create ET Grey/ Human hybrids.
Almost all of these so-called screen memories for both the males and females serve as cover for some very dark doings and manipulations including trauma based mind control of the abductees and unfortunately other innocent victims that serve as expendable training tools.
Our studies into these MAP Abductee phenomena include channelings of the victim’s higher selves, direct questions to Creator and deep subconscious Holographic Memory Resolution sessions using the channeling work of Karl Mollison to access the client’s deep subconscious.
The emphasis in this work is healing and not a fact finding mission or for the purposes of digging up salacious stories which are already what we mostly find when looking into the subject of those involved, real or imagined, in the Secret Space Program.
Unfortunately, most of what one will find on the internet, YouTube and even in some allegedly well researched books is disinformation. This is by design because for the dark alien agenda, the MAP phenomena must remain a secret in order for their long range plans to be carried out in the fashion they prefer: namely, the ET’s running the show here on earth intend to use the MAP members to operate as a militarized cleanup crew to kill their fellow humans after the death and destruction currently being wrought upon humans is largely completed. MAP abductees are also regularly cloned. They are used as a template to create programmable robots that look exactly like the abductee, in order to expand the cohort which will be used as minions for the ET’s planned final solution.
The questions used in this channeling session were supplied by MAP abductees.