Karl Mollison Explains the Lightworker Healing Protocol 25Dec2022
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Why is the Lightworker #Healing Protocol so different from every other healing modality? What sets it apart and makes this high-level prayer request so thorough end effective? In this video, Karl Mollison, the developer and founder of GetWisdom.com, describes the main features of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and why it is claimed to be the tool that can save and heal humanity.
What are people saying about the Get Wisdom mission and our healing services?
“It’s hard to contain, let alone put into words, the gratitude and joy (not to mention the urgency) I feel when I think how lucky I am to have discovered Get Wisdom. To be getting not only what I feel in my heart is true information about what’s REALLY going on in our world and universe, and why (as well as corroborating lots of other research I’ve done on my own, filling in missing puzzle pieces), but also the TOOLS to make a significant CONTRIBUTION to healing and saving Humanity, is really quite incredible. Whether it’s the spiritual arena, deep healing, metaphysics, the Deep State, UFOs or ExoPolitics (all of which I’ve always been fascinated with), all threads are elegantly woven together within Get Wisdom. Not only that, but here is a growing community of like-minded, incredibly talented, insightful, intelligent, dedicated, courageous, funny, good-hearted people from all over the world, who are pretty much on the same wavelength, who “get it,” AND are more than willing to roll up their sleeves to work hard and smart, together, taking daily action, as a loving and supportive TEAM—actually it feels more like a FAMILY—to learn, discover and create new ways to help fix our problems as we proceed, when, as it turns out, time is of the essence. Do you know how GOOD that feels? To no longer settle for just sitting in the peanut gallery, “watching the show with our popcorn,” as so many contemporary “Truther” or “Disclosure” communities are wont to do, but to actually begin to seriously probe into and understand what the REAL extent of our problems are, their true origins, AND get the tools to fix them?! And then set about DOING just that?! I ask you: What more important way could there possibly be to spend the rest of this precious life you have?”