Viewer Questions for Creator by Karl Mollison 09Jan2018

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 09Jan2018

1) Mike P – Do humans receive bad karma for eating animals?

2) Karen G – Does time spent in the lower astral plane diminish karmic debt in any way?

3) Denny – In previous channeling sessions it was stated that we have it backwards, we should celebrate death and be mournful about birth, so with that in mind how can we prepare ourselves upon death to recognize and meet the light callers to avoid becoming an earthbound spirit?

4) Jenn – If a woman cannot conceive what are the likely causes? Are the causes typically a Karmic condition or is it also sometimes due to outside interference from dark spirits and /or malevolent extraterrestrials?

5) Multiple Questioners – When we make an intuitive connection with a being, how can we be sure we are connecting to one that is indeed from the Divine Realm or in alignment with the Divine Realm?

 6) Normand Dionne – Is our reality an artificial construct, or a holographic projection, or what is known as a matrix?

7) Kevin W – What are the different types of control mechanisms used to control human beings physically and/or mentally, and which beings (human, Reptilians, Greys, Nordics, Anunnaki, A.I or Other) have a part in each one?

8) Tamara – What is the nature, mass and angle of obliquity relative to our solar orbit, of the binary star, dark star companion to our sun (Sol)? Are there any reliable records for ancient pole star positions that we can use to establish scientific credibility for the presence and location of our binary companion?

9) Hayley S – What should we know about Artificial Intelligence and Transhumanism? How does this relate to the activities of the Anunnaki here on earth?

10) Karl and Denny – Some say that making money as a Lightworker is wrong. Is it moral and wise to accept payment for healing and/or channeling work? What are the recommended guidelines for doing so?

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 21Nov2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 21Nov2017

1. [00:15:45]:What is the real truth about gold and why is it valuable?

2. [00:19:00]: When does the soul enter the fetus and is there a heavy karmic debt attached to abortion, as a very negative choice? 

3. [00:35:45]: Is it safe to give vaccines to our children these days, in the United States? 

4. [00:48:50]: David Paulides writes a books and produced a documentary called the missing 411 on people going missing from national parks. Is the missing people issue connected to slave colony talked about by Ann Robards? 

5. [00:57:23]: Is orgon or orgonite truly an effective remedy to counteract the negative influences of all the electromagnetic frequencies in our lives today? 

6. [01:01:21]: Is it true that every human being has a guardian angel and if so, how can we communicate with them? What do we look for if they are trying to communicate with us? 

7. [01:15:18]: Creator at this time how many physical benevolent beings and/or races are living on or in close proximity to the Earth and the moon? 

8. [01:26:50]: This is regarding the Annunaki. Where do they come from, what do they look like, are they humanoid, do they perceive spiritual consciousness in the way that Earth humans do, and what are their gifts and proclivities? 

9. [01:36:08]: Is there a being that created you? Are there other Source Creators besides yourself?

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 17Oct2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 17Oct2017

revised  – Questions for Creator 17 Oct 2017

1) Gifford  – Why does the ET Alliance (Annunaki, Nordics and Reptilians) want our planet for themselves so badly, and/or to eliminate humanity?

2) Karen G. Can you expound on the idea of freedom and the fear of death?

3) Karen G. When a message is given that does not align with the Light what is it that we being asked to accept?

4) Karen G. – Have some practices that could be beneficial, such as meditation, been deliberately made difficult  through DNA or mind control manipulation to cause humanity to feel that they cannot be successful in applying these methods?

5) Be content  –  Is our higher self the highest evolved aspect of our soul (assuming other aspects exist in higher dimensions) ?

6) Be content  –  When people die on earth and return to the light, do they become aware of their other lifetimes on other worlds?  If so, are they trapped into reincarnation on earth, or are they consciously free to either return to Source or to go on to existence in other worlds or dimensions as their soul’s evolution permits, making this last lifetime their final earth lifetime?

7) Douglas Quaid –  Was reptilian being that replaced Dönitz an actual physical reptilian?  Or one who either literally shapeshifted or was using psyonic field projection to make all the humans think he was Dönitz?  Or if it was just the reptilian’s soul that was implanted into a cloned body of Dönitz? How does this literally work given that the testimony from the Light Being (Dönitz) was that he was killed?

8)  Denny – How do you resolve the fact that the state claims a monopoly of violence and yet human government is generally accepted as needed?

9) Denny  – What can you tell us about giants that once lived on the American continent?

10) Denny – Why was Santa Rosa, California chosen as the location for the firestorm attack?

Creator on Northern California Fires Channeled by Karl Mollison Oct2017

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Creator on Northern California Fires Channeled by Karl Mollison Oct2017

Questions for Creator about the Northern California Fires

1) You have stated in a previous private channeling session that almost all so-called natural disasters are not natural. You also state in this same session that the fires here in Northern California were ignited by extraterrestrial means and the winds also were orchestrated to maximize the damage.  Can you explain the technologies used and what level of human participation was employed?

2) And for hurricanes – Can you explain the technologies used and what level of human participation was employed?

3) For those who work in the Fire Services such as CAL FIRE and also among the various Law Enforcement Agencies, who are aware or becoming aware that there are problems with official explanations or with what they are being asked to do in relation to their fellow man; how is that handled in terms of the administrative hierarchy and/or the use of mind control upon them or those who are their supervisors?   How much misinformation, confusion, or inefficiency, is caused by mind control manipulation?

4) Why wasn’t this event designed to cause more loss of life?

5) What is FEMA’s role in terms of the Alien Agenda?

6) What is the relationship between this event and what is known as Agenda 21?

7) What is the Divine Realm’s viewpoint in terms of mitigating or correcting the spiritual and physical damage given the purpose of these tragic fires?

8) What is an example of an answered prayer in this situation?

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Sept2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Sept2017

From Karl –

“So the idea of even talking to Creator is somewhat new for me. It took me years to get here. And I was influenced by the same notions that have been conveyed by the spiritual folk themselves “Oh you can’t really talk to Creator there’s too much energy there, it would be overwhelming, probably even fatal, if you tried to do that. Creator doesn’t deal with us, that’s what the angels are for blah, blah, blah” and so on.

And I always assumed that was so.”

1)  Is there such a thing as a resistance movement as described by Cobra, and if so, what can you describe about that their members and their activities?

2)  Can you tell us if there are such things as the Yaldaboath entity, with toplet plasma bombs, and plasma primary anomaly?

3)  Are entity attachments the result of an individual agreeing to hold a certain perspective of victimhood?

4)  Since everything is an expression of creation is there any point to resisting anything within All That Is?

5)  Did Jim Marrs successfully transition to the Light?

6)  Did William Tompkins successfully transition to the Light?

7)  Will benevolent ETs contact humans telepathically at this time for the purpose of peaceful contact, and for the purpose of scientific and intercultural exchange?

8)  Is there any truth to the idea that part of the abduction phenomenon is that part of human souls are being removed, and if so by whom, and for what purpose?

9)  Are there other spiritual practices besides prayer that are recommended?

10)  What was the significance of the total solar eclipse across the United Stated on August 21st, 2017, and what effect if any did the mass meditation at 11:11 AM Pacific time have on humanity and the probable timelines?

11)  There are vast bodies of research with hundreds of subjects doing life between life regression where subjects report  not encountering any problems getting to the Light after dying. Why is this the case when we have heard from you that fully 1/3rd of those dying do not successfully transition to the Light?

12)   Who or what is making crop circles, and why?

13)  What is going on with these recent Earth changes: back-to-back hurricanes, huge earthquakes in Mexico, forest fires in the west? And are any of them intentionally human engineered, and/or alien engineered, and if so, why?

14)  Are many types of ET’s working together in the human abduction phenomenon?

15)  Dr. Karla Turner mentioned a case where an abductee met a female extraterrestrial who apologized for what others in her race were doing to humanity, and that she and her associates were removing the implants put in by her fellow bad extraterrestrials. What was her real purpose? Was she really a benevolent ET or was this yet another level of deception? You said no extraterrestrials interacting with humans in the physical dimension are benevolent.

Viewer Questions for Creator by Karl Mollison 08Aug2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 08Aug2017

1)  Are actions such as abortion and assisted suicide deliberately seeded into the consciousness of humanity to create karmic debt?

2)  Has the opposition to such actions been deliberately exaggerated to ensure that much of humanity would dismiss the energetic consequences that may be buried in religious doctrine?

3)  Is it possible for a Creator’s plan to fail? Or is it by definition predestined because it is Creator’s plan?

4)  How is the light winning when the darkness seems so prevalent and even seems to be increasing?

5)  How great is the threat to humanity by artificial intelligence?

6)  It has been claimed that the representatives of an ET race have met physically with at least one human secret space program experiencer to promote their message for humanity, that is essentially the golden rule, that we need to become more service to others, raise our consciousness, and forgive ourselves and others. What can possibly be wrong with this?

7)  What is the significance of climate change and should it be considered anthropogenic?

8)  Are extraterrestrial and Earth based military abduction still occurring and what is the purpose?

Viewer Questions for Creator by Karl Mollison 10June2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 10June2017

1) There is a theory that upon death it is recommended not to go into the light because it is a trap used to capture souls into an unending series of incarnations. Is this true?

2)  Since archangels have been mentioned in a positive context, are all angels and archangels light beings or are there not so good ones? In other words, some say Archangel Michael misleads people. Also is the myth of the fallen ones true … Lucifer turning away from the Source and causing havoc on Earth? And way are angels in some parts of the bible described as dangerous beings? By the way, I’m talking about real angels and their characteristics, not imposters that pretend to be angels.

3)  Is it more accurate to think of reincarnation as sequential in terms of human perception of time, or is it more accurate to think of it occurring in terms of life lessons that takes them from a life lived in the thirties to one lived in the dark ages?

4)  Is Creator a group of higher beings then?

5)  Is the flood of channeled and ET info, flooding into our view designed to keep us passively waiting for deliverance by others, rather than using our own powerful co-creative ability?

6)  Does the promise of healing ships etc. keep us from using healing power that we already possess, or could request from the divine if our belief is strong enough?

7)  If humanity is just another neighbor amongst many kinds of beings in the galactic neighborhood what needs to happen before good  ETs can contact us openly in the physical dimension? Is it true that some advanced  benevolent ETs are in open physical contact with other benevolent ET races? If so what was the threshold event or process they had to go through to be an open participant in the galactic community? Or is it as alluded to in Allies of Humanity briefings that benevolent, free planetary races have to achieve their own sovereignty by their own free will and then keep more to themselves rather than to roam the galaxy?

8)  What is the master plan of the malevolent ETs currently in our interacting with humanity? What do they want? Why are they doing all that they are doing?

9)  Is the mind control currently being exerted on all humans the same strength for everyone?

10)  Why can’t you and the “we” you speak of intervene as these people/souls certainly cry out through need, prayer, and direct requests for your help?

11)  On the other side of this is it not enough that there are others for example the three of us creating protective light requests, meaning our collective will/light/request to intervene and  initiate a rescue?

12)  Creator, I am sorry but I need to ask you to recount the collective awakened and re-evaluate the percentage of conscious humans needed for an immediate rescue of your people being held in any and all slave colonies please.

13)  Under what conditions would benevolent ETs ever contact humans and why?