Creator Answers Difficult Questions About Consciousness 26Apr2024
- Why does consciousness exist?
- Is there a basic component of consciousness shared by all human beings?
- Is consciousness, like energy, always “on the move,” in need of movement, and when movement stops, does consciousness itself cease to exist?
- Are movement and flow intrinsic properties of all consciousness, and not expressly designed features?
- As Creator is consciousness, can Creator create anything that is not truly consciousness?
- In its ultimate essence, is everything consciousness at its core?
- Are emotions an intrinsic property of all consciousness?
- Can a rock feel pain, joy, anger, etc?
- Is life force energy of the body a more basic form of consciousness that is more universal than individually configured?
- Is evil a design element of sentient consciousness?
- Creator explains how extensive divine healing is needed to unravel and fully exploit these gifts.