Andrew Goodpaster Channeled by Karl Mollison 30May2017
It otherwise seems to be unknown amongst the various researchers and chroniclers of US Presidential assassinations and attempted assassinations.
Allegedly within the Goodpaster report an informant is quoted, “Obsessed by the idea that a carefully planned political assassination always leads to the necessary war, these officers always are constrained to think of all possible forms of a final action, of which the result could be the assassination by a fanatic of the Russian or American chief of state.”
The report continues, “Army officers—those stationed in Algeria as well as those stationed in the south of France—involved with right-wing Algerian activists, constitute a sort of secret society that is very well hidden.”
This is in alignment with information documented in Richard Cottrell’s book Gladio Nato’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe, The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis.
General Andrew Goodpaster, was favored by Eisenhower to be the next CIA director. However Dulles survivedin his office as CIA Director and it was John F. Kennedy, who after the Bay of Pigs invasion fired Dulles. Goodpaster commanded NATO under President Richard Nixon.
What about the U-2 Spy Plane incident? Here again General Goodpaster was involved: from Eisenhower’s Appointment Book he met following the NSC meeting with Acting Secretary of State Dillon, Secretary of Defense Gates, Director of Central Intelligence Dulles, the President’s National Security Adviser Gordon Gray, and Goodpaster when it was learned that Francis Gary Powers’ U-2 was shot down. What does he now say about this embarrassing episode for the Eisenhower Presidency?
Andrew Goodpaster’s story, now that he is in the Light and can reflect on his involvement in this dark episode and the other events of his time, reveals a chilling story of manipulations and mind control that is pervasive and extensive in the halls of government, the military and intelligence services.
Questions for Andrew Goodpaster
1) Is it true that there was a plot to assassinate Dwight D. Eisenhower?
2) What year was this assassination to take place?
3) How was the Secret Service Agents involved or not involved in this plot?
4) The next question involves and rather lengthy title which I am going to read in its entirety and I apologize for that but it is part of this question Was your testimony as recorded in the ALLEGED ASSASSINATION PLOTS INVOLVING FOREIGN LEADERS AN INTERIM REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE TO STUDY GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS WITH RESPECT TO INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES UNITED STATES SENATE TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONAL, SUPPLEMENTAL, AND SEPARATE VIEWS – that was put out in 1975 – was your testimony in that document honest and accurate?
5) So this is question number 7 (actually #5) so we’re getting about half way through the questions – What was your relationship with Allen Dulles?
6) Are there any details regarding the Gary Powers spy plane incident and your interactions with Dulles and President Eisenhower that you would like to share?
7) Question number 9 (actually #7) Did you know about the Dulce base and what was your understanding regarding the aliens and their purpose there?
8) The next three questions I’m going to combine into one question just because I think it might be easier to answer that way and you kind of addressed this to some extent already, but I am going to ask them anyway and its in three parts. Were you a victim of mind control? Was your spiritual judgement suppressed as a result of your involvement with the US Army and US Intelligence Agencies? And – If so, how was this done?
9) OK this is the last question – What was the lesson for you in your life as Andrew Jackson Goodpaster?