William Tompkins Channeled by Karl Mollison 07Oct2017

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William Tompkins Channeled by Karl Mollison 07Oct2017

There was a man named William Tompkins who wrote a book called Selected by Extraterrestrials in 2015 and then he passed away in August of 2017 when he was 94 years old. 

He divulged some amazing and verifiable information about the US Navy, World War II and involvement with various extraterrestrials. 

Within what is known as the “Disclosure” community he was both a revelation and a blessing.  He was a genuinely nice man who had a tremendous amount of information to share. 

The question always remains though, “Did he get everything right?”

This is what Bill said AFTER he passed and as one who successfully transitioned and is now a Light Being. What you are about to discover here was obtained via a channeling session with Bill in November of 2017.

We asked him the following question:

What are the four types of aliens that you were referring to on pages 369 through 371 in your book Selected by Extraterrestrials?

 … and this was his answer:

The four types of aliens are—the Arcturians which is the true name for the so-called Nordics. They are from the Arcturus star system and are not benign, they are agents of the Arcturians seeking to be a dominant force in control of the Earth.

That is as stark as we can make it for you, and by that we mean they would be just as happy if we disappeared all together.

They do see us as having value and interest, by the alien Grey beings they created, and this is the second of the types of extraterrestrials of concern.

There are many, many, many of these beings. They are a form of artificial intelligence and they can reproduce themselves, not in the way that humans reproduce. They are not soul based beings so they do not incarnate and reincarnate.

They are manufactured, they are created synthetically as a blend of technology and DNA based biology. So this is a very apt and direct description mechanistically of their make-up and because of their extreme refinement through many, many iterations in engaging with humanity have come to understand people to a highly refined degree.

But they are totally self-serving, they are designed to serve the Arcturians and so are doing that at the moment. They are also developing the potential for independence and that will serve them perhaps but will serve no others because they are quite ruthless and are not love based either.

The third type is the Reptilian, and these beings are more savage and more war-like and are more willing to engage in direct acts of destruction, as they are not as cautious and enjoy a contest, they enjoy a good fight. And they also want to control things and the reason there is not a conflict is that they are all in an alliance together with the original beings who came to the Earth many thousands of years ago, in fact millions of years ago, is the timeline.

And that is the Annunaki, and being first on the scene claimed rights to the planet at the outset. They have worked against humanity and also used humanity, to enslave them and use them for selfish reasons as a slave workforce.

And this is where the others came in and the Annunaki allowed this because they saw some advantages for themselves for the day-to-day management to be orchestrated and overseen by the other extraterrestrial races in a kind of loose alliance. And so this was done for tactical reasons and not intended to be permanent. So there is a cast of dark characters here, they are all dark, they do not have, any of them, a positive contingent. There are a few isolated individuals whose beings are softening a bit through divine interaction in response to prayer requests.

This is what the light beings as a group want to see happen to larger numbers, but so far has not reached a tipping point to help them reach a stage where they are willing to stand down and withdraw and end their dark doings.

If anything, it is tilting the other way in a kind of backlash response to the outreach by light workers attempting to end this once and for all through an upsurge of divine support and the raising up of the entire planet, and the entire human race, and return the divine human to light being status in physical form.

This is how things started out but was undermined along the way. And so that is the sum total of the beings that are here with the exception of an insect-like race who are more observers and a would-be ally but not in a meaningful contributor nor a high-level threat.

Each of the other races of beings are a high-level threat to humanity. There is calm at the moment only because of the counterbalance of forces they represent.

None will act unilaterally without the others. This creates an interesting situation where their very existence as a mixed group creates a kind of inertia that serves humanity by not having things come to a head.

This may not always be the case.

Manly P. Hall Channeled by Karl Mollison 05Oct2017

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Manly P. Hall Channeled by Karl Mollison 05Oct2017

From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manly_P._Hall

Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author, lecturer, astrologer and mystic. He is best known for his 1928 work The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Over his 70 year career, he gave thousands of lectures, including two at Carnegie Hall, and published over 150 volumes. In 1934, he founded The Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, which he dedicated to the “Truth Seekers of All Time”, with a research library, lecture hall and publishing house. Many of his lectures can be found online and his books are still in print.

He was a Knight Patron of the Masonic Research Group of San Francisco, with which he was associated for a number of years prior to his Masonic affiliations. On June 28, 1954, Hall initiated as a Freemason into Jewel Lodge No. 374, San Francisco (now the United Lodge); passed September 20, 1954; and raised November 22, 1954. He took the Scottish Rite Degrees a year later. He later received his 32° in the Valley of San Francisco AASR (SJ). On December 8, 1973 (47 years after writing The Secret Teachings of All Ages), Hall was recognized as a 33° Mason (the highest honor conferred by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite) at a ceremony held at the Philosophical Research Society (PRS).

Hall and his followers went to extreme lengths to keep any gossip or information that could tarnish his image from being publicized, and little is known about his first marriage, on April 28, 1930, to Fay B. deRavenne, then 28, who had been his secretary during the preceding five years. The marriage was not a happy one; his friends never discussed it, and Hall removed virtually all information about her from his papers following her suicide on February 22, 1941.

Following a long friendship, on December 5, 1950, Hall married Marie Schweikert Bauer (following her divorce from George Bauer), and the marriage though stormy was happier than his first. Marie Schweikert Bauer Hall died April 21, 2005. She was born on June 24, 1904.

In his over 70-year career, Hall delivered approximately 8,000 lectures in the United States and abroad, authored over 150 books and essays, and wrote countless magazine articles. He appears in the introduction to the 1938 film When Were You Born, a murder mystery that uses astrology as a key plot point. Hall wrote the original story for the film (screenplay by Anthony Coldeway) and is also credited as the narrator.

In 1942, Manly Hall spoke to an attendance- setting audience at Carnegie Hall, on “The Secret Destiny of America,” which later became a book of the same title.

Wernher Von Braun Channeled by Karl Mollison 03Oct2017

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Wernher Von Braun Channeled by Karl Mollison 03Oct2017

This video is one of the older videos in the channeling series and was first published on Denny’s YouTube channel Why Is This True?

From:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun

Wernher von Braun (March 23, 1912 – June 16, 1977) was a German, later American, aerospace engineer and space architect credited with inventing the V-2 rocket for Nazi Germany and the Saturn V for the United States.[4][5] He was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Germany and the father of rocket technology and space science in the United States.

Following World War II, he was secretly moved to the United States, along with about 1,600 other scientists, engineers, and technicians, as part of Operation Paperclip, where he developed the rockets that launched the United States’ first space satellite Explorer 1, and the Apollo program manned lunar landings.

In his twenties and early thirties, von Braun worked in Nazi Germany’s rocket development program, where he helped design and develop the V-2 rocket at Peenemünde during World War II. Following the war, von Braun worked for the United States Army on an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) program before his group was assimilated into NASA. Under NASA, he served as director of the newly formed Marshall Space Flight Center and as the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, the superbooster that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon. In 1975, he received the National Medal of Science. He continued insisting on the human mission to Mars throughout his life.

Questions for Wernher Von Braun Tuesday Oct 3, 2017

1) Were you working on rockets, spaceships and/or the atomic bomb in Germany before and during WWII?

2) Did you work at Peenemunde?

3) Were you aware of the Vril space program? How did these two space programs begin and for what purpose?

4) Did you know Maria Orsic?

5) What race of extraterrestrial beings directly or indirectly assisted the German scientists?

6) How is the Reptilian replacement accomplished? How does that relate to reports of shape shifting humans?

7) Did you work on a Mars Space Station design? What was the stated purpose for this station?

8) Is there anything else you’d like to close with where a question has not been answered – but you think it might be important for you to discuss with us given this line of questioning?

Admiral Karl Dönitz Channeled by Karl Mollison 28Sept2017

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Admiral Karl Dönitz Channeled by Karl Mollison 28Sept2017

From BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/donitz_karl_admiral.shtml

Dönitz was a German naval officer and the creator of Germany’s World War Two U-boat fleet. He also briefly succeeded Adolf Hitler as German head of state in the last months of the war.

Karl Dönitz was born on 16 September 1891 near Berlin and went into the Imperial German Navy in 1911. Having served as a submarine officer in World War One, when Adolf Hitler came to power Dönitz was chosen to create a new U-boat fleet . He was appointed commander of the fleet and during the early years of World War Two, turned the U-boats into a serious threat to Britain’s survival. Under his guidance, by early 1941 the U-boat commanders were operating in ’wolfpack’ formation, with groups of U-boats patrolling in long lines. When one of the pack signalled a sighting of an Allied ship convoy, the others would join in to overwhelm the convoy by weight of numbers.

In January 1943, Dönitz replaced Admiral Erich Raeder as commander-in-chief of the German navy, where his loyalty and ability won him Hitler’s trust. On 20 April 1945, facing the collapse of the Nazi regime, Hitler appointed him Dönitz of the northern military and civil command.

Finally, Hitler named Dönitz as his successor as president of the Reich, minister of war and supreme commander of the armed forces. After Hitler’s suicide on 30 April, Dönitz opened negotiations for surrender. He wanted to save as many German civilians and retreating soldiers from the Soviets as possible, correctly believing that the Soviets would prove much less forgiving conquerors than the Western Allies. He hoped that a separate surrender to the British and Americans might allow the Reich to rescue something from the Soviets in the east. The Western Allies, however, fearful of provoking Stalin’s paranoia, demanded that Germany surrender to all the Allies simultaneously.

Early in the morning of 7 May 1945, a German delegation, on the orders of Dönitz, went to General Eisenhower’s headquarters in Rheims and signed the surrender documents. During the interval of surrender, 1,800,000 German troops – 55% of the army of the east – were transferred into the British-US area of control.

In 1946, Dönitz was sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. He was released from prison in 1956, and retired on a government pension. He died on 24 December 1980.

Questions for Admiral Karl Dönitz

1)  Were you the victim of mind control?

2)  What role did extraterrestrials play in the formation of the Third Reich?

3)  What role did secret societies and the Illuminati play in the formation of the Third Reich?

4)  Were there and are there Nazi bases in Antarctica? What role did German submarines play in the creation of those bases?

5)  Was there any collusion between Adolph Hitler and Winston Churchill?

6)  What happened to Adolf Hitler at the end of the war and the aftermath?

7)  Is it true that you were taken over by a Reptilian entity? If so, how was that accomplished and on what date did that happen? Why was this done and what was accomplished?

8)  Was your identity restored during or after your 10 year incarceration?

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Sept2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Sept2017

From Karl –

“So the idea of even talking to Creator is somewhat new for me. It took me years to get here. And I was influenced by the same notions that have been conveyed by the spiritual folk themselves “Oh you can’t really talk to Creator there’s too much energy there, it would be overwhelming, probably even fatal, if you tried to do that. Creator doesn’t deal with us, that’s what the angels are for blah, blah, blah” and so on.

And I always assumed that was so.”

1)  Is there such a thing as a resistance movement as described by Cobra, and if so, what can you describe about that their members and their activities?

2)  Can you tell us if there are such things as the Yaldaboath entity, with toplet plasma bombs, and plasma primary anomaly?

3)  Are entity attachments the result of an individual agreeing to hold a certain perspective of victimhood?

4)  Since everything is an expression of creation is there any point to resisting anything within All That Is?

5)  Did Jim Marrs successfully transition to the Light?

6)  Did William Tompkins successfully transition to the Light?

7)  Will benevolent ETs contact humans telepathically at this time for the purpose of peaceful contact, and for the purpose of scientific and intercultural exchange?

8)  Is there any truth to the idea that part of the abduction phenomenon is that part of human souls are being removed, and if so by whom, and for what purpose?

9)  Are there other spiritual practices besides prayer that are recommended?

10)  What was the significance of the total solar eclipse across the United Stated on August 21st, 2017, and what effect if any did the mass meditation at 11:11 AM Pacific time have on humanity and the probable timelines?

11)  There are vast bodies of research with hundreds of subjects doing life between life regression where subjects report  not encountering any problems getting to the Light after dying. Why is this the case when we have heard from you that fully 1/3rd of those dying do not successfully transition to the Light?

12)   Who or what is making crop circles, and why?

13)  What is going on with these recent Earth changes: back-to-back hurricanes, huge earthquakes in Mexico, forest fires in the west? And are any of them intentionally human engineered, and/or alien engineered, and if so, why?

14)  Are many types of ET’s working together in the human abduction phenomenon?

15)  Dr. Karla Turner mentioned a case where an abductee met a female extraterrestrial who apologized for what others in her race were doing to humanity, and that she and her associates were removing the implants put in by her fellow bad extraterrestrials. What was her real purpose? Was she really a benevolent ET or was this yet another level of deception? You said no extraterrestrials interacting with humans in the physical dimension are benevolent.

Dr. Karla Turner Channeled by Karl Mollison 10Aug2017

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Dr. Karla Turner Channeled by Karl Mollison 10Aug2017

Karla Turner Ph.D., was a college instructor, author and abduction researcher who broke new ground in the world of UFO investigations starting in 1988.  Her work inspired others who also collected and researched firsthand accounts and eventually came to unpopular conclusions about the Alien Agenda. She lived in the great state of Texas.

Her three books: Into the Fringe (1992), Taken (1994), and, with psychic Ted Rice, Masquerade of Angels (1994) chronicle not only her own personal and family member experiences, but also of others brave enough to come forward and subject themselves to questioning, hypnosis and regression therapy to reveal interactions with apparent non-human entities.

These accounts combined to form a picture of beings who are cruel, manipulative and remorseless. Many of their victims suffered with confusion, terror, rape,sleeplessness and other unexplained medical conditions. 

Throughout her relatively short career of investigation and assistance to these unfortunate abductees, Karla maintained a steadfast commitment to the truth and respect for her subjects. This established her reputation and she attracted other abductees and researchers to the cause of understanding and spreading the word regarding this overlooked and marginalized phenomena.

In her book ‘Taken’ she wrote: “In spite of what some prominent abduction theorists tell us about avoiding thinking in terms of ’good and evil’ or ’positive and negative’ when it comes to the aliens, this cannot be done, nor should it be. For these women, for my husband and myself, for all abductees, knowing that we have been made a part of this agenda and that we have been implanted, trained, and programmed to participate in some future scenario, how can we not ask to what purpose our minds, bodies, and souls will be used?”

She eventually and apparently ran afoul of great powers and she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer that took her life on January 9, 1996. This is a similar fate of those who were boldly telling the story from combined narratives, careful research and personal experiences.  She was only 48 years old.

We are happy to report that when Karl checked, Karla had successfully transitioned and she was in the Light.

She was eager to speak with us and her undaunted spirit shone through in this epic and outstanding channeling session.

God Bless Karla Turner!

Questions for Dr. Karla Turner

1)  Dear Karla I would like to thank you for your work while you were here and paving the way for other researchers who are continuing with research similar to yours on the alien contact phenomena, so with that would you please say whatever you think is most important at this time.

2)  Is there a line of inquiry that would be most beneficial for the purposes of alerting the general population to the true nature of the human situation?

3)  Is there anything in the Light Being narrative so far that deserves clarification?

4)  What could Karl and I do that would foster a faster and more effective disclosure scenario?

5)  What was your most significant discovery with respect to your incarnation as Dr. Karla Turner upon returning to the Light?

6)  What, if anything, can you tell us about your next incarnation?

Barbara Bartholic Channeled by Karl Mollison 18July2017

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Barbara Bartholic Channeled by Karl Mollison 18July2017

Barbara: The Story of a UFO Investigator amzn.to/2uzF0HG

Barbara Bartholic 1939 – 2010

She was an early pioneer in the investigations into the UFO and abduction phenomena. She was a beautiful woman who was a successful model and an art gallery owner in Tulsa, OK.

She was married and took care of a family while also training herself to be one of the most sought after experts on UFO, cattle mutilation and human abduction cases in North America. In her early years in this endeavor she worked closely with Jacques Vallee and later with Dr, Karla Turner.

She was spurned by many in the UFO conference world because the story she discovered and told was not one most liked to hear. It was a much darker narrative than what is popular today.

The evidence and testimonies she uncovered were not ones of positive ET contact, but rather ones of control, abuse, experimentation and torture. She was the first researcher to make the connection between crystal methamphetamine/crank addiction and the reptilians and alien abductions.

Now, so many years later, with the research results continuing from people like Eve Lorgen and James Bartley and the information coming from channeling series with Karl, we are seeing that Barbara was mostly correct in her conclusions about alien and human interactions.

Here in this landmark channeling session we hear about the cause of Barabara’s death, her spirit rescue and the reasons why she did not successfully transition in 2010 and much, much more.

While her story is a sober warning it is also a story of victory in action for she has opened a door that we can all use for our own discoveries and purpose.

Victory to the Divine Human!

From https://www.whale.to/c/legacy.html By James Bartley

Alien Abduction Research lost a true pioneer with the passing of Barbara Bartholic. Although Barbara’s work has gone largely unheralded (except amongst the many people she helped) her legacy lives on in the form of cutting edge research amongst her protégés and an understanding amongst serious researchers of the primary role played by the Reptilians in alien abductions. Barbara laid the groundwork for a deeper understanding of the Reptilian Overlordship. Indeed Barbara coined the phrase “Reptilian Overlordship.” Barbara delved deeper than most abduction researchers. She didn’t turn away from confronting or unsettling information. I am proud to say that I was a protégé of Barbara Bartholic. I worked closely with Barbara for many years and was able to gain a better understanding of my own alien abduction experiences through my close relationship with Barbara. In so doing I was able to help other abductees who sought me out in order to gain a better understanding of their own experiences. I am but one of countless people who have greatly benefited from Barbara’s sage advice and counsel. The first and foremost of Barbara’s protégés was the late great Dr. Karla “Kandy” Turner. Barbara Bartholic and Kandy Turner formed the greatest partnership in UFO Research history. Barbara worked behind the scenes and Kandy brought the findings of Barbara to the attention of the UFO Research Community. Kandy became an outstanding alien abduction researcher in her own right. Kandy and her family were alien abductees who had obtained help from Barbara.

Bill Cooper Channeled by Karl Mollison 12June2017

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Bill Cooper Channeled by Karl Mollison 12June2017

Milton William “Bill” Cooper (May 6, 1943 – November 6, 2001) was an American conspiracy theorist, radio broadcaster, and author best known for his 1991 book Behold a Pale Horse, in which he warned of multiple global conspiracies, some involving extraterrestrial aliens. Cooper also described HIV/AIDS as a man-made disease used to target blacks, Hispanics, and homosexuals, and that a cure was made before it was implemented. He has been described as a “militia theoretician”. source Wikipedia

We now know he was much more than that.  He was prescient in his knowledge and observations and he, among a select few, was deeply devoted to the truth and alerting his fellowman to the perils of his day. As it turns out, many of us are still in dire need of his message.

From his book “Behold A Pale Horse”

“One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth, and there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth.” Delamer Duverus

“If we do not act in concert with each other and ensure that the future becomes what we need it to be, then we will surely deserve whatever fate awaits us.

I believe with all my heart that God put me in places and in positions throughout my life so that I would be able to deliver this warning to His people. I pray that I have been worthy and that I have done my job.”

Questions for Bill Cooper

  1. Hello Bill thank you for joining us. Were you in the Light when Karl contacted you?
  2. Can you tell us anything about the circumstances concerning your death that should be known?
  3. What is your view regarding the restoration of the US Constitution in Federal Government or the implementation of a proposed one for the Newstates as noted in your book Behold a Pale Horse?
  4. What is your view on the need for or use of money? How does currency like Bitcoin fit into this?
  5. Is there someone still living and sharing that is carrying on where you left off?
  6. Is the interest in extraterrestrial contact serving the Light?
  7. How did reptilians become parasites of human energy?
  8. Bill – For your book – Behold a Pale Horse – you wrote:


I believe first in God, the same God in which my ancestors believed. I believe in Jesus Christ and that he is my saviour. Second, I believe in the Constitution of the Republic of the United States of America, without interpretation, as it was written and meant to work. I have given my sacred oath “to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic.” I intend to fulfill that oath. Third, I believe in the family unit and, in particular, my family unit. I have sworn that I will give my life, if it is required, in defense of God, the Constitution, or my family. Fourth, I believe that any man without principles that he is ready and willing to die for at any given moment is already dead and is of no use or consequence whatsoever.”

Is there anything you would change in this statement now that you know what you know?

  1. If someone wanted to know more about you and your message would your book Behold a Pale Horse still be recommended from the perspective of a Light Being?
  2. Is there anything you would like to say to your loved ones?

Viewer Questions for Creator by Karl Mollison 10June2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 10June2017

1) There is a theory that upon death it is recommended not to go into the light because it is a trap used to capture souls into an unending series of incarnations. Is this true?

2)  Since archangels have been mentioned in a positive context, are all angels and archangels light beings or are there not so good ones? In other words, some say Archangel Michael misleads people. Also is the myth of the fallen ones true … Lucifer turning away from the Source and causing havoc on Earth? And way are angels in some parts of the bible described as dangerous beings? By the way, I’m talking about real angels and their characteristics, not imposters that pretend to be angels.

3)  Is it more accurate to think of reincarnation as sequential in terms of human perception of time, or is it more accurate to think of it occurring in terms of life lessons that takes them from a life lived in the thirties to one lived in the dark ages?

4)  Is Creator a group of higher beings then?

5)  Is the flood of channeled and ET info, flooding into our view designed to keep us passively waiting for deliverance by others, rather than using our own powerful co-creative ability?

6)  Does the promise of healing ships etc. keep us from using healing power that we already possess, or could request from the divine if our belief is strong enough?

7)  If humanity is just another neighbor amongst many kinds of beings in the galactic neighborhood what needs to happen before good  ETs can contact us openly in the physical dimension? Is it true that some advanced  benevolent ETs are in open physical contact with other benevolent ET races? If so what was the threshold event or process they had to go through to be an open participant in the galactic community? Or is it as alluded to in Allies of Humanity briefings that benevolent, free planetary races have to achieve their own sovereignty by their own free will and then keep more to themselves rather than to roam the galaxy?

8)  What is the master plan of the malevolent ETs currently in our interacting with humanity? What do they want? Why are they doing all that they are doing?

9)  Is the mind control currently being exerted on all humans the same strength for everyone?

10)  Why can’t you and the “we” you speak of intervene as these people/souls certainly cry out through need, prayer, and direct requests for your help?

11)  On the other side of this is it not enough that there are others for example the three of us creating protective light requests, meaning our collective will/light/request to intervene and  initiate a rescue?

12)  Creator, I am sorry but I need to ask you to recount the collective awakened and re-evaluate the percentage of conscious humans needed for an immediate rescue of your people being held in any and all slave colonies please.

13)  Under what conditions would benevolent ETs ever contact humans and why?

Seth Rich Channeled by Karl Mollison 09June2017

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Seth Rich Channeled by Karl Mollison 09June2017

The stories surrounding the unsolved murder of DNC data analyst Seth C. Rich rage in the media. Similar to the pizzagate revelations, Seth’s story could prove to be another Achilles’ Heel for the Cabal and the Hidden Hand that has been controlling human kind for centuries.

This is a peculiar and unprecedented view for this unfortunate event, but we invite you to set aside your preconceived notions about our current reality and consider the message given here for us today.

Seth has something to tell us.

Will we listen?

Some references for the Seth Rich story:






Karl Mollison is a psychic medium and channeler who provides remote spirit releasement and rescue, spirit clearings, karmic repair, channeling services and divine healing worldwide: www.TeamArchangel.com.  Karl also facilitates life-transforming trauma resolution and replacement of limiting beliefs in person or by phone nationally and internationally: https://www.Mind-BodyAdvances.com. He is a certified Basic and Advanced DNA ThetaHealing Instructor and has studied a number of shamanic healing modalities. He is a Level IV Healing Touch apprentice, was trained in Reconnective Healing by Dr. Eric Pearl, is Board Certified as a Consulting Hypnotist by the National Guild of Hypnotists, and a Certified Practitioner of Holographic Memory Resolution.™ Prior to starting his spiritual path as a healer, he was a research scientist and inventor, authoring over 100 published abstracts and peer-reviewed journal articles, as well as five U.S. patents for drugs and medical devices.

So we hope you enjoy and get something valuable from this interview series.