Creator Explores Trust Issues 24May2024

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Creator Explores Trust Issues 24May2024

  • Is trust the foundational principle that holds all relationships?
  • Is being trusted a greater compliment than being loved?
  • While you may be deceived if you trust too much, will you live in torment if you don’t trust enough?
  • Will someone who does not trust enough, be in turn, not trusted?
  • Is a lack of belief in the divine, really a lack of trust in the divine?
  • Can trust be overridden by choice and is it ultimately and unavoidably fraught with risk?
  • When is refusing to trust a karmic misstep?
  • Are trust and distrust powerful tools for living but also powerful generators of karma?
  • Creator explains why learning to trust wisely is a healing need and opportunity for soul advancement.

Creator Answers Difficult Questions About Consciousness 26Apr2024

Image for GetWisdom LIVE, monthly livestream on YouTube

Creator Answers Difficult Questions About Consciousness 26Apr2024

  • Why does consciousness exist?
  • Is there a basic component of consciousness shared by all human beings?
  • Is consciousness, like energy, always “on the move,” in need of movement, and when movement stops, does consciousness itself cease to exist?
  • Are movement and flow intrinsic properties of all consciousness, and not expressly designed features?
  • As Creator is consciousness, can Creator create anything that is not truly consciousness?
  • In its ultimate essence, is everything consciousness at its core?
  • Are emotions an intrinsic property of all consciousness?
  • Can a rock feel pain, joy, anger, etc?
  • Is life force energy of the body a more basic form of consciousness that is more universal than individually configured?
  • Is evil a design element of sentient consciousness?
  • Creator explains how extensive divine healing is needed to unravel and fully exploit these gifts.

New Divine Healing Insights 07Apr2024: Creator reveals the true cause of Alzheimer’s disease and explains the sudden rise in cases among younger adults. This is a breakthrough in identifying the single causal factor shared by Alzheimer’s and the other four major types of dementia: frontotemporal, Lewy body, vascular, and LATE dementia. There are safe and inexpensive prescription drugs that would help prevent and reverse all forms of dementia if only they were tried. Creator says the anti-cancer properties being explored scientifically of readily available, non-prescription hemp extracts containing legal, non-psychoactive cannabinoids, are meaningful. Creator explains how these adjuncts can assist divine healing with our protocols to prevent and treat both dementia and cancer.

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New Divine Healing Insights 07Apr2024

Divine help shared:

    • Creator reveals the true cause of Alzheimer’s disease and explains the sudden rise in cases among younger adults.
    • This is a breakthrough in identifying the single causal factor shared by Alzheimer’s and the other four major types of dementia: frontotemporal, Lewy body, vascular, and LATE dementia.
    • There are safe and inexpensive prescription drugs that would help prevent and reverse all forms of dementia if only they were tried.
    • Creator says the anti-cancer properties being explored scientifically of readily available, non-prescription hemp extracts containing legal, non-psychoactive cannabinoids, are meaningful.
    • Creator explains how these adjuncts can assist divine healing with our protocols to prevent and treat both dementia and cancer.

Alien Agenda Update 10Dec2023

Divine Perspectives – Alien Agenda Update 10Dec2023

This webinar contains an urgent announcement, is available to all members immediately, and should be seen by the full GetWisdom community.

  • Following important messages in October & November webinars there are further updates to dark Alien plans.
  • Learn from Creator what has happened and what, if anything, has changed.

Creator Discusses Interloper Shenanigans 29Sep2023

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Creator Discusses Interloper Shenanigans 29Sep2023

  • Was the strange character, Valiant Thor, a real extraterrestrial who came to help the world?
  • Was this because of extraterrestrial concern about human nuclear weapon development?
  • Will ETs bring new warnings about evil Reptilians, and offer protection?
  • What is the purpose of the Secret Space Program?
  • Is the “Ashtar Command” correct that there are benevolent extraterrestrials who can be trusted?
  • Will the extraterrestrial presence help or hurt the long-expected human Ascension?
  • Is there a galactic federation already working to clean up our civilization?
  • Creator explains how to get divine help to counter alien deception.

Ancient History Revelations from Creator 17Sep2023

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Divine Perspectives – Ancient History Revelations from Creator 17Sep2023

  • There is a saying that “History is Written by the Victor”, but what do we truly know of our ancient past?
  • Learn from Creator, fascinating revelations and insights into our distant past.

Creator Discusses the Sorry State of Modern Relationships 25Aug2023

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Creator Discusses the Sorry State of Modern Relationships 25Aug2023

  • Why do half of single men give up on dating?
  • Where did the “Battle of the Sexes” come from?
  • Have historical gentlemanly courtesies towards women been only an insult?
  • Why are there so many poor lovers in today’s world?
  • Why do dating websites attract men far more than women?
  • Are more women exploiting men’s affections for material benefit?
  • Is there a hidden influence making successful women, but not men, demand a partner who earns as much or more than they do?
  • Creator explains how the forces of darkness are hurting both men and women, and why divine healing is the answer for a more loving world.

Alien Agenda Update – Mind Control 13Aug2023

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Divine Perspectives – Alien Agenda Update_Mind Control 13Aug2023

About The Webinar

  • Mind control is a powerful tool in the perpetrators’ bag of tricks.
  • Learn from Creator how this is being employed to influence human actions.

Understanding Dark Spirit Manipulations 09Jul2023

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Divine Perspectives – Understanding Dark Spirit Manipulations 09Jul2023

About The Webinar

  • Many unfortunate events are blamed on the wrong causes.
  • Tragedies, accidents, disputes, turmoil – initiated by dark spirits.
  • Learn more about dark spirit manipulations.
  • Karl shares Creator’s perspective on how they influence your life and wellbeing.

Alien Agenda Update 11Jun2023

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Divine Perspectives – Alien Agenda Update 11Jun2023

About The Webinar

  • Disasters in the news have often had a push from our perpetrators.
  • They delight in our turmoil.
  • Find out what they’ve done in recent days.
  • Karl shares the details from Creator.