Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 11June2019
1) If people never realize the whole truth about the world we live in, how can they be expected to try and help us make it better?
2) Where do people actually go when the have a near death experience? Do they actually go to the divine realm or do they go somewhere in the astral plane and are being deceived by spirit meddlers?
3) Bartolomé de Las Casas,(born 1474) early Spanish historian and Dominican missionary who was the first to expose the oppression of indigenous peoples by Europeans in the Americas and to call for the abolition of slavery there, He narrated in his chronicles to witness the indigenous women giving birth painlessly and with pleasure. The body of the woman, so beautifully designed, presents a great difficulty in the physiological act of childbirth, being the cause of so many deaths through History. Was this another side effect from the downgrading of Humanity? What is the origin of the biblical curse “you will give birth to your children with pain”?
4) How was female menstruation before the arrival of the Moon, so strongly connected today?
5) The oracles in ancient Greece used to inhale psychedelic gases that came out of the earth in order to communicate with the divine. However, through the years, these gases stopped being emitted. (Plutarch describes this) Why did this happen?
6)Generally, how important were psychedelic plants in human history?
7) What is the true function of our chakras? Some energy healers claim chakras are an energetic yoke, and that their removal will release our central energy core and open our energetic conduit to our higher selves and Source Creator. What is the truth?