Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Apr2020
1) The Chinese coronavirus is spread as aerosols, not merely as droplet dispersion. Is this virus being distributed by chemtrails? The USA continues to be hit hard by chemtrails. Can the Lightworker Healing Protocol be modified to address exposure or elimination of chemtrails, at least in the USA if not globally? And finally is the mainstream media being used to disinform the public about the severity of this pandemic?
2) It has been stated in the Adolph Hitler channeling, as well as others, that WWII was slated to be the final solution for the pesky humans on Earth. It was also stated that this was avoided because of many prayers with a resultant divine intervention. This would seem to go against Creator’s statement that ANY killing is non-divine. WWII has always been characterized as the “good” war, and that it was necessary to stop Hitler. Could you clear this up for us?
3) Is there any truth to the idea that more enlightened/awake/aligned with the Divine a person becomes, the faster they may experience the effects of karma, and therefore the stakes appear to be higher for the wiser, more spiritually advanced person, although it may actually be a difference only in the size of the experienced gap between an action and its consequence?
4) In recent years, there has been a rock/megalith discovery on Gornaya Shoria/ Mount Shoria in southern Siberia in Russia. Was this an enormous rock structure created by the Anunnaki or another ET Race? If so, what was the significance of this site? Was the Trilithon at Baalbek and Gobekli Tepe also Anunnaki sites, possibly used for sacrifice and ’entertainment” of Anunnaki?
5) A well known whistleblower who claims to be a part of, or a former member of, the Secret Space Program, or what is known here as the Mercenary Army Program, states that the German breakaway culture in space has time traveled and established 50 colonies in space with approaching one billion in population each and they are in contact with other ET groups not yet described here. This is 7 times the Earth’s current human population. Is this true? If it is true, is the Lightworker Healing Protocol work being done here benefit these supposed off planet human populations? What about the off planet human slave colonies that we already know about?
6) You have said that perhaps 10% of babies born today are ET hybrids who are categorically soulless beings. How does this affect the karma involved when they interact with their families and others in their lives? If a divine human family member were to mistreat the hybrid child, for example, does that incur karma for the human in the same way as it would if a human child were involved?
7) Seeing as how we were ill-equipped to handle the interlopers with this current divine human project and we fail and humanity is eliminated, what would Creator do differently, if anything, for the next attempt for the divine human? Would the ET races be eliminated as well or would there be another attempt to place them back on Earth? Would we be given any other upgrades to make us less susceptible to manipulation? From my understanding, it is not the fault of humans for not being able to withstand the evil spirits and ET meddling because we are just not equipped with enough capability to do some, right from the outset. Was this a miscalculation by Creator thinking we were given enough to overcome the great power of the interlopers or why weren’t we given some baseline programming not to at least be so easily reprogrammed?
In question 2) Karl Mollison continues to channel information about Adolph Hitler, WWII, and divine intervention to save humanity. Learn more by checking out the original Hitler channeling from 2017.

GetWisdom.com Webinar: More Extraterrestrial Manipulations Revealed 22Dec2019
What we’ll cover in this event …
How Widespread are Alien Abductions of Infants?
Every parent’s worst nightmare is something evil befalling their child. Karl & Denny discuss the shocking reality of how widespread this extraterrestrial program is, what it does to the victims, and the power of the Lightworker Healing Protocol to provide safety.
Does Mind Control Cause Governments to Create Trouble?
Governments are moving to reduce criminal penalties for drug use and property crimes as a humane way to reduce incarceration, even as they may be criminalizing behavior like homelessness. There are widespread reports that the death toll of serious natural disasters is being under-reported. There is a leaked video of a scientific proposal to weaponize a virus attacking the gene for spirituality. Karl & Denny explore Creator’s perspective of the cynical and sinister motivations behind such intentions.
Age Discrimination Like Racism Promoted by Mind Control?
Many workers are being phased out at their prime, and this is commonly accepted as just a self-serving cost-cutting by businesses. Creator explains how this has been ingrained in the thinking of managers and executives to corrupt them and actually undermine human productivity by eliminating the most valuable and highly experienced employees.
Where Did All the Sand in the Sahara & Namib Come From?
We were prompted to look into this with Creator and were shocked to learn this was entirely unnatural and sinister. It is a sobering lesson about the power of the interlopers we face to wreak havoc on our environment.
Viewer Questions and Answers
The GetWisdom.com Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine perspective on more extraterrestrial manipulations …

GetWisdom.com Webinar: Disturbing Consequences of Alien Manipulation 16Jun19
What we’ll cover in this event …
What is the Real Cause of Pedophilia by Catholic Priests?
Around the world, the Catholic Church is struggling with the questions: why does this happen, what should we do about wayward priests, and is there a way to prevent such tragedies? Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator says is really going on.
Do Prenatal Ultrasound Exams Pose a Health Risk?
Karl & Denny will explore how the widespread practice of using ultrasound imaging to satisfy prenatal curiosity as a kind of recreation belies an ugly truth – there are real and significant dangers. They will discuss what Creator has shared with us about the pros and cons of this invasive procedure that, like so many others, mainstream medicine is too complacent about.
What Causes People to Hold Extreme Opinions?
For those shocked and horrified reading accounts of the Holocaust, or watching the films made during the liberation of the Nazi death camps at the end of World War II, it not only rings true, but leaves an unforgettable impression. Yet there are adamant Holocaust deniers. Are zealous proponents of climate change as being a threat actually “reality deniers” even as they call those who don’t agree “climate change deniers?” Karl & Denny will discuss who’s telling the truth (according to Creator), and give other examples of manipulations behind shocking news stories.
Are People Continuing to Have UFO Encounters?
Despite the almost complete lack of interest by the media, it’s business as usual. Karl & Denny will give examples of recent clients who continue to struggle with the aftermath of extraterrestrial encounters that were more than close.
Viewer Questions and Answers
The GetWisdom.com Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about disturbing consequences of alien manipulation …