William Whitecrow Channeled by Karl Mollison 20Mar2022
From: https://enkispeaks.com/william-white-crow-d-feb-2018-rescued-basiago-on-mars/
William White Crow was a U.S. Army and also CIA Security Agent on the Mars Jump Room Project. He revealed that he taught time traveler-Mars Jump Room Courier Basiago karate and aikido during Basiago’s 5th grade year to prepare him for training for time travel in Project Pegasus. White Crow and Basiago met again a decade later on Mars. On the Red Planet, where White Crow and Basiago were involved in a live fire incident in which they protected themselves and a third Mars jumper, William Stillings, from an attack by dive-bombing pterodactyl-like predators.
White Crow was a Shaman and seer of future events including the 911 event, collapse of the St. Louis bridge, Mt. Saint Helen eruption and Fukushima. He was in several secret limited access programs.
In a major disclosure as a time travel and Mars whistle blower, U.S. Army veteran William White Crow came forward as a witness last night on Truth Frequency Radio with Chris and Sheree Geo and revealed that not only did he teach Andy karate and aikido during his fifth grade year as part of his training for time travel in Project Pegasus but the two met up a decade later on Mars, where they were involved in a live fire incident in which he and Andy protected themselves and a third Mars jumper, William Stillings, from an attack by dive-bombing pterodactyl-like predators.
White Crow predicted two futures for mankind and both of them depend on the decisions we make now. “We have the ability to choose whether we are going to become a part of the sixth great extinction which is taking place right now, or advance to a higher level of humanity as a species spiritually, intellectually and technologically. It’s all up to us.” William White Crow
He wrote: “I became a Shaman because I wanted to see further into the future of things and help others reach their highest goals in life. I wanted to know the things that I felt deep inside were true. And over time I found that these feelings would become the guiding light of my life in all areas. I can, at a moments notice, simply phase out this world at will and interact with the world of spirit or energy, which to me is the same thing. They are not disconnected from one another.”
From Denny
I had the pleasure of doing an interview with William near his home in Redding after an introduction from Mark McCandlish. He struck me as someone with more experiences than he could share in a video interview and that for me to get to know him better I would need to take him up on a sweat lodge invitation. He was in the process of getting one build on his property at the time of our interview in November of 2016.
Perhaps on the other side? White Crow has something to share with us now from the other side.
M A P SSP Abductee Channeled by Karl Mollison https://youtu.be/DMIvnTypHyk
MAP Abductee Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison https://youtu.be/x-l4MyzdtUI