Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 28Feb2021
1) What are the values inherent in geomancy, numerology and bibliomancy and can they be used beneficially and, if so, how is the best way to do that?
2) Given the smaller land mass and smaller population when compared to some other countries, why is the United States so powerful and prominent on the world’s stage?
3) We have learned that in some cases a human soul can inhabit a human/Grey hybrid when the human component is sufficient in the make-up, but can a human clone or a human/Grey hybrid reproduce with a regular human being?
4) How long can a human clone live and how long can a human/grey hybrid live?
5) Are there any hybrids or clones who are in the public eye such as entertainers or prominent figures in religion, politics or business?
6) How does the human clone and human/grey hybrid program harm humans and how does it serve the current negative ET annihilation plan?
7) In what way, specifically, does the use of the Lightworker Healing Protocol solve the clone and human hybrid problem that is currently contributing to the ET annihilation plans for humankind?
8) We know that having false hopes and constant doubts can be detrimental. Could lacking faith or belief be just as detrimental?
9) Taking into consideration one’s entire consciousness, including all conceptual, sensory and emotional phenomena and the parts of our minds which are not part of our conscious awareness – what is the best way to discern the most beneficial course of action that is in alignment with the Divine Realm and Source Creator’s plan?
10) If a being in the light has a negative karmic backlog from previous incarnations, but chooses not to reincarnate to possibly heal that karma, how is their existence in the light affected, if at all?