Creator Discusses the Problem of Psychopaths and Sociopaths 21Mar2025 Posted on March 22, 2025 by Karen Gore Your browser does not support the audio element. Creator Discusses the Problem of Psychopaths and Sociopaths 21Mar2025Although psychologists have varied opinions, how does Creator distinguish the sociopath from the psychopath?Is absence of a working conscience the shared core problem or is there something deeper?What can a study of human character disorders tell us about other beings we must contend with?Is an insatiable need for stimulation a cause of dangerous conduct by sociopaths?Does having a passion for physical contests and blood sports have a sinister origin?Is understanding the true impact of those who are depraved essential for our survival?Is love up to the challenge of saving them?Creator explains why human healing requests are essential to our future. Become a FREE Participant member or greater to download podcast.
Creator Discusses the Menace of Invasive Species 21Feb2025 Posted on February 23, 2025 by Karen Gore Your browser does not support the audio element. Creator Discusses the Menace of Invasive Species 21Feb2025While many species are disappearing, are some species being discovered truly new?What is the true story behind loss of the magnificent American chestnut tree?How did the infestation begin of Zebra mussels that threaten other life forms?What is causing sky-high egg prices, the invasive bird flu virus or how it is managed?Was the harmful introduction of the European hare to Australia manipulated to happen?Have we seen the last of large-scale animal predators even as smaller invasive species proliferate?Is there a sinister reason the Amazon rain forest has so many noxious species?Is it natural for Asian carp to be hyper-aggressive?Is there a hidden reason for the world-wide problem of feral cats?Creator explains why prayer and divine healing requests are the answer for invasive species. Become a FREE Participant member or greater to download podcast.