GetWisdom.com Webinar: ET Created Hazards to Survival & Well-being 25Nov2018
What we’ll cover in this event …
If Over 40, Do You Remember a Lemon-Yellow Sun?
Many people over the age of 40 distinctly remember the sun was a rich lemon-yellow color rather than the intense white seen today. Many recall a “milder” sun that was easier on the eyes and skin. Karl has asked Creator if these recollections are accurate, and if so, how did this change occur and what does it portend for humanity’s future?
Are There Real Connections Between Atlantis & Antarctica?
Many of GetWisdom’s followers are aware of a “disclosure movement” purporting to leak historical information connecting the fabled Atlantis and modern-day Antarctica. Karl sought Creator’s “take” on the situation. Is there really something ominous under all that ice?
Is There Really a “Planet X” and is it a Near Term Threat?
Karl and Denny will share Creator’s “disclosure” on the fact and fiction of this modern day “urban legend”.
Viewer Questions and Answers
The GetWisdom.com Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about ET created hazards to survival and well-being.