Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 17Oct2017
revised – Questions for Creator 17 Oct 2017
1) Gifford – Why does the ET Alliance (Annunaki, Nordics and Reptilians) want our planet for themselves so badly, and/or to eliminate humanity?
2) Karen G. Can you expound on the idea of freedom and the fear of death?
3) Karen G. When a message is given that does not align with the Light what is it that we being asked to accept?
4) Karen G. – Have some practices that could be beneficial, such as meditation, been deliberately made difficult through DNA or mind control manipulation to cause humanity to feel that they cannot be successful in applying these methods?
5) Be content – Is our higher self the highest evolved aspect of our soul (assuming other aspects exist in higher dimensions) ?
6) Be content – When people die on earth and return to the light, do they become aware of their other lifetimes on other worlds? If so, are they trapped into reincarnation on earth, or are they consciously free to either return to Source or to go on to existence in other worlds or dimensions as their soul’s evolution permits, making this last lifetime their final earth lifetime?
7) Douglas Quaid – Was reptilian being that replaced Dönitz an actual physical reptilian? Or one who either literally shapeshifted or was using psyonic field projection to make all the humans think he was Dönitz? Or if it was just the reptilian’s soul that was implanted into a cloned body of Dönitz? How does this literally work given that the testimony from the Light Being (Dönitz) was that he was killed?
8) Denny – How do you resolve the fact that the state claims a monopoly of violence and yet human government is generally accepted as needed?
9) Denny – What can you tell us about giants that once lived on the American continent?
10) Denny – Why was Santa Rosa, California chosen as the location for the firestorm attack?