Creator Answers Difficult Questions About Consciousness 26Apr2024

Image for GetWisdom LIVE, monthly livestream on YouTube

Creator Answers Difficult Questions About Consciousness 26Apr2024

  • Why does consciousness exist?
  • Is there a basic component of consciousness shared by all human beings?
  • Is consciousness, like energy, always “on the move,” in need of movement, and when movement stops, does consciousness itself cease to exist?
  • Are movement and flow intrinsic properties of all consciousness, and not expressly designed features?
  • As Creator is consciousness, can Creator create anything that is not truly consciousness?
  • In its ultimate essence, is everything consciousness at its core?
  • Are emotions an intrinsic property of all consciousness?
  • Can a rock feel pain, joy, anger, etc?
  • Is life force energy of the body a more basic form of consciousness that is more universal than individually configured?
  • Is evil a design element of sentient consciousness?
  • Creator explains how extensive divine healing is needed to unravel and fully exploit these gifts.

Creator Teaches about Soul Attributes 26Jan2024

Image for GetWisdom LIVE, monthly livestream on YouTube

Creator Teaches about Soul Attributes 26Jan2024

  • Are soul attributes important characteristics that are a permanent and essential part of us?
  • Is our mix of soul attributes what makes us an individual?
  • Does our soul attribute expression determine how unique or similar to others we are?
  • Do labels and categories truly misrepresent what is important about our makeup?
  • Can our soul be flawed, or only its expression?
  • Are human archetypes actually soul expression patterns?
  • Are common human archetypes part of Creator’s plan?
  • Creator explains why soul healing is needed to protect and strengthen our all-important soul attributes. Webinar: Alien Agenda Update 11Sep2022

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GetWisdom Webinar – Alien Agenda Update 11Sep2022

About the webinar

  • More about dark perpetrator activities.

  • There are always additional healing needs. Webinar: Consciousness and the Soul Connection 14Aug2022

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GetWisdom Webinar – Consciousness and the Soul Connection 14Aug2022

About the webinar

Creator shares how Consciousness and Soul are interrelated.

Learn how we can put this knowledge to the highest use.

GetWisdom LIVE


This is a monthly livestream on YouTube, where a broad range of intriguing topics are explored in detail. Questions are prepared in advance by Brian Kelly and asked of Creator by Karl Mollison. The resulting responses from Creator are shared with the listening audience and discussed by Karl and Brian. Each livestream typically occurs on the last Friday of the month and is announced to members prior to the event. Webinar: How to Make the Most of Nutritional Supplements 10Apr2022

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GetWisdom Webinar: How to Make the Most of Nutritional Supplements 10Apr2022

Marilyn Monroe Channeled by Karl Mollison 02Jan2018

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Marilyn Monroe Channeled by Karl Mollison 02Jan2018

Adapted from

Actress Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Mortenson on June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. During her all-too-brief life, Marilyn Monroe overcame a difficult childhood to become one of the world’s biggest and most enduring sex symbols. During her career, Monroe’s films grossed more than $200 million. Monroe was most likely murdered on August 5, 1962, at only 36 years old, but the official cause of death was suicide due to a drug overdose.

Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Mortenson (later baptized as Norma Jeane Baker) on June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. During her all-too-brief life, she overcame a difficult childhood to become one of the world’s biggest and most enduring sex symbols.

Growing up, Monroe spent much of her time in foster care where she endured sexual assault on several occasions; she later said that she had been raped when she was 11 years old. But she had a way out through marriage, and she wed her boyfriend Jimmy Dougherty on June 19, 1942, at the age of 16.

The couple divorced in 1946—the same year that Monroe signed her first movie contract. With the movie contract came a new name and image; she began calling herself “Marilyn Monroe” and dyed her hair blonde.

She had roles, major and minor, in about 30 movies and became very popular from her role in  The Seven Year Itch in September 1954 where she posed for photographers while filming the subway grate scene.  

Monroe had a string of unsuccessful relationships: Her 1954 marriage to baseball great Joe DiMaggio only lasted nine months. Later, she was married to playwright Arthur Miller from 1956 to 1961.

On May 19, 1962, Monroe made her now-famous performance at John F. Kennedy’s birthday celebration, singing “Happy Birthday, Mr. President.”

There have also been rumors and many credible testimonials that Monroe was involved with President John F. Kennedy and/or his brother Robert around the time of her death. Monroe was buried in her favorite Emilio Pucci dress, in what was known as a “Cadillac casket”—the most high-end casket available, made of heavy-gauge solid bronze and lined with champagne-colored silk. Lee Strasberg delivered a eulogy before a small group of friends and family.

Monroe’s ex-husband, Joe DiMaggio, famously had red roses delivered to her crypt for the next 20 years.

During her career, Marilyn Monroe’s films grossed more than $200 million. Today, she is still considered one of the world’s most popular icons of sex appeal and beauty, and is remembered for her idiosyncratic sense of humor and sly wit; once asked by a reporter what she wore to bed, she replied, “Chanel Number 5.”