Webinar: Secret Sources of Fear & Anxiety 30Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Secret Sources of Fear & Anxiety 30Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Is Our Subconscious Compromised? Who’s Responsible?
Thoreaux said, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” We can safely assume by “men” he meant “people”. This desperation is so widespread and palpable, that one has to wonder, “is it intentional?” Karl and Denny will share Creator’s unmasking of what and/or who is behind our collective “angst”.

Can Antagonists Weaponize the Akashic Records?
We are own worst enemies, but are we getting a lot of help as well? Karl and Denny will share Creator’s shocking revelation about how dark spirits and ET interlopers can use and even weaponize our own troubled past and ingrained habits against us.

Can We Heal the Akashic Records & Collective Unconscious?
Karl and Denny will share Creator’s answer to this important question. Can the Lightworker Healing Protocol be successfully utilized for this compelling need?

What are Free-Floating Memories & Their Impacts?
Karl and Denny will endeavor with Creator’s assistance to share more detail and explanation on the origin and influence of free-floating memories, and most importantly, how they can be HEALED. Webinar: Anxiety and the Subconscious Mind 30Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Anxiety and the Subconscious Mind 30Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

What is the Subconscious Mind & Why is it Important?
Everyone has a subconscious, is dependent on it; but we collectively struggle to even define it, much less understand it. Where does it begin, and where does it end? Is there a bright line between it and the “executive consciousness” (you), or a gradation that varies in size from individual to individual? Is it helpful to think of it as a truly “separate” being? Karl and Denny will share and discuss Creator’s response to these enigmatic questions about the subconscious and it’s functioning.

Is There Truly a “Collective” Unconscious?
Modern science says no, but most people (including many scientists) hold a different view. Karl and Denny will unveil what Creator reveals about the reality and influence of the collective unconscious on both the individual and collective humanity.

What is the Akashic Records and Can it Affect Anxiety?
Many have observed that the intensity of anxiety often exceeds experiences assumed to trigger it. Do the Akashic Records and events recorded there provide an explanation? Karl and Denny will share the “download” from Creator on the reality and impact of this purported “cosmic database”.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about anxiety and the subconscious mind? … Webinar: Afterlife Transition Troubles & Who’s to Blame? 23Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Afterlife Transition Troubles & Who’s to Blame? 23Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Who’s to Blame for Afterlife Transition Troubles?
Supporters know that Creator emphatically denies responsibility for this dilemma. Karl and Denny will explore just “who” or “what” is truly responsible for this hazard.

Do Those Who Can Astral Travel Risk Becoming Earthbound?
Astral travel is like driving fast – it’s a lot of “fun” – until it’s NOT. Karl and Denny will share Creator’s copious cautions for those who can astral travel at will. Since the astral traveler and the departed spirit are entering the same environment, are the risks of getting trapped the same?

How do Dark Spirits and Interlopers Interfere with Transition?
Karl and Denny will share Creator’s answer to this important question.

Other Questions on Transition Troubles
Karl and Denny will explore additional issues surrounding the transition dilemma. Is assisted suicide a blessing or a curse? What are the moral and karmic ramifications? Does treatment of the body (burial or cremation) affect the departed one’s ability to transition successfully? Webinar: Are Your Departed Loved Ones Earthbound? 23Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Are Your Departed Loved Ones Earthbound? 23Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

What Risk Factors Can Create Earthbound Spirits?
Karl and Denny will explore the detailed list of risk factors supplied by Creator.

Is Failure to Reach the Light a Divine Judgment?
Karl and Denny will explore whether Creator is on the “hot” seat with this question! Humanity’s obsession with “heaven and hell” centers squarely on the answer to this all-important inquiry!

Can the Likelihood of Becoming Earthbound be Predicted?
The variables that combine to hold a human spirit back from the light are many and varied. Karl and Denny will look at a few profiles supplied by Creator to get an idea about the more common ones.

Can Those Trapped be Rescued – and How?
Karl and Denny will share how the Lightworker Healing Protocol can resolve this dilemma in the vast majority of cases.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about are your departed loved ones earthbound? … Webinar: Karma We Share With Extraterrestrials 16Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Karma We Share With Extraterrestrials 16Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Are ET Entanglements A Result of Our Human Karma?
Karl and Denny explore Creator’s response to this question.

What Are the Karmic Consequences for the ETs?
Karl and Denny will share Creator’s revelations about the karmic bed the ETs are making for themselves. Is karmic backlash something the ETs can dodge or postpone? Can our karma or their’s even be “weaponized” and used against humanity?

What Will Be the Outcome, and WHO Determines It?
Has karma already sealed humanity’s fate? If not, what must be done for humanity to escape its draconian entanglements with the ETs? Creator will spill the beans on this critical question.

Healing BOTH the Victim and Perpetrator
Karl and Denny will go over in detail how The Lightworker Healing Protocol is the only GENUINE solution for permanently solving the problem of humanity’s ultimate karmic destiny. Webinar: Who Turns The Wheel of Karma 16Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Who Turns The Wheel of Karma 16Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

What is Karma, and What is its Purpose?
Karl and Denny set out to de-mystify this vitally important concept. They will share Creator’s answer. Where did karma come from? Is it a WHO or a WHAT that enforces karma? No one thinks water flows with “intent” but rather by consequence of other forces or “laws” such as gravity and fluid dynamics. Is karma similar to water in its lack of intentionality, or is it a fully “conscious” judge and jury operating with full self-awareness?

How Does Karma Know What to Do?
We know ultimately that all time is simultaneous. Creator will explain how this reality is integral to the functioning of karma. Along with this, Creator will share how the Akashic Records (Creation’s Infinite Hard Drive) interacts with karma to shape events.

Can and How Can Negative Karma be Healed?
There’s little point in exploring the concept and reality of karma if nothing can be done about it. Creator will share if and how The Lightworker Healing Protocol and focused prayer can mitigate or fully heal karmic entanglements. Karl and Denny will also explore Creators sharing of when and why divine partners choose to NOT heal karma and its consequences fully – even when requested to do so via prayer.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about who turns the wheel of karma … Webinar: Bullying and its Lifelong Legacy of Suffering 09Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Bullying and its Lifelong Legacy of Suffering 09Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Bullying – What are the TRUE Causes?
Bullying is truly insidious, because it is the “intentional” infliction of suffering on another human being. There is nothing “accidental” about bullying. Karl and Denny will share Creator’s detailed breakdown of the true causes of bullying behavior in both children and adults. Why does it start so early in life? Why are some so inclined to act this way?

Why are Some People Lightning Rods for Bullies?
Some people attract bullies like honey attracts bears. Karl and Denny share Creator’s detailed revelations on why this is so. Is it simply a question of genetics? Parental mistreatment or neglect? Wholly learned? Or is it something even deeper and more ingrained as the above is often offered as explanations for both the bully and the victim? How does one explain the frequent occurrence of bullies and victims in the same family?

How Can The Lightworker Healing Protocol Help?
Most people would agree that whatever accounts for bullies and victims remains largely a mystery. However, that is decidedly NOT the case for those familiar with the GetWisdom project. Karl and Denny will share how The Lightworker Healing Protocol can make the difference in healing BOTH bullies and their victims.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about bullying and its lifelong legacy of suffering … Webinar: Current Disinformation Campaigns – Facts vs. Fiction 02Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Current Disinformation Campaigns – Facts vs. Fiction 02Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Truth or Spoof?
Winston Churchill once said, “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies”. What this means, is that “truth” is rarely obvious, even when it SHOULD be obvious. The purpose of disinformation is to create doubt where otherwise there might be certainty. Karl and Brian (Denny is away) will share Creator’s channelings on the shocking amount and frequency of active disinformation in our world – and who’s behind it.

Spoof Du Jour?
Karl and Brian will share Creators revelations about the fact or fiction nature of many of today’s popular campaigns. Will there be a near future ascension of humanity to 5D? Will the sun trigger the ascension? Will members of the hidden cabal be rounded up and prosecuted? Is NESARA real? Will the St. Germain wealth fund end poverty? Will good ETs save humanity? And more.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about current disinformation campaigns – facts vs. fiction. Webinar: Energy Healing Benefits and Risks 02Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar Energy Healing Benefits and Risks 02Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Energy Healing – It’s Embattled History
Karl and Brian (Denny is away) briefly set the stage for Creator’s discussion on the topic of “Energy Healing”. Energy Healing is a label that covers almost everything outside of western-based pharmaceutical medicine. “Laying on of hands”, reiki, and even acupuncture are the most widely known examples of this approach. Both skeptics and true believers abound. Some even consider it witchcraft and sorcery.

Does Energy Healing REALLY Work?
Karl and Brian share Creator’s detailed revelations on this very question. Discussion will explore why results vary so widely, and why energy healing remains largely an “alternative” treatment in spite of being around as long as humanity itself.

What are the Hazards and Risks?
Karl and Brian will share important advisories and cautions from Creator about the genuine hazards and risks of energy healing. Is it possible to do more harm than good? What are the risks to both the practitioner and recipient?

Energy Healing and/or The Lightworker Healing Protocol?
Karl and Brian compare and contrast the two approaches, and share Creator’s words on to how to utilize each for maximum benefit and minimum risk.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about energy healing benefits and risks … Webinar: ET Created Hazards to Survival & Well-being 25Nov2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: ET Created Hazards to Survival & Well-being 25Nov2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

If Over 40, Do You Remember a Lemon-Yellow Sun?
Many people over the age of 40 distinctly remember the sun was a rich lemon-yellow color rather than the intense white seen today. Many recall a “milder” sun that was easier on the eyes and skin. Karl has asked Creator if these recollections are accurate, and if so, how did this change occur and what does it portend for humanity’s future?

Are There Real Connections Between Atlantis & Antarctica?
Many of GetWisdom’s followers are aware of a “disclosure movement” purporting to leak historical information connecting the fabled Atlantis and modern-day Antarctica. Karl sought Creator’s “take” on the situation. Is there really something ominous under all that ice?

Is There Really a “Planet X” and is it a Near Term Threat?
Karl and Denny will share Creator’s “disclosure” on the fact and fiction of this modern day “urban legend”.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about ET created hazards to survival and well-being.