Webinar: Unique Advantages of the LHP Protocol 11Aug2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar:  Unique Advantages of the LHP Protocol 11Aug2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Can Practitioners Safely Engage the Darkness with the LHP?
Many people are uneasy and fearful about dealing with dark spirits and extraterrestrial influences because they worry about a backlash. Karl & Denny will explain how the Lightworker Healing Protocol uniquely safeguards both clients and practitioners in contrast to other healing modalities.

How Does the LHP Compare to Other Healing Modalities?
Creator has shared with us that an important message that needs to be spread, is that any healing work not actively requesting a divine partnership will have limited benefits. This is true of most “energy healers”. Karl & Denny will also probe the possible risk of attracting and introducting dark spirit possession by energy healers invoking outside energies without divine protection.

What Capabilities Make the LHP Unique & Powerful?
Karl & Denny will highlight some of the key attributes and approaches that make the Lightworker Healing Protocol truly special in its inner workings and able to obtain the deep healing truly needed to affect the destiny of individuals and collective humanity.

Can Anything Jesus Taught His Disciples be Added to LHP?
Karl asked this question of Creator and will share the amazing and encouraging answer!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about unique advantages of the LHP protocol … Webinar: Divine Healing – LHP Opportunities & Constraints 04Aug2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Divine Healing – LHP Opportunities & Constraints 04Aug2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

How can GW and LHP  beliefs be discussed with others?
With the growing disbelief fostered by the secular movement, and often inflexible dogma held by the religious, practitioners of the Protocol will encounter resistance and disbelief from many, if not most, of those around them, often even skeptical loved ones. We explore this issue with Creator and will share the divine perspective about coping with this dilemma.

Will all practitioners get the same benefit using the LHP?
Karl & Denny will go over the basic requirements most practitioners can meet to get success with the Lightworker Healing Protocol, and illustrate how, on occasion, the practitioner can be too close to the problem and get in their own way.

What Happens When One Fails to Get Benefits with the LHP?
It is important for both clients and practitioners to understand the many complications and uncertainties in requesting divine healing, even with an elegant tool like the Lightworker Healing Protocol. Many practitioners have doubts, and it is important to learn what Creator says about the inevitable failures and seeming failures they will experience, to put things in perspective so they avoid self-blame.

Is there anything Jesus taught his disciples about how to heal that could be added to the Protocol?
Karl asked this question of Creator and will share the amazing and encouraging answer! Karl & Denny will highlight a few of the ways that the Lightworker Healing Protocol is superior to other healing modalities.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine healing, LHP opportunities & constraints … Webinar: Time Travel Consequences and Opportunities 28Jul2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Time Travel Consequences and Opportunities 28Jul2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Can Time Travelers Access Actual Past or Only Parallel Past?
Science fiction presumes we can’t go back to an earlier point in our life on the same timeline without risking change to something that might undo our very existence. Karl & Denny will explore why Creator says this isn’t at all true, although there are complications involved if we’re not careful.

What if a Time Traveler Were to Prevent Their Own Birth?
Can we get lost in time somewhere? We have probed a number of such scenarios with Creator who explains how time travel and the looping of time among time domains can encompass such possibilities and make sense of the energetic consequences.

How Does Time Travel to the Past Affect Future Lifetimes?
How does affecting the past change our karma? If someone went back in time and killed themselves in infancy to avoid a troubled childhood, would they benefit? Can requesting healing to be done back in time for someone who’s passed, bring them back to life?

Can We Bend Time with Divine Help to Get More Done?
Karl & Denny explore this possibility with Creator to understand the reality of what can be done to alter the consequences of time in our favor.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about time travel consequences and opportunities … Webinar: Healing Energy Across Parallel Lifetimes 21Jul2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Healing Energy Across Parallel Lifetimes 21Jul2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

How Powerfully Can Future Lives Affect Our Current Life?
Creator further unravels the complexities of the crosstalk from living multiple parallel lifetimes simultaneously. This is the current paradigm as a consequence that everything is happening simultaneously in the Now.

How Important are Future Extensions vs. Other Timelines?
The fact that each life creates a potential future life extension means further opportunities for trauma are created that can influence the present lifetime. Karl & Denny will share the probing questions addressed by Creator about how all this works through the Law of Karma to influence us.

How Can the Past be Healed Without Undoing the Present?
There are many myths about time travel that color our thinking. Karl & Denny will describe how the divine can heal the energetic signature of past events without undoing them in actuality. This brings the true healing needed to return balance and happiness to the current life experience.

Can Retroactive Healing be Done for Those in the Light?
Our exploration of divine healing across time domains led us to probe whether we can have retroactive healing work performed in the past, for loved ones who have passed on. The surprising answer is not only can this be done, but it holds many benefits for helping future lifetimes. It’s never too late to heal something.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about healing energy across parallel lifetimes … Webinar: Seeing Signs the Light is Calling 14Jul2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Seeing Signs the Light is Calling 14Jul2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Can Loved Ones in Heaven Call or Text Your Cellphone?
As improbable as this seems, Karl & Denny will share Creator vetted true accounts of people contacted from the beyond using modern technology to advantage.

Can Some Living People Relay Messages From the Light?
Karl & Denny discuss how we often dismiss divine communication from within, as it just seems like our own thoughts. Sometimes, it is possible for the divine to cause a person you know to say just the right thing you need to hear, so that you really “get the message”.

Can the Divine Use Devices & Animals to Send Messages?
Karl & Denny will share what Creator reveals about how many times unexpected electrical behavior, and strange behavior of things in nature are no fluke or accident.

Are Some Lucky Outcomes We Experience Truly Miracles?
The divine is always working somewhere on human behalf, and if we pay attention, we can take encouragement from the signs a miracle has likely happened. Karl & Denny will give recent examples confirmed by Creator.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about seeing signs the light is calling … Webinar: Secret Space Program Agenda & Consequences 07Jul2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Secret Space Program Agenda & Consequences 07Jul2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Is the SSP Involved in Middle East Tensions?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s words about who is responsible for the attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, and who is provoking reprisals. They will also discuss a divine intervention to contain things.

Is There Unappreciated Motive for Russian Collusion Story?
Who benefits and why, from getting half the U.S. population or more, to hate Russia for its presumed presidential election meddling? Where might this be heading in terms of potential international conflicts? Karl & Denny share Creator’s answers.

How are the Minds of SSP Recruits Manipulated to Join?
Karl & Denny will discuss yet more ways that mind control is employed to make humans cooperative, obedient, willing to act against human nature, and able to forget what they have done.

What Complicates Healing SSP Survivors?
The level of trauma and manipulation recruits are subjected to creates significant healing challenges. Karl & Denny will discuss the way the Lightworker Healing Protocol is employed to help these individuals, and how things are going overall to address this threat to humankind.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about secret space program agenda & consequences … Webinar: Dark Consequences of SSP Participation 30June2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar – Dark Consequences of SSP Participation 30June2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Are SSP Recruits Harmed by Their Participation?
Karl & Denny have helped a number of men and women who have served in this clandestine SECRET SPACE PROGRAM recover from the stress of their training and service, memory of which is suppressed, but nevertheless takes a toll. We have seen a range of serious aftereffects and health consequences suffered by recruits to this clandestine program.

Is Service in the Secret Space Program Truly Voluntary?
Working with people involved in the SPP shows clearly how their free will was overridden and the trauma that results. Karl & Denny will explore the karmic consquences when people are forced to do things in conflict with their morality.

How are SSP Recruits Monitored and Controlled?
We have learned from our clients the many ways the extraterrestrials keep tabs on their human recruits, even after they return to civilian life, and continue to discipline and punish them to maintain control over them.

Can Veterans of the SSP Break Free of Their Past?
Karl & Denny will describe what we have learned from Creator about the healling challenges and the power struggle experienced by recruits wanting their freedom back. They will discuss how healing is possible for their deep soul wounds, and why healing for all currently involved with this program is essential for the future of humanity.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about dark consequences of SSP participation … Webinar: Will Secret Space Program Affect Our Future? 23June2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Will Secret Space Program Affect Our Future 23June2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Who Created the SSP and What is its Mission?
Karl & Brian will share Creator’s revelations on the origins and history of this group, its overall agenda, and give examples of its impact on society.

What is the Role of Time Travel Used by the SSP?
Karl & Brian will discuss the ability to manipulate time as a technological capability of the SSP and how it is integral to the planning and functions of the SSP in training of recruits and carrying out their missions.

Is Human Cloning Done to Create Expendable Warriors?
Karl & Brian will reveal what Creator says about the existence of a parallel program to make functioning human clones based on the technology used in creating the robotic alien Greys.

What has been the Impact of the SSP on Human Society?
Karl & Brian will describe a number of events in the news that reveal the workings of the SSP in action. This secret organization reveals its handiwork to the careful observer, and they will discuss the evidence.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about will secret space program affect our future … Webinar: Disturbing Consequences of Alien Manipulation 16June2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Disturbing Consequences of Alien Manipulation 16Jun19

What we’ll cover in this event  …

What is the Real Cause of Pedophilia by Catholic Priests?
Around the world, the Catholic Church is struggling with the questions: why does this happen, what should we do about wayward priests, and is there a way to prevent such tragedies? Karl & Denny will discuss what Creator says is really going on.

Do Prenatal Ultrasound Exams Pose a Health Risk?
Karl & Denny will explore how the widespread practice of using ultrasound imaging to satisfy prenatal curiosity as a kind of recreation belies an ugly truth – there are real and significant dangers. They will discuss what Creator has shared with us about the pros and cons of this invasive procedure that, like so many others, mainstream medicine is too complacent about.

What Causes People to Hold Extreme Opinions?
For those shocked and horrified reading accounts of the Holocaust, or watching the films made during the liberation of the Nazi death camps at the end of World War II, it not only rings true, but leaves an unforgettable impression. Yet there are adamant Holocaust deniers. Are zealous proponents of climate change as being a threat actually “reality deniers” even as they call those who don’t agree “climate change deniers?” Karl & Denny will discuss who’s telling the truth (according to Creator), and give other examples of manipulations behind shocking news stories.

Are People Continuing to Have UFO Encounters?
Despite the almost complete lack of interest by the media, it’s business as usual. Karl & Denny will give examples of recent clients who continue to struggle with the aftermath of extraterrestrial encounters that were more than close.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about disturbing consequences of alien manipulation … Webinar: Healing Past & Future Lives to Heal the Present 02Jun2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Healing Past & Future Lives to Heal the Present 02Jun2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Is Changing the Past to Help the Present Truly Possible?
Karl & Denny will explore the strange nature of quantum reality as Creator explains the possibility of time travel, as well as healing across time domains without the danger of undoing our existence.

Can ETs Who Can Time Travel Undo Our Healing Efforts?
Karl & Denny will explore Creator’s revelations about the incredible time travel capability extraterrestrials actually possess that allows them to manipulate human society and then visit the future to see actual long-term consequences, and then return in time to further optimize their strategy. This is a very troubling scenario as all of humanity faces the reality of advanced technology brought to bear against us. We discuss Creator’s teachings about the options we have if enough of us invoke divine help.

Is There Subconscious Awareness of Our Other Timelines?
Karl & Denny share Creator’s explanation for how this happens, and the implications for causing many of our physical and emotional struggles. Despite the seeming challenges, we will share how we can tap into that deep inner awareness to get at the deepest possible roots of people’s problems to bring effective healing.

Can Healing the Future Really Help Us in the Present?
Karl & Denny explore how paradoxically, rather than being the case the future will be taken care of by fixing the present, future lifetimes already exist in parallel to the current timeline we are experiencing. Due to the looping of time there are influences in both directions across time. Healing done in a future lifetime or even a potential that is forming, can be instrumental in bringing important healing benefits into the current reality. This discussion is guaranteed to expand your thinking and understanding of why the Lightworker Healing Protocol is so special. You won’t see reality in the same way ever again!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about healing past & future lives to heal the present …