New Divine Healing Insights 06Aug2023: Preventing future fatal accident saves DLS recipient and another whole family; Divine augmentation saves supplement costs, Deceased in-laws’ spirit rescue, Heart failure, Paralyzing spinal surgery, Rescue from liver failure, Hypothyroidism, Downside of knowing your karma, Narcissists, Spirit watch dogs,

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New Divine Healing Insights 06Aug2023

Divine help shared:

    • Preventing future fatal accident saves DLS recipient and another whole family.
    • Can Divine Augmentation make nutritional supplements more affordable?
    • Did spirits of in-laws who passed make it to the light with help of the LHP?
    • Will our Protocols help for heart failure or recovery from paralyzing spinal surgery?
    • Can a person’s hypothyroid condition be healed by Divine Life Support?
    • What is the best way to spread the word about Divine Life Support to others?
    • Was the life of a liver transplant recipient actually saved by divine intervention?
    • Is learning about our karma a good idea, or are there hazards?
    • Is it a good idea for people to probe their own akashic records?
    • How can we cope with narcissists in our lives?
    • Can watch dogs sometimes warn about dark spirit meddlers?

New Divine Healing Insights 02Jul2023: Multi-lifetime mother-daughter grudge match, war veteran mistreats family members, woman with chronic fatigue, man with blood cancer, amazing stroke recovery, woman can’t use a pendulum, spirit rescues needed and completed.

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New Divine Healing Insights 02Jul2023

 Divine help shared:

    • Multi-lifetime mother-daughter grudge match
    • War veteran mistreats family members
    • Woman with chronic fatigue
    • Man with blood cancer
    • Amazing stroke recovery
    • Woman can’t use a pendulum
    • Spirit rescues needed and completed

New Divine Healing Insights 04Jun2023: Violent Child Saved from Dark Spirits, Body Pain Caused by Spirits, Helping Thyroid Disorders, Viral Cause Behind 85% of Cancer, Increased Healing for Viruses with LHP and DSMR Protocols

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New Divine Healing Insights 04Jun2023

Divine Help Shared:

    • Violent Child Saved from Dark Spirits
    • Body Pain Caused by Spirits
    • Helping Thyroid Disorders
    • Viral Cause Behind 85% of Cancer
    • Increased Healing for Viruses with LHP and DSMR Protocols

New Divine Healing Insights 07May2023: Family Mass Murder Prevented, Reusing Past Prayers, Mother’s Spirit Rescued, Psychic Stirs Up the Past, Help for Decaying City, Limitations of Energy Healing, Help for Miscarriage, Spirits Make Dog Fearful.

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New Divine Healing Insights 07May2023

Divine help shared:

    • Family Mass Murder Prevented
    • Reusing Past Prayers
    • Mother’s Spirit Rescued
    • Psychic Stirs Up the Past
    • Help for Decaying City
    • Limitations of Energy Healing
    • Help for Miscarriage
    • Spirits Make Dog Fearful

New Divine Healing Insights 02Apr2023: Ongoing Religious Revivals, Hospice No Longer Needed, Tooth Extraction Eased, Sleep Apnea, Weightloss, Alzheimer’s, Finding Faith, Divine Matchmaking, Preparing Non-Believers for Ascension

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New Divine Healing Insights 02Apr2023

Divine help shared:

    • Ongoing Religious Revivals
    • Hospice No Longer Needed
    • Tooth Extraction Eased
    • Sleep Apnea
    • Weightloss
    • Alzheimer’s
    • Finding Faith
    • Divine Matchmaking
    • Preparing Non-Believers for Ascension

New Divine Healing Insights 05Mar2023: Jesus Christ’s Power, Becoming an LHP Practitioner, Earthquake Victims and Survivors Need Our Help, US Earthquake Receives Divine Intervention

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New Divine Healing Insights 05Mar2023

Divine Help shared: 

    • Jesus Christ’s power
    • Becoming an LHP practitioner
    • Middle East earthquake victims and survivors need your LHP help
    • US earthquake receives divine intervention

New Divine Healing Insights 05Feb2023: Legal issue, Keeping a mental wish list, Erectile dysfunction, Liver mass detected, Psoriasis, Marital discord, Vax symptoms, & Psychic attack

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Divine Healing Insights 05Feb2023

Divine Help shared:

    • Legal issue
    • Keeping a mental wish list
    • Erectile dysfunction
    • Liver mass detected
    • Psoriasis
    • Marital discord
    • Vax symptoms
    • Psychic attack Webinar: Satanic Ritual Abuse Origins and Objectives 11Dec2020

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Satanic Ritual Abuse Origins and Objectives 11Dec2020

About The Webinar

How widespread is Satanic Ritual Abuse? 
​​​​​​​Creator gives us an overview about how individuals and groups come together for such dark doings, and the fact it is present worldwide on a scale larger than believed by the public.

What is the origin and purpose of Satanic Ritual Abuse? 
​​​​​​​We explore the history and consequences of having this evil influence among us, and the ways it is used to affect people’s lives, whether they are perpetrator or victim.

Who benefits from Satanic Ritual Abuse and how is it orchestrated? 
​​​​​​​We will describe the role of the fallen angelic spirits and the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance in perpetuating these dark practices.

What are the karmic consequences of participating in Satanic Ritual Abuse? 
​​​​​​​We will give examples of people who had a history of being involved in ritual abuse in other lifetimes, and how it governed their behavior to negatively influence their current life as a karmic pattern. Webinar: Mysteries of Light Being Existence 29Dec2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Mysteries of Light Being Existence 29Dec2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Are We Really Light Beings?
Many people have questioned the descriptions of us as powerful light begins with many advanced capabilities, as few would predict that from observing human life. We explored with Creator the contrast, why it exists and what it means for our future.

How Do Light Beings Learn About Life in the Earth Plane?
A viewer shares with us an accurate dream recall of her training to come down into the physical as a human being.

Who Created God and How Many God Levels are There?
We explored these topics with Creator, who gives us a very clear picture of the divine hierarchy, and how it speaks to our destiny. Success as humans is worth fighting for more than we realize.

How Do Light Beings See One Another & Communicate? 
We will present teachings about a number of phenomena experienced by humans in the higher astral realm, as well as by earthbound human and extraterrestrial spirits.

Is There Sex in Heaven?
Having finally gotten around the big issue, we explored with Creator what we lose and gain in going back to the light. It’s amazing!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about mysteries of light being existence … Webinar: More Extraterrestrial Manipulations Revealed 22Dec2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: More Extraterrestrial Manipulations Revealed 22Dec2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

How Widespread are Alien Abductions of Infants?
Every parent’s worst nightmare is something evil befalling their child. Karl & Denny discuss the shocking reality of how widespread this extraterrestrial program is, what it does to the victims, and the power of the Lightworker Healing Protocol to provide safety.

Does Mind Control Cause Governments to Create Trouble?
Governments are moving to reduce criminal penalties for drug use and property crimes as a humane way to reduce incarceration, even as they may be criminalizing behavior like homelessness. There are widespread reports that the death toll of serious natural disasters is being under-reported. There is a leaked video of a scientific proposal to weaponize a virus attacking the gene for spirituality. Karl & Denny explore Creator’s perspective of the cynical and sinister motivations behind such intentions.

Age Discrimination Like Racism Promoted by Mind Control?
Many workers are being phased out at their prime, and this is commonly accepted as just a self-serving cost-cutting by businesses. Creator explains how this has been ingrained in the thinking of managers and executives to corrupt them and actually undermine human productivity by eliminating the most valuable and highly experienced employees.

Where Did All the Sand in the Sahara & Namib Come From? 
We were prompted to look into this with Creator and were shocked to learn this was entirely unnatural and sinister. It is a sobering lesson about the power of the interlopers we face to wreak havoc on our environment.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine perspective on more extraterrestrial manipulations …