Webinar: Manipulated Human Follies 25Nov2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Manipulated Human Follies 25Nov2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Is Overzealous Self-Indulgence a Result of Mind-Control?
So many human follies, and so little time … Karl and Denny discuss what Creator says is the number one reason humans get “carried away” both as individuals and as mobs in pursuing activities that anyone in “saner” moments will instantly recognize as self-defeating.

Follies, Follies EVERYWHERE!
A catalogue of these would be HUGE. Some examples we’ll discuss are cannabis, infidelity, Bitcoin mania, political intrigue, and more.

A Look at the Evidence – Razor-thin Election Margins
Elections in the United States for the last few decades have been statistic-defying in the closeness of the results when factoring the incredible number of participating voters. From Truman’s close shave, to Al Gore challenging election results in the Supreme Court, to Donald Trump shocking everybody including himself, is there something “unnatural” going on here? Creator will provide an eye-opening answer!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about manipulated human follies … Webinar: Nutrition Myths Needing Revision 18Nov2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar:  Nutrition Myths Needing Revision 18Nov2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Is the Alarming Increase in Chronic Illness Due to Faulty Diets?
Karl and Denny discuss Creator’s surprising and detailed answer to this compelling question.

Have the “Experts” Misled Us About What’s Safe – & What’s Not?
Some people believe the “experts”. Other’s think they are incompetent. And yet other’s think they are “evil geniuses” conspiring to harm us for profit and control motives. What does Creator say about all this? Karl and Denny will discuss Creator’s surprising response!

What Does Creator Recommend for Meeting Nutrition Needs?
Is the “Creator Diet” the next *BIG* thing? Can Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol assist with our nutrition requirements and help to safeguard our health and protect us from dietary hazards and risks?

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about nutrition myths needing revision … Webinar: To “Veg” or Not to Veg 18Nov2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: To “Veg” or Not to Veg 18Nov2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Is Advocacy of Vegetarian Diets Helping or Hurting?
Karl and Denny have discussed “animal ethics” in an earlier webinar. This discussion will focus primarily on the nutritional impact of the debate. Karl will share Creator’s answer to this all-important question!

Why Are So Many Nutritionists Polar Opposites?
Karl and Denny ask, “Does MIND-CONTROL have anything to do with it?” Why is nutrition “science” so controversial? Our scientific method should be leading people to a common knowledge of the facts. Why instead do we witness such extreme divergence in “scientific” opinion? Karl and Denny will discuss Creator’s detailed explanation for this deeply puzzling dilemma!

How Can the Health Risks of Processed Foods be Avoided?
Karl and Denny will “dig in” and share Creator’s important answer to this critical question!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about to “veg” or not to veg? … Webinar: Mind Control of Political Leaders 11Nov2018

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar:  Mind-Control of Political Leaders 11Nov2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Our Investigation of Mind-Control Continues …
Karl and Denny explore what Creator says about the impact of mind-control on political leaders.

Focus on United States Presidential Politics
Karl and Denny explore Creator’s answers to these compelling questions using US politics as an example. How broad is the problem of Extraterrestrial Alliance interference with elections of national leaders around the globe? What is the impact on political dissent and freedoms? Can they cause specific actions of key figures in power against their will? Can they manipulate the population as a whole to influence world events? And other compelling questions!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about mind-control of political leaders … Webinar: Mind-Control Affecting Society 04Nov2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Mind-Control Affecting Society 04Nov2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Our Investigation of Mind-Control Continues …
Karl and Denny explore what Creator says about the impact of mind-control on society at large. How does mind control affect culture? How does it affect lifestyle choices? Scientific pursuits? Careers and career choices? Art and entertainment? Family and neighborhoods? Why do small rural communities value stability and tradition, while large cities are cold, impersonal, and immoral despite the close proximity of people? Why are people concentrating in cities in spite of this stark difference?

The Broad Undermining of Humanity
Karl and Denny explore what Creator says on this critically important topic. Can mind-control and an explicit and dark agenda explain ever-increasing societal disintegration? Does mind-control explain how our education of the young has become so dysfunctional and counter-intuitive? Does it explain the confusion around religion, and the adolescent behavior of politicians?

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about mind-control affecting society … Webinar: Mind-Control Over Political & Legal Outcomes 28Oct2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Mind-Control Over Political & Legal Outcomes 28Oct2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Can Our Institutions Really be Trusted?
Karl and Denny explore this rhetorical question briefly. Each sharing their views as lifetime observers of global governments and politics. Creator’s answer to this pointed question will be shared as well.

How Can Corruption and Sinister Influence be Detected?
Karl and Denny explore what Creator says on this critically important topic. Espionage and whistle-blowing are extremely risky and hazardous ways to accomplish this. Is there a safer and more Divinely-aligned way to accomplish this effectively?

The Judge Kavanaugh Assault Accusations
Karl and Denny will share exclusive information recently learned from Creator, about the real behind-the-scenes motives and activities resulting in the now infamous public accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against Judge (now Justice) Brent Kavanaugh of the United States Supreme Court.

More on Legal Tampering
Karl and Denny will share further examples and insights from Creator about tampering with juries, judges, and other aspects of the legal system.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about mind-control over political and legal outcomes … Webinar: The True Story of the Ten Commandments 21Oct2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: The True Story of the Ten Commandments 21Oct2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

What is the True Story of the Ten Commandments?
Karl and Denny will share and explore Creator’s rather lengthy and deeply fascinating answer to this question.

Why Commandments Then and Principles Now?
Karl and Denny will explore the answer to this compelling question. Did Moses even communicate with Creator at the time? Was the wording of the Commandments and the naming of this collection Creator’s precise dictation, or did Moses “re-package” them for some reason? Have they come down to us accurately from thousands of years ago? How much relevance do they have for us today?

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about the true story of the ten commandments … Webinar: The Divine Purpose & Origin of Animals 07Oct2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: The Divine Purpose & Origin of Animals 07Oct2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

The Divine Purpose for Animals
Karl and Denny will “go down the rabbit hole” and explore the divine purpose for animals. This is, of course, a HUGE topic and one can only scratch the surface in the time available.

What are the Diverse Origins of Animals?
Karl and Denny explore what Creator says on this fascinating topic. With the advent of genetic engineering, it is now easy to foresee that scientists could someday alter animals, and even create “designer” ones. Is this new? Or have extraterrestrials been doing this for eons? What are the differences between Divinely created animals versus laboratory designed ones?

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about the purpose and origin of animals … Webinar: Breakthrough Advance for Healing & Saving Humanity 30Sept2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Breakthrough Advance for Healing & Saving Humanity 30Sept2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

More Details on the Healing Breakthrough
Karl and Denny will continue to explore the new research breakthrough that significantly enhances the effectiveness and reach of the Lightworker Healing Protocol.

Will this Breakthrough Help Us Deal with the Interlopers?
Karl and Denny will go into detail about how this important new development will help us all in dealing with, breaking away from, and HEALING the interlopers themselves.

Timeline for Humanity’s Future?
Karl and Denny share sobering information on the challenges facing humanity in our present and immediate future. Time is short, and there is MUCH to do. Karl and Denny will share details of this new breakthrough can help us actually turn the tide – while there is still time …

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about the breakthrough advance for healing and saving humanity … Webinar: Countering High-Level Psychic Attacks 23Sept2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Countering High-Level Psychic Attacks 23Sept2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

What are “High-Level” Psychic Attacks?
Karl and Brian (Denny is unavailable this week) will share the dark doings of “adept spell casters” down through the ages. Is sorcery and black magic real? What about witchcraft? Voodoo? Does the ET Alliance make use of spells and curses?

What Role do the Fallen Angels Play?
Karl and Brian will discuss how sorcery involves the fallen angels in their machinations. How do the fallen angels benefit from participating with humans in curses and spells? Can someone “really” sell their soul to the “devil”?

How Can These Attacks be Effectively Countered?
Karl and Brian will share what has been learned from Creator about the best, most effective ways to counter and defeat these attacks. Can the sorcerer be “healed”? What kind of karma attends this kind of activity? How can the Lightworker Healing Protocol provide a complete solution to this dilemma?

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about the meditation – esoteric pursuits & genuine hazards …