Is the Timing of the Release of Official UFO Videos Important?

Is the Timing of the Release of Official UFO Videos Important?

In late April 2020, the Pentagon did something we would not have imagined it would ever do. It released official UFO footage—and affirmed, ever so slightly, the existence of extraterrestrials.

But how harmless is this video?

The Video isn’t New

The video that the Pentagon released, just like the idea, is nothing new. In fact, we have seen the exact same footage before—it was released by a private company a year ago. In 2019, the Navy had acknowledged the footage as one containing “unidentified objects.”  But the footage itself goes further back to 2017. The incident—the sighting of this unidentified object—goes back even further.

It was in 2004, when David Fravor, a retired US Navy pilot, saw the said unidentified object. It was white, he said, and oblong. It pointed north, and it moved erratically. Fravor had been in an aircraft, and he sped towards the object. The object, in turn, sped south and disappeared. It took merely 2 seconds—perhaps even less—for it to disappear.

The Science of the UFO

David Fravor’s fantastic account revealed to us many things about UFOs and how they work. Coming from a retired US Navy pilot, who knows about aircraft and has no need to peddle conspiracy theories, we can, perhaps, take him for his word.

The Science of the UFO David Fravor’s fantastic account revealed to us many things about UFOs and how they work. Coming from a retired US Navy pilot, who knows about aircraft and has no need to peddle conspiracy theories

According to his account, the object hovered just over the water. Then, it climbed vertically, at an incomprehensible speed to a great height: from zero to nearly 120,000 ft., and then it accelerated and vanished. This all happened within 5 minutes, according to Fravor. They tracked this object for as long as they could before it fled.

If you think the account itself is amazing, wait until you find out about the timing.

The Timing Matters

Fravor’s account was in a live interview with CNN. This interview happened only days after the Pentagon had admitted that some research on the possible existence of UFOs had been carried out. Soon enough, a former official for the Pentagon also voiced his belief that we (humans) are not alone.

The timing mattered then, and the timing matters now. Within days of the release of this video, Japan was drafting a UFO protocol. In May, there was news of a new, black hole that exists very close to the Earth.

And all of this comes in the wake of a terrible global pandemic. We are almost forced to wonder which battles we are fighting exactly—and on what fronts.

The timing, we think, is no coincidence.

Extraterrestrial Agendas

If you, too, are a hidden truth researcher, join hands with The Get Wisdom project and find out more about extraterrestrial agendas. With Get Wisdom, you will learn something new every day.


Scientists Just Discovered a New Black Hole: And it’s the Closest the Earth has Ever Been to One!

The Biggest Black Hole Discovery—Ever No discovery or scientific achievement of the current century comes close to the picture of a black hole that scientists captured last year.

Ever since Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar came out, people have a renewed interest in finding out more about black holes. Black holes are spectacular phenomena that threaten all laws of nature and physics as humans know them. Perhaps that is why they continue to fascinate us ever since Carl Sagan raved about them in his Cosmos.

We started thence—and we have never stopped theorizing or fantasizing about black holes.

The Biggest Black Hole Discovery—Ever

No discovery or scientific achievement of the current century comes close to the picture of a black hole that scientists captured last year. The image was captured after a massive undertaking by various scientists. A scattering of telescopes placed strategically all around the world worked in unison to capture the now-memorable picture.

For the first time in the history of mankind, we were all looking at the strangest possible thing: we were looking directly at a place where Time stops.

What Black Holes Mean for Humans—and for Extraterrestrials

Scientists Just Discovered a New Black Hole: And it’s the Closest the Earth has Ever Been to One!

We mentioned Interstellar at the beginning of this blog because we wanted to go back to it. The movie explores an interesting question: that of life outside of Earth. It insinuates that there is life outside, on habitable planets, which exist near a supermassive black hole.

This might not be too far from the truth—although most authorities would never corroborate.

People of science vehemently oppose the idea of extraterrestrials—some by delusion and some by design. After all, we all witnessed the fierce attempt to keep Area 51 a secret. However, the theory of the existence of black holes, and its irrefutable proof in the form of a picture are damning evidence—evidence that there is so much more out there than we imagine.

It’s possible that advanced aliens, beings with higher intelligence, may use black holes for travel. NASA scientists themselves have confirmed as much: alien life could exist on planets orbiting a black hole.

And guess what? They just discovered a brand-new black hole—closer to Earth than all others of its kind.

The Newest Black Hole Discovery

It’s 1000 light-years away. It’s in a constellation called Telescopium—perhaps because it can be seen with a telescope. In this case, it can be seen from the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope located in Chile’s ESO’s La Silla Observatory.

And on the 6th of May, 2020, astronomers confirmed that a black hole sits in the center of this constellation.

The discovery, initially, was that of an invisible object. Astronomers noticed that two stars in this close constellation kept revolving—as if they were performing a pilgrimage around an invisible place of worship. It was the first time that humans saw fool-proof evidence of a black hole with an unaided eye.

The black hole is so close to home it’s practically in our backyard. And since we know that alien life can exist on planets orbiting black holes, this discovery opens a grand Pandora’s box of possibilities.

Find Out More about Extraterrestrials

From extraterrestrial interlopers to nefarious extraterrestrial agendas, there are far too many hidden truths in the world than we can imagine. And you can start discovering more of this hidden world today, by signing up for The Get Wisdom Project.

The Faulty Notion That Humans Have Something to do with the Downfall of Humanity

The Faulty Notion That Humans Have Something to do with the Downfall of Humanity

It’s 2020, and the world isn’t exactly pretty. The year started with terrible fires in Australia that led to the demise of many animals and rendered many people homeless.

Then we ventured all too close to having a full-blown nuclear war. And then, we got a global viral pandemic that has so far taken the lives of 103,506 people.

This year just can’t seem to catch a break. And it’s all humans’ fault, isn’t it?

No. It is Not.

Yes, at first glance, it’s easy to think that our shortcomings and mistakes have led us to the point of no return.

Global warming, for example, is something we feel we are directly responsible for. The wars, we believe are caused by our erroneous selection of democratic leaders. The virus, we feel—mistakenly so—is spread because someone drank bat soup in China (no, that is absolutely incorrect).

Who Does All This Benefit?

The question we should be asking is who benefits from these turbulent times? Definitely not humans. And we can’t even blame the capitalists, because capitalism has taken a huge blow ever since the pandemic started and everyone went into lockdown.

Humans have braved nothing but a sea of troubles since the spread of this virus.

Who Does All This Benefit? The question we should be asking is who benefits from these turbulent times? Definitely not humans.

And there’s more.

There is, for example, a rise in hate crime against Asians in the U.S. and beyond. Many naysayers believe the virus was a tool for biological warfare and was manufactured by such-and-such country to hurt another country.

So how, then, do we get to the truth so we can start healing?

Separating Fact from Fiction

The truth is rather simple: every country is suffering. Some might have it worse than others, but we’re all in this together. There is an enemy, yes—and it’s the virus. And those who are behind it.

When it comes to conspiracy theories, there’s always an ounce of truth mixed with fabrications. This is true for the theories surrounding the virus as well. After all, who, if not the belligerent extraterrestrials, would profit if all of humankind were to fall victim to disease and chaos?

We must also not forget the many dark and sinister forces that hold sway and power over humans. So while we may think that we’re directly responsible for this mess, we must remember that we’re being controlled by someone else entirely.

So yes, if a religious radical comes to you and preaches that somehow the “misuse of sex” or the worship of a false god is causing the pandemic, don’t believe them. There is only one Creator, and the Creator is divinely benevolent.

Want to Know More?

If you want to dig deeper into the extraterrestrial agenda and why it’s important for humans to unite and fight it, check out the divine wisdom database available on our website. Webinar: Recent Deadly Games of Extraterrestrials 08Sep2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Recent Deadly Games of Extraterrestrials 08Sep2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Are “Natural” Disasters Caused by Advanced ET Technology?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s explanation of the recent California earthquake and volcanic activity in the Hawaiian islands. We have also had a severe impairment of food crops in the American Midwest due to unusually cold and wet weather. The common thread connecting these events is that all were created by extraterrestrials deliberately.

Is There Any Limit to How Many Things ETs Interfere With?
We can add to the list: intentional snarling of traffic, another prominent clergyman disgraced by sexual misconduct, impoverishment through financial manipulations, directing Mercenary Army Program chemical weapons attacks, introducing hostile and destructive plant life, more examples of channeling and New Age practitioner disinformation, and orchestrating mass shootings to encourage gun confiscation.

What are Characteristics of the Alien Love Bite Phenomenon?
The ability of extraterrestrials to manipulate human love feelings will be discussed and illustrated with client examples. This is a direct interference with human free will and illustrates how they can do so many breeding experiments with human subjects, as well as interfere with people’s lives by causing inappropriate feelings and conduct. The aliens can also take over control of a person’s body and push their own mind aside for a time. This allows a wide array of things to happen done by an extraterrestrial controller and not the person.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about recent deadly games of extraterrestrials … Webinar: Karma We Share With Extraterrestrials 16Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Karma We Share With Extraterrestrials 16Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Are ET Entanglements A Result of Our Human Karma?
Karl and Denny explore Creator’s response to this question.

What Are the Karmic Consequences for the ETs?
Karl and Denny will share Creator’s revelations about the karmic bed the ETs are making for themselves. Is karmic backlash something the ETs can dodge or postpone? Can our karma or their’s even be “weaponized” and used against humanity?

What Will Be the Outcome, and WHO Determines It?
Has karma already sealed humanity’s fate? If not, what must be done for humanity to escape its draconian entanglements with the ETs? Creator will spill the beans on this critical question.

Healing BOTH the Victim and Perpetrator
Karl and Denny will go over in detail how The Lightworker Healing Protocol is the only GENUINE solution for permanently solving the problem of humanity’s ultimate karmic destiny.

Viewer Questions for Creator by Karl Mollison 10June2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 10June2017

1) There is a theory that upon death it is recommended not to go into the light because it is a trap used to capture souls into an unending series of incarnations. Is this true?

2)  Since archangels have been mentioned in a positive context, are all angels and archangels light beings or are there not so good ones? In other words, some say Archangel Michael misleads people. Also is the myth of the fallen ones true … Lucifer turning away from the Source and causing havoc on Earth? And way are angels in some parts of the bible described as dangerous beings? By the way, I’m talking about real angels and their characteristics, not imposters that pretend to be angels.

3)  Is it more accurate to think of reincarnation as sequential in terms of human perception of time, or is it more accurate to think of it occurring in terms of life lessons that takes them from a life lived in the thirties to one lived in the dark ages?

4)  Is Creator a group of higher beings then?

5)  Is the flood of channeled and ET info, flooding into our view designed to keep us passively waiting for deliverance by others, rather than using our own powerful co-creative ability?

6)  Does the promise of healing ships etc. keep us from using healing power that we already possess, or could request from the divine if our belief is strong enough?

7)  If humanity is just another neighbor amongst many kinds of beings in the galactic neighborhood what needs to happen before good  ETs can contact us openly in the physical dimension? Is it true that some advanced  benevolent ETs are in open physical contact with other benevolent ET races? If so what was the threshold event or process they had to go through to be an open participant in the galactic community? Or is it as alluded to in Allies of Humanity briefings that benevolent, free planetary races have to achieve their own sovereignty by their own free will and then keep more to themselves rather than to roam the galaxy?

8)  What is the master plan of the malevolent ETs currently in our interacting with humanity? What do they want? Why are they doing all that they are doing?

9)  Is the mind control currently being exerted on all humans the same strength for everyone?

10)  Why can’t you and the “we” you speak of intervene as these people/souls certainly cry out through need, prayer, and direct requests for your help?

11)  On the other side of this is it not enough that there are others for example the three of us creating protective light requests, meaning our collective will/light/request to intervene and  initiate a rescue?

12)  Creator, I am sorry but I need to ask you to recount the collective awakened and re-evaluate the percentage of conscious humans needed for an immediate rescue of your people being held in any and all slave colonies please.

13)  Under what conditions would benevolent ETs ever contact humans and why?

J. Allen Hynek Channeled by Karl Mollison 14March2017

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J. Allen Hynek Channeled by Karl Mollison 17March2017

Dr. Josef Allen Hynek (May 1, 1910 – April 27, 1986) was an American astronomer, professor, and ufologist. He is perhaps best remembered for his UFO research. Hynek acted as scientific adviser to UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force under three consecutive projects: Project Sign (1947–1949), Project Grudge (1949–1952), and Project Blue Book (1952–1969).

Hynek was born in Chicago to Czech parents. In 1931, Hynek received a B.S. from the University of Chicago. In 1935, he completed his PhD. in astrophysics at Yerkes Observatory. He joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Ohio State University in 1936. He specialized in the study of stellar evolution and in the identification of spectroscopic binary stars.

During World War II, Hynek was a civilian scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, where he helped to develop the United States Navy’s radio proximity fuse.

After the war, Hynek returned to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Ohio State, rising to full professor in 1950. In 1953, Hynek submitted a report on the fluctuations in the brightness and color of starlight and daylight, with an emphasis on daytime observations.

In 1956, he left to join Professor Fred Whipple, the Harvard astronomer, at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, which had combined with the Harvard Observatory at Harvard. Hynek had the assignment of directing the tracking of an American space satellite, a project for the International Geophysical Year in 1956 and thereafter. In addition to over 200 teams of amateur scientists around the world that were part of Operation Moonwatch, there were also 12 photographic Baker-Nunn stations. A special camera was devised for the task and a prototype was built and tested and then stripped apart again when, on Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched its first satellite, Sputnik 1.

After completing his work on the satellite program, Hynek went back to teaching, taking the position of professor and chairman of the astronomy department at Northwestern University in 1960.

Hynek’s true views on UFOs were still unknown to the public when the astronomer, now teaching at North­western University, first met Jacques Vallee in the fall of 1963. Taking a job as a computer programmer at North­western, Vallee became a close friend of Hynek and soon they formed a UFO discussion group.

The astron­omer would eventually nickname this group “the Invisible College” (Vallee 1996, 270)—a term first used by the Rosicrucians in the early 1600s.

Vallee began prodding Hynek to break with the Air Force and publicly admit that the UFO phenomenon was real and worthy of serious scientific investigation. Project Blue Book’s longtime scientific consultant—still known as a staunch UFO de­bunker—stubbornly resisted this ad­vice (Vallee 1996, 80–94).

In later years he conducted his own independent UFO research, developing the “Close Encounter” classification system.

He is widely considered the father of the concept of scientific analysis both of reports and especially of trace evidence purportedly left by UFOs.
