Webinar: The Divine Plan for Amazing Animals 21Apr2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Supporter Webinar: The Divine Plan for Amazing Animals 21Apr2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Ethical & Karmic Consequences of Exploiting Animals?
Karl & Denny will explore what Creator reveals about the consequences of using animals for labor and as zoo exhibits.

Do All Animals Have Souls? Karl & Denny will share Creator’s revelations about the soul makeup of animals, and what species have individual or collective souls and why this is so.

Why are Some Animals Resilient & Others Fragile?
Karl & Denny will delve into what Creator says about how some animals do things far more demanding than could ever be done by human, and also reveals that there is a sinister worsening of animals going on under our noses.

More On How Animals Heal Humans & How to Heal Them?
Karl & Denny will share divine wisdom about Creator’s plan through examples of animal helpers and animal clients who we have helped with their healing dilemmas.

Viewer Questions and Answers:
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about the divine plan for amazing animals … Webinar: Signs from the Divine Realm 24Mar2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Signs from the Divine Realm 24Mar2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

What is Behind “Coincidence” that is “Too Good to be True”?
Many people missing someone will hear unexpectedly, a rare song on the radio that was that person’s favorite. Karl & Denny will share Creator’s explanation for how that can happen, and many other “signs from heaven” in answer to prayers.

Can a Departed Pet Visit the Living as a Divine Message?
Karl & Denny will share an example of this very occurrence.

Are Departed Loved Ones in Dreams Actually Visiting?
Karl & Denny will discuss the hallmark of dream visitation as a divinely orchestrated event. They will also give an account of a husband who passed and stayed behind to convince his wife he still loved her!

Can A Human Rescuer be Divinely Guided to Appear?
Karl & Denny will give examples of how people can be maneuvered by the divine realm to act as helpers and give messages in answer to a prayer.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about signs from the divine realm … Webinar: Deeper Meanings – 10 Divine Principles 28Oct2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Deeper Meanings – 10 Divine Principles 28Oct2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

The Everyday Value of Ten Divine Principles for Living
Karl is back from vacation and has channeled from Creator new material this week about the helpfulness and importance such a list plays in assisting humanity in rediscovering its divine heritage and mission.

Additional Detail and Insight on Each of The Ten Principles
Karl asked Creator about each of the ten principles in turn, and received additional explanations about their importance, applicability, and especially their impact on our happiness and the future of humanity.

The Divine View of Our Weaknesses and Failures
Karl and Denny will go over this compelling new material channeled just this week!

Humanity’s “Final Exam”?!
Creator makes clear which challenge and opportunity, and its solution, will be, in effect, “a final exam for the Divine Human Project”

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about deeper meanings – 10 Divine Principles … Webinar: The Divine Purpose & Origin of Animals 07Oct2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: The Divine Purpose & Origin of Animals 07Oct2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

The Divine Purpose for Animals
Karl and Denny will “go down the rabbit hole” and explore the divine purpose for animals. This is, of course, a HUGE topic and one can only scratch the surface in the time available.

What are the Diverse Origins of Animals?
Karl and Denny explore what Creator says on this fascinating topic. With the advent of genetic engineering, it is now easy to foresee that scientists could someday alter animals, and even create “designer” ones. Is this new? Or have extraterrestrials been doing this for eons? What are the differences between Divinely created animals versus laboratory designed ones?

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about the purpose and origin of animals … Webinar: Angels – Divine Human’s Divine Helpers 22July2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Angels – Divine Human’s Divine Helpers 22July2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Denny is on a well-deserved break, so Brian will be sitting in as host.

Why Do Angels Exist?
Karl will share Creator’s answers to this compelling question. The subject of the angelics is as vast as the study of human life and we can learn many important lessons from understanding these special beings.

What Do Angels Do All Day?
Karl and Brian will discuss the mission and ongoing activities of angels as learned from Creator, and how they interact with our world. Creator’s teachings held a number of surprises – things that dispel misconceptions that have persisted to this day.

Are We Lesser Beings than the Angels?
Creator reveals where angels and humans truly rank in the divine hierarchy and other gaps in our knowledge and awareness of the Divine Plan.

What is the True Story of Lucifer and the Fall From Grace?
No discussion of angels would be complete without tackling the issue of the fallen angelics. The dark and inevitable fate of many of the fallen will be explored. Karl and Brian will discuss how there is still hope for fallen angelics from human requests for rescue and rehabilitation via the Lightworker Healing Protocol – and why this is critical for us!

What is the Best Way to Get Angelic Help?
Creator’s explanation of the rules of engagement followed by all in the Divine Realm will explore why many human needs still go unmet, and what you can do about it.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about angels – divine human’s divine helpers … Webinar: Immigration and the Divine Path 08July2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Immigration and the Divine Path 08July2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Creator Weighs In On Immigration
Mass immigration is one of the most divisive and passionately argued issues of the 21st century. Opinions are not held lightly, and the polarization borders on the extreme. ​​​​​

The issue is a complex one that affects everyone at some level.

Both sides of the debate have reasons for advocating their approach to the problem. One side considers the other insensitive and even cruel; and the other side considers the position of their ideological opponents as naive and even dangerous.

​​​​​​​Creator responds to questions about the issue of mass immigration with a divine perspective that may surprise you, with answers not always anticipated and considered, and a call to action we all will be wise to heed.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about immigration and the divine path …