New Divine Healing Insights 07May2023: Family Mass Murder Prevented, Reusing Past Prayers, Mother’s Spirit Rescued, Psychic Stirs Up the Past, Help for Decaying City, Limitations of Energy Healing, Help for Miscarriage, Spirits Make Dog Fearful.

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New Divine Healing Insights 07May2023

Divine help shared:

    • Family Mass Murder Prevented
    • Reusing Past Prayers
    • Mother’s Spirit Rescued
    • Psychic Stirs Up the Past
    • Help for Decaying City
    • Limitations of Energy Healing
    • Help for Miscarriage
    • Spirits Make Dog Fearful

New Divine Healing Insights 02Apr2023: Ongoing Religious Revivals, Hospice No Longer Needed, Tooth Extraction Eased, Sleep Apnea, Weightloss, Alzheimer’s, Finding Faith, Divine Matchmaking, Preparing Non-Believers for Ascension

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New Divine Healing Insights 02Apr2023

Divine help shared:

    • Ongoing Religious Revivals
    • Hospice No Longer Needed
    • Tooth Extraction Eased
    • Sleep Apnea
    • Weightloss
    • Alzheimer’s
    • Finding Faith
    • Divine Matchmaking
    • Preparing Non-Believers for Ascension

New Divine Healing Insights 05Mar2023: Jesus Christ’s Power, Becoming an LHP Practitioner, Earthquake Victims and Survivors Need Our Help, US Earthquake Receives Divine Intervention

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New Divine Healing Insights 05Mar2023

Divine Help shared: 

    • Jesus Christ’s power
    • Becoming an LHP practitioner
    • Middle East earthquake victims and survivors need your LHP help
    • US earthquake receives divine intervention

New Divine Healing Insights 05Feb2023: Legal issue, Keeping a mental wish list, Erectile dysfunction, Liver mass detected, Psoriasis, Marital discord, Vax symptoms, & Psychic attack

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Divine Healing Insights 05Feb2023

Divine Help shared:

    • Legal issue
    • Keeping a mental wish list
    • Erectile dysfunction
    • Liver mass detected
    • Psoriasis
    • Marital discord
    • Vax symptoms
    • Psychic attack Webinar: Divine Encouragement About Our Troubled World 10Nov2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Divine Encouragement About Our Troubled World 10Nov2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

How Could a Loving God Allow so Many to Suffer?
This is a question asked again and again and again all through the ages, so when we received a recent client inquiry about this issue, we passed the penetrating question to Creator of All That Is for an update on Creator’s current thinking about the state of the world and the rationale for human existence. Creator’s message of encouragement explains our ability to obtain divine help for healing our way forward.

Is Harsh Experience Really the Best Path for Human Growth?
Here a viewer questions the motives and choices of Creator in making a world such as ours, where life can be tough and failure catastrophic. Creator explains the wisdom behind the free will paradigm, despite its difficulties and possibilities for compounding errors that can make people fall behind and face even greater obstacles in the future.

Did We Create This Mess? Does God Regret Our Freedom?
A viewer who sees the problems humans have and cause for others, and feels some personal responsibility for their own wrongdoing, asks about whether the Almighty has similar thoughts and possibly regrets about all that is underway. Another person wonders if it might be better to let humanity fail, if only to end the ongoing suffering of people, generation after generation. Creator opens up about its perspective and concerns, but gives loving reassurance that Creator has faith in us, even as we doubt ourselves and our ability to endure.

Is the Eternal Future Truly Better, or Just More of the Same? 
A viewer raises an important question about being all too human and what that may mean, if the current reincarnation paradigm means we return to lifetime after lifetime as the same person, to pick up where we left off. What can a person who lacks talent, great intellect, or other positive attributes compared to most people expect to gain from an eternal existence, if their shortcomings are soul characteristics? Creator provides much needed encouragement about the true potential within each one of us to have many new adventures tapping into truly vast resources within our soul. We’re just getting started!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine encouragement about our troubled world … Webinar: Divine Perspective on Vaccines & Child Health 29Sept2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Divine Perspective on Vaccines & Child Health 29Sept2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

What is the Cause for Concern about Vaccines & Autism?
Karl & Brian explore the true causes of autism, and share Creator’s explanation of what happened with specific examples of children who developed autistic symptoms following vaccination. This puts in perspective the mechanisms and risk factors behind the growing problem of autism as a worldwide dilemma. We explore the pros and cons of vaccination and the controversy about safety. There are things science has yet to understand and appreciate about how the body, especially of infants, responds to injection of material from pathogenic organisms. Creator offers suggestions about how to improve the current vaccination program.

Is the Anti-Vaccine Movement Helping or Hurting?
The hotly contested issues surrounding vaccination are rarely debated openly and carefully, but rather as one-sided proselytizing by either proponents or critics speaking to the media or their own audience. Creator helps this discussion move forward with a dispassionate look at all the important issues at stake and the trade-offs that needed to be understood to make wises choices.

Are Advanced Infants of Today Coming in with Less Karma?
The many descriptions of the indigo, rainbow, and crystal children being born hold great promise for human progress, but the dramatic upsurge of many childhood problems like ADD, ADHD, ODD and autism raise many questions as to why this should be happening. Creator explains the true origins of this dilemma and what to do about it.

Do Some Routine Infant Procedures Have Hidden Risks?
Karl & Brian explore the divine perspective about the dangers of ultrasound, the disadvantages of circumcising male infants, and the unknown special benefits of breastfeeding compared to infant formula.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine truth about divine perspective on vaccination … Webinar: Divine Healing – LHP Opportunities & Constraints 04Aug2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Divine Healing – LHP Opportunities & Constraints 04Aug2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

How can GW and LHP  beliefs be discussed with others?
With the growing disbelief fostered by the secular movement, and often inflexible dogma held by the religious, practitioners of the Protocol will encounter resistance and disbelief from many, if not most, of those around them, often even skeptical loved ones. We explore this issue with Creator and will share the divine perspective about coping with this dilemma.

Will all practitioners get the same benefit using the LHP?
Karl & Denny will go over the basic requirements most practitioners can meet to get success with the Lightworker Healing Protocol, and illustrate how, on occasion, the practitioner can be too close to the problem and get in their own way.

What Happens When One Fails to Get Benefits with the LHP?
It is important for both clients and practitioners to understand the many complications and uncertainties in requesting divine healing, even with an elegant tool like the Lightworker Healing Protocol. Many practitioners have doubts, and it is important to learn what Creator says about the inevitable failures and seeming failures they will experience, to put things in perspective so they avoid self-blame.

Is there anything Jesus taught his disciples about how to heal that could be added to the Protocol?
Karl asked this question of Creator and will share the amazing and encouraging answer! Karl & Denny will highlight a few of the ways that the Lightworker Healing Protocol is superior to other healing modalities.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine healing, LHP opportunities & constraints … Webinar: Divine & Non-Divine Animal Comings & Goings 26May2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Divine & Non-Divine Animal Comings & Goings 26May2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

Is Over-Breeding the Real Reason for Genetic Defects?
Karl & Denny will share what Creator has revealed about this question . They will also share what genuinely effective solutions can be brought to bear.

Why Do Bees Sting One Person and Not Another?
Karl & Denny will discuss this and other interesting revelations from Creator on other enigmatic animal behaviors and their true origins. Especially the workings of karma governing what creatures do and don’t do.

When is it Ethical to Euthanize a Pet?
Karl & Denny share Creator’s perspective on this complicated and difficult decision, that needs careful thought. Creator imparts wisdom about suitable criteria for deciding “when to let go”.

Can a Pet Reincarnate to be With the Same Person Again?
This intriguing possibility, the subject of two recent motion pictures, has been sensed many times by intuitive pet owners. We will describe our own direct experience with this phenomenon, Creator’s blow-by-blow account of how it came about, and share the important lessons about love it holds for us all.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine & non-divine animal comings & goings … Webinar: The Divine Plan for Amazing Animals 21Apr2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Supporter Webinar: The Divine Plan for Amazing Animals 21Apr2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Ethical & Karmic Consequences of Exploiting Animals?
Karl & Denny will explore what Creator reveals about the consequences of using animals for labor and as zoo exhibits.

Do All Animals Have Souls? Karl & Denny will share Creator’s revelations about the soul makeup of animals, and what species have individual or collective souls and why this is so.

Why are Some Animals Resilient & Others Fragile?
Karl & Denny will delve into what Creator says about how some animals do things far more demanding than could ever be done by human, and also reveals that there is a sinister worsening of animals going on under our noses.

More On How Animals Heal Humans & How to Heal Them?
Karl & Denny will share divine wisdom about Creator’s plan through examples of animal helpers and animal clients who we have helped with their healing dilemmas.

Viewer Questions and Answers:
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about the divine plan for amazing animals … Webinar: Signs from the Divine Realm 24Mar2019

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Signs from the Divine Realm 24Mar2019

What we’ll cover in this event …

What is Behind “Coincidence” that is “Too Good to be True”?
Many people missing someone will hear unexpectedly, a rare song on the radio that was that person’s favorite. Karl & Denny will share Creator’s explanation for how that can happen, and many other “signs from heaven” in answer to prayers.

Can a Departed Pet Visit the Living as a Divine Message?
Karl & Denny will share an example of this very occurrence.

Are Departed Loved Ones in Dreams Actually Visiting?
Karl & Denny will discuss the hallmark of dream visitation as a divinely orchestrated event. They will also give an account of a husband who passed and stayed behind to convince his wife he still loved her!

Can A Human Rescuer be Divinely Guided to Appear?
Karl & Denny will give examples of how people can be maneuvered by the divine realm to act as helpers and give messages in answer to a prayer.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about signs from the divine realm …