New Divine Healing Insights 03Mar2025: Creator describes a person with coronary artery disease helped by Divine Life Support. To heal the average person enough to allow participation in the coming Ascension, what percent of their unhealed karmic backlog that must be overcome is still hidden and not even symptomatic? What are effective nutraceuticals to help prevent or reverse cognitive decline? Are there unappreciated risks of taking pharmaceutical drugs for diabetes? What nutraceuticals can effectively help regulate glucose and insulin responses in people with Type 2 diabetes? Creator discusses what is missing from the medical approach of treating people to restore normal lab results.

This Video Requires a Divine Life Support Membership


New Divine Healing Insights 03Mar2025

    • Creator describes a person with coronary artery disease helped by Divine Life Support.
    • To heal the average person enough to allow participation in the coming Ascension, what percent of their unhealed karmic backlog that must be overcome is still hidden and not even symptomatic?
    • What are effective nutraceuticals to help prevent or reverse cognitive decline?
    • Are there unappreciated risks of taking pharmaceutical drugs for diabetes?
    • What nutraceuticals can effectively help regulate glucose and insulin responses in people with Type 2 diabetes?
    • Creator discusses what is missing from the medical approach of treating people to restore normal lab results.

New Divine Healing Insights 02Feb2025: Creator gives the clearest description yet of the Higher Self and takes us on a grand tour of the meaning of life, why we were created, our purpose, and what holds back our progress. Creator describes how Divine Life Support rescued a young girl from mental anguish fueled by past life karmic trauma of always being lost in a big family. We share further examples of people suffering from karmic negativity causing physical symptoms or emotional problems. We describe another individual having negative emotions for decades because of undiagnosed chronic virus infection.

This Video Requires a Divine Life Support Membership


New Divine Healing Insights 02Feb2025

    • Creator gives the clearest description yet of the Higher Self and takes us on a grand tour of the meaning of life, why we were created, our purpose, and what holds back our progress.
    • Creator describes how Divine Life Support rescued a young girl from mental anguish fueled by past life karmic trauma of always being lost in a big family.
    • We share further examples of people suffering from karmic negativity causing physical symptoms or emotional problems.
    • We describe another individual having negative emotions for decades because of undiagnosed chronic virus infection.

New Divine Healing Insights 05Jan2025: Creator describes healing of a genetic defect by Divine Life Support. Creator explains why there is nothing that cannot be healed, solved, surmounted, or changed for the better with divine partnership. Retrocausal Healing reverses a life-threatening complication of pregnancy. We describe two nutritional supplements useful for reducing arterial plaques. What are the characteristics of a high-quality foundational multivitamin? Is the top-selling vitamin brand among the least effective? Creator sheds new light on critical differences between natural and synthetic substances. What are the limitations of psychological therapies? We give examples of problems caused by differing levels of the mind below conscious awareness, past-life trauma, as well as undiagnosed chronic viruses.

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher


New Divine Healing Insights 05Jan2025

    • Creator describes healing of a genetic defect by Divine Life Support.
    • Creator explains why there is nothing that cannot be healed, solved, surmounted, or changed for the better with divine partnership.
    • Retrocausal Healing reverses a life-threatening complication of pregnancy.
    • We describe two nutritional supplements useful for reducing arterial plaques.
    • What are the characteristics of a high-quality foundational multivitamin?
    • Is the top-selling vitamin brand among the least effective?
    • Creator sheds new light on critical differences between natural and synthetic substances.
    • What are the limitations of psychological therapies?
    • We give examples of problems caused by differing levels of the mind below conscious awareness, past-life trauma, as well as undiagnosed chronic viruses.


LHP-DSMR Divine Healing Duo

Are there ongoing issues in your life that don’t make sense to you, or deep fears that you can’t explain but that display themselves in unexpected ways?

Do you know about the silent gatekeeper - unknown to science - that is unreachable by conventional methods? Its job is to keep you from mistakes that have occurred over and over in previous lives. When you want to do things that have harmed you it always says: "No, No, No!"

Experience the cutting-edge enhancement for karmic repair pioneered through Divine Partnership.

Deep Subconscious Mind Reset by Get Wisdom

Resolving Inner Roadblocks due to:

Faulty Negative Beliefs (about God or Self)
Karmic Debt from Past Lifetime Trauma
Stifled Soul Attributes (courage, self-confidence, trust, & more)

Healing hands-purple

Deep Subconscious Mind Reset combined with the Lightworker Healing Protocol
works through the Divine
for a powerful fusion of energetic healing and karmic repair!

Karmic Repair!


It is the SINGLE method that fully addresses the healing needs of the all levels of the mind:
Deep Subconscious
Cellular Consciousness
To heal deeply and totally, the energetic signature of key emotional and physical issues, healing lifetimes of karmic trauma, individually and collectively, of ourselves and our perpetrators.


The Ultimate Healing Combo

The Lightworker Healing Protocol is the premier tool for deep karmic repair. Deep Subconscious Mind Reset is a perfect addition to hasten the healing benefits.


By working through Creator the deep subconscious is guided to identify and replace negative inner beliefs, to accelerate the healing process. 

In addition, the Deep Subconscious Mind Reset provides a way to reset the “mind” of cellular consciousness, helping the brain to give up harmful habits such as needless worry, negative thoughts, fears, delusional thinking and chronic physical symptoms.

Science has not yet discovered much about the power and functions of the deep subconscious. Due to genetic modification of early humans the deep subconscious is not able to share information gathered, through its vast intuitive reach, to connect to the conscious mind. It is designed to protect you and tries to warn you about similar dangers that it foresees without understanding what may be in the past. It has access to the akashic records and can see all of the karmic debt in your parallel lifetimes, past, present and future, providing it with a never-ending stream of things to worry about. It can’t warn your conscious awareness directly so it triggers emotions that may cause great stress and undermine wellbeing.

Using the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset in combination will speed personal growth and healing in ways never before possible. One of their many benefits is preventive care, to head off future problems the divine can see coming in your future, before they take place and become harder to undo.

Multiple trauma scenes underlying an issue can be reset and/or multiple issues worked on in each LHP/DSMR session. This innovative Creator-directed process is an incremental process for change, given the huge karmic backlog of negative karma we face. The optimal safeguard to deal with both old and new issues in a timely way is our Divine Life Support membership. This is an affordable ongoing subscription plan for regular sessions, ideally over the lifetime. It is a characteristic of divine healing that the symptoms are the last thing to change, even though progress is being made behind the scenes. But you can purchase extra sessions done with Deep Subconscious Channeling through our website, and that will further accelerate the pace of improvement.

a healing breakthrough


Deep Subconscious Access

Can I connect with my Deep Subconscious?

How does the Deep Subconscious make itself known?

What is unique about the Deep Subconscious?

Why does the Deep Subconscious need to explore the akashic records?

How can healing occur if the Deep Subconscious is unreachable?

The sad reality is:

The Deep Subconscious is unreachable by conscious awareness, even with deep trance hypnotherapy.

To communicate with the conscious mind, the Deep Subconscious has only indirect mechanisms. It can affect the physical body and generate emotions such as chronic anxiety, depression, and many other emotional problems.

Unlike other levels of the mind, the Deep Subconscious has a profound intuitive reach, acting continually, without the ability to share its knowledge with the conscious mind. It can explore repositories of consciousness (the thought plane and the collective unconscious) as well as the akashic records.

Your Deep Subconscious is designed to protect you and reacts to your stress by looking for similar things that may have happened to you. This digs up many troubling memories of past life hurts, disappointments, and dangers. It fears the worst and may create an inner state of anguish that can actually cause historical problems to recur in the current life. This silent gatekeeper says: “No, No, No!” when it fears you may recreate past injuries to yourself. The Deep Subconscious works to bring karmic debts into your awareness to give you the opportunity to rebalance them through healing. Up until now we have experienced the symptoms without recognizing the message intended for us.

Deep Subconscious Mind Reset enlists Creator’s help to reach where the conscious mind cannot go. Then the healing provided by the Lightworker Healing Protocol can be even more effective.

creator-602533__with silo person_reduced

Direct Creator Support

Why can’t Creator just heal everything that has harmed us?

What types of choices limit Creator’s ability to provide healing?

How does Creator overcome the limitations of our free will choices to hold negative beliefs?

What are benefits experienced through Creator-guided trauma resolution: Deep Subconscious Mind Reset (DSMR)?

Will Creator’s participation in DSMR make improvements to my life?

There is more to know:

The Creator must honor the rules of engagement and not interfere with our free will choices to believe what we believe, even if misguided.

Many faulty inner beliefs commonly reside within the Deep Subconscious, which Creator must honor as free will, even if they delay divine healing. These include negative beliefs about the divine (God ignores our world, God is not real, God forgot about me, God wants me to suffer, etc.) or the self (I am powerless, I can’t be helped, nothing I try ever works, I can’t be healed, I am a failure, I am unlovable, etc.). Through your unawareness, you have the power to keep God out of your life and live an impaired existence.

When asked by the human side, Creator has the freedom to engage with the Deep Subconscious. Then Creator can query the Deep Subconscious about its past issues and work with it to resolve and reset this part of the mind to a healthier mode of thinking, including replacement of negative, self-limiting beliefs with positive, empowering ones. This can also be the answer for many persistent symptoms of chronic physical illness, perpetuated as a habit by cellular consciousness.

With Creator’s direct support, DSMR helps strengthen or restore critical soul attributes that are essential for you to do and be your best—knowing what it feels like and how, to have courage, self-confidence, trust in other people, belief in the divine, to love and be loved, etc., whatever is most needed to restore a healthy balance in your make-up.

Deep Subconscious Mind Reset is the only modality that partners with Creator to provide an energetic self-healing to drain away the stored emotional negativity from the past, and allow a healthy rebalancing. That can actually prevent historical problems from reoccurring, and causing a similar dilemma in the current life. 


Akashic Record Revision

What are the akashic records?

They seem pretty important, why do they matter?

What effect does DSMR have on karmic history?

Can the akashic records be altered?

Is there an optimum way to heal and neutralize karmic debt?

Healing is the key:

The akashic records hold a recording of everything that happens, who participated, and what energies they launched, whether positive or negative in their effects. This includes not only all of your current life up to the present moment, but all parallel lifetimes you are involved in, past, present, and future. It is a record of achievements, as well as failures.

The Law of Karma works hand-in-hand with free will to bring back around to us a series of karmic debts we are responsible for. It is intended to ensure that energies do not get too far out of balance. Through revisiting similar circumstances and energies, it provides an opportunity to heal our hurts, and those done to others, by rebalancing things through healing. The akashic records are the score-keeper for the Law of Karma. The point of this is not to punish, but provide a powerful incentive to meet our karmic obligations to rebalance things we took part in. It could be in the form of a painful emotional conflict or a chronic malady. In fact, most physical illness, 94%, is caused by deep karmic trauma that needs healing. Until that happens, suffering will continue. Like conventional medical treatment, energy healing modalities can help manage symptoms, but do not provide deep karmic repair for lasting change.

Deep Subconscious Mind Reset provides a work-around to remove inner barriers and prevent old karmic negativity from piling on to worsen things. It not only can bring emotional relief, but can replace corrupted inner beliefs that work against you, and even improve personality flaws that make you vulnerable and limit expressing who you truly are, more fully. The power of DSMR is not just because of the process itself, but because it works uniquely, to help all levels of the mind: conscious, subconscious, deep subconscious and even cellular consciousness.

The key thing to know is that the portion of your problem that gets worked on in a session will get healed, deeply and totally, by even changing the energetic signature of the original episode within the akashic records to make that historical event neutral—energetically, karmically, and emotionally. That’s deep healing!

New Divine Healing Insights 01Dec2024: Creator describes rescue of a young girl from a past-life karmic history of growing up in a war zone and its savage impact on her current life. Ways to make an effective request for divine protection from accidental injury. Overcoming barriers to intuitive sensing of spirit phenomena. How a man’s emotional impairment by a deceased relative’s highly troubled spirit attachment was helped by its removal. How Divine Life Support helps when prayer is not enough. Frequency of viruses as a cause of canine cancer. Helping virus-caused hearing loss through supplements. A new cardiac supplement for lowering blood pressure and promoting tissue growth and blood flow. Get Wisdom follower overcomes asthma.

This Video Requires a Divine Life Support Membership


New Divine Healing Insights 01Dec2024

    • Creator describes rescue of a young girl from a past-life karmic history of growing up in a war zone and its savage impact on her current life.
    • Ways to make an effective request for divine protection from accidental injury.
    • Overcoming barriers to intuitive sensing of spirit phenomena.
    • How a man’s emotional impairment by a deceased relative’s highly troubled spirit attachment was helped by its removal.
    • How Divine Life Support helps when prayer is not enough.
    • Frequency of viruses as a cause of canine cancer.
    • Helping virus-caused hearing loss through supplements.
    • A new cardiac supplement for lowering blood pressure and promoting tissue growth and blood flow.
    • Get Wisdom follower overcomes asthma.

New Divine Healing Insights 03Nov2024: Creator describes how a man with severe chronic anxiety received life-changing help through Divine Life Support. How custom deep subconscious channeling with trauma resolution can accelerate gains from Divine Life Support. How targeted individuals will soon see an improvement in their lives. Creator discusses safety concerns about nutraceuticals. Questions are answered about tweaking our Antiviral Regimen, understanding symptom flare-ups as a detoxing phenomenon, and an example of how science overlooks viruses as a cause of most chronic illness. How the divine can help people with severe dementia transition sooner through appropriate requests. Creator addresses whether or not your bad habits affect getting divine help.

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher


New Divine Healing Insights 03Nov2024

    • Creator describes how a man with severe chronic anxiety received life-changing help through Divine Life Support.
    • How custom deep subconscious channeling with trauma resolution can accelerate gains from Divine Life Support.
    • How targeted individuals will soon see an improvement in their lives.
    • Creator discusses safety concerns about nutraceuticals.
    • Questions are answered about tweaking our Antiviral Regimen, understanding symptom flare-ups as a detoxing phenomenon, and an example of how science overlooks viruses as a cause of most chronic illness.
    • How the divine can help people with severe dementia transition sooner through appropriate requests.
    • Creator addresses whether or not your bad habits affect getting divine help.

New Divine Healing Insights 06Oct2024: Creator describes how a woman neglecting her young children because of karmic trauma was helped by Divine Life Support. Creator discusses new data showing members of younger generations will likely have more invasive cancers compared to baby boomers. Creator ranks a number of common fruit juices with respect to their antiviral activity. We add a number of new diseases caused by chronic viruses to our list of those still unappreciated by science. We add important revisions to our Antiviral Regimen.

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher


New Divine Healing Insights 06Oct2024

    • Creator describes how a woman neglecting her young children because of karmic trauma was helped by Divine Life Support.
    • Creator discusses new data showing members of younger generations will likely have more invasive cancers compared to baby boomers.
    • Creator ranks a number of common fruit juices with respect to their antiviral activity.
    • We add a number of new diseases caused by chronic viruses to our list of those still unappreciated by science.
    • We add important revisions to our Antiviral Regimen.

New Divine Healing Insights 08Sep2024: Creator describes how a young infant developed autism and was helped by Divine Life Support; Examples of people with extraterrestrial encounters causing healing needs; What you can do at your end to gain the most from Divine Life Support; Numerous additional diseases caused by chronic viruses still unappreciated by science; Important revisions updating our Antiviral Regimen.

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher


New Divine Healing Insights 08Sep2024

    • Creator describes how a young infant developed autism and was helped by Divine Life Support.
    • Examples of people with extraterrestrial encounters causing healing needs. 
    • What you can do at your end to gain the most from Divine Life Support. 
    • Numerous additional diseases caused by chronic viruses still unappreciated by science.
    • Important revisions updating our Antiviral Regimen

New Divine Healing Insights 04Aug2024: Healing a victim of incest and her perpetrator reaches into hidden causes of sexual abuse. Healing a woman and her partner who broke up due to spirit meddler interference illustrates the cause of 76% of divorces and their possible prevention. Workarounds will be discussed for nutritional supplements that are unavailable overseas. Lowering cost of expensive nutritional supplements—how a $100 a month key supplement for mitochondrial support can be recreated using bulk powders at home for $7.35 a month.

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher


New Divine Healing Insights 04Aug2024

    • Healing a victim of incest and her perpetrator reaches into hidden causes of sexual abuse.
    • Healing a woman and her partner who broke up due to spirit meddler interference illustrates the cause of 76% of divorces and their possible prevention. 
    • Workarounds will be discussed for nutritional supplements that are unavailable overseas. 
    • Lowering cost of expensive nutritional supplements—how a $100 a month key supplement for mitochondrial support can be recreated using bulk powders at home for $7.35 a month.

New Divine Healing Insights 07Jul2024: Young boy is saved from mental illness by divine intervention; Many illnesses unknown by science to be virus-caused will be identified, Non-prescription supplements with anti-viral activity will be compared and contrasted, Creator describes how many chronic diseases without known cures can be treated and reversed using adjuncts to speed divine healing, Save yourself and loved ones from heartache and suffering by being in the know.

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher


New Divine Healing Insights 07Jul2024

    • Young boy is saved from mental illness by divine intervention.
    • Many illnesses unknown by science to be virus-caused will be identified.
    • Non-prescription supplements with anti-viral activity will be compared and contrasted.
    • Creator describes how many chronic diseases without known cures can be treated and reversed using adjuncts to speed divine healing.
    • Save yourself and loved ones from heartache and suffering by being in the know.