Creator Discusses the Menace of Invasive Species 21Feb2025

Creator Discusses the Menace of Invasive Species 21Feb2025

  • While many species are disappearing, are some species being discovered truly new?

  • What is the true story behind loss of the magnificent American chestnut tree?

  • How did the infestation begin of Zebra mussels that threaten other life forms?

  • What is causing sky-high egg prices, the invasive bird flu virus or how it is managed?

  • Was the harmful introduction of the European hare to Australia manipulated to happen?

  • Have we seen the last of large-scale animal predators even as smaller invasive species proliferate?

  • Is there a sinister reason the Amazon rain forest has so many noxious species?

  • Is it natural for Asian carp to be hyper-aggressive?

  • Is there a hidden reason for the world-wide problem of feral cats?

  • Creator explains why prayer and divine healing requests are the answer for invasive species.

Creator Discusses Using Persuasion vs. Coercion 24Jan2025

Creator Discusses Using Persuasion vs. Coercion 24Jan2025

  • Do many people apply force instead of reason to get what they want because they lack the power of persuasion?
  • Is the power of persuasion present or not as a natural talent, or acquired through learning?

  • When does persuasion become compulsion?

  • What can Creator tell us about exploiting the masterful use of persuasion to willfully engage in fraud?

  • What happens when people use lies of convenience to persuade?

  • Is there a soul-based reason people dislike cold calling?

  • Can being a high-powered salesman have a dark side?
  • Why is the skill of “breaking the ice” an important soul attribute?

  • Creator explains why both lacking adequate power of persuasion and an imbalance in use of coercion versus persuasion are divine healing needs and important indicators of divine alignment.

Creator Discusses Intentions Versus Incentives 22Nov2024

Creator Discusses Intentions Versus Incentives 22Nov024

  • Why do a lot of bad ideas seem good when first proposed?
  • Is having good intentions a uniquely human characteristic?
  • What did the “Cobra Effect” teach us about human folly?
  • How can the good intentions of government policies create perverse incentives?
  • Why does bad behavior become a justification for others to follow suit?
  • Why do flawed policies persist without getting corrected?
  • What are the consequences of neglecting the soul through bad behavior?
  • Why do so many good intentions turn out badly?
  • How does karma impact good people who give in to perverse incentives?
  • Creator explains how divine healing helps people navigate this minefield.

Creator Explores the War on Confidence and Certainty 23Oct2024

Image for GetWisdom LIVE, monthly livestream on YouTube

Creator Explores the War on Confidence and Certainty

  • Why are there such frequent changes, and the pace of change accelerating?
  • Businesses used to be mostly family-owned and lasted a hundred years or more—what happened?
  • Is modern living going against our true nature?
  • Why do even our traditions drift away from their original meaning?
  • How can entrenched political parties switch their preferences?
  • History shows us that wars are inevitable, but why are they so wildly variable?
  • Is a sinister force gaslighting our world?
  • Do shifts in time contribute to our stress?
  • Creator explains how divine healing is more important than ever to ensure we reach our true destiny.

Creator Discusses Shame and Shaming 27Sep2024

Image for GetWisdom LIVE, monthly livestream on YouTube

Creator Discusses Shame and Shaming

  ·    Why do those feeling shame inflict it on others?

  ·    What are the origins of shameful feelings in addition to the conscience—is shame a message?

  ·    What is the divine view of shaming others as a political tactic?

  ·      What is the best way to deflect shaming without losing divine alignment?

  ·    Is shaming oneself a grievous error with grievous consequences?

  ·    Is shaming others a major culprit in undermining friendships and love relationships?

  ·    Is there a defect in the workings of the mind that promotes misunderstandings and such excess negativity?

  ·     Creator explains why shame and shaming are diagnostic indicators of healing needs essential for enlightenment.

Creator Discusses Creator Discusses Standing Strong 23Aug2024

Image for GetWisdom LIVE, monthly livestream on YouTube

Creator Discusses Standing Strong

  • What can a famous incident with a WWII general slapping an underling, teach us about standing strong?
  • Are famous generals prone to blood lust, or simply living their destiny?
  • Are military leaders seen as prima donnas being misjudged?
  • Where do evil leaders get their strength?
  • Does everyone who needs to stand strong have a breaking point?
  • What is the divine perspective of cowardice versus bravery?
  • Does mediocrity of the news media simply reflect our culture?
  • Creator explains how strengths and weaknesses depend on expression of our soul attributes and why their divine healing is the path to human betterment.

Creator Discusses Beliefs, Reality, and the Deep Subconscious 26Jul2024

Image for GetWisdom LIVE, monthly livestream on YouTube

Creator Discusses Beliefs, Reality, and the Deep Subconscious 26Jul2024

  • Is there ONE truth, apart from beliefs of the individual, or is truth what one makes of it?
  • Where do strong beliefs come from when there is no apparent link to life experience?
  • Why is the mind so seemingly protective of challenges to beliefs regardless of their objective or demonstrable rightness or wrongness?
  • Can strongly held beliefs be changed by covert mind control manipulation?
  • How aware is the deep subconscious of reality; does it operate mostly on instinct?
  • If the conscious mind is unaware of the deep subconscious, is the deep subconscious even aware of conscious thoughts?
  • If the deep subconscious is disconnected and troubled, can it be taught how to help itself?
  • Can the interlopers alter the akashic records of our life experience?
  • If karma reacts to what we do, does it gain wisdom or only sort and repurpose energy?
  • Creator explains how we can bring healing to bear on the deep subconscious to help ourselves.