Dr. Frank Stranges Channeled by Karl Mollison 16Jan2022
From Amazon & http://nextagemission.com/OSF/FS_FrankStranges_HisBackground.html
Dr. Frank Stranges was born and educated in Brooklyn, New York. He received his Bachelors of Divinity, as well as Ph.D’s in Psychology and Philosophy, from Faith Theological Seminary in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Stranges was a member of the Mayor’s Advisory Council of Los Angeles, and a member of the American Association for Social Psychology. He also held a Ph.D. from the National Institute of Criminology, in Washington, D.C., and was an accredited Diplomat of the American Academy of Professional Arts.
Dr. Stranges authored several books on scientific and religious subjects, including his classic “The Stranger at the Pentagon,” which tells the unusual story of a spaceman named Valiant Thor. Because Thor was a real person, who appeared in a public on a few occasions (including at the United Nations headquarters in New York City), the legend of the Stranger at the Pentagon has grown, becoming a real head-scratcher for 21st-century UFO researchers. Today, it is still one of the hottest topics in ufology, having spawned various other books, documentaries, and even feature Hollywood films.
What exactly happened to Valiant Thor? Did he get back on his spaceship and return to his home planet, or did he help the U.S. government set up alien-human hybrid experimentation in remote underground bases? Or was he imprisoned – thrown in the clink – by those in the government who have been fighting UFO Disclosure all these years?
Since no one knows how long an alien can live, could Valiant Thor still be alive today, in 2016, somewhere in – or under – our nation’s capitol?
This special reprint – the 6th revised edition from 2001 – features an introduction by Dr. Harley Byrd, nephew of Adm. Richard E. Byrd, and an epilogue by Valiant Thor himself, as well as several interesting photos, covering years of UFO history. A must-have for the serious paranormal researcher.
Dr. Frank E. Stranges, founder of NICUFO (National Investigations Committee on UFO’S), passed away on November 17, 2008 in California. Holding degrees in Theology, Psychology and Criminology, Dr. Frank always had a keen interest in the Bible and UFOS’ and dedicated his life to teaching and counseling people throughout the world to live in Divine Spirit. He offered a monthly newsletter, The Interspace Link and created the international “Inner Circle”, where members benefitted from his spiritual teachings and information that he gathered from those of other worlds, especially those beings from the planet Venus.
In 1959 Dr. Frank had his first physical encounter with Commander Valiant Thor, a Venusian. This friendship was to deepen throughout Dr. Frank’s life on earth. His book, Stranger at the Pentagon explains the details of his encounters and Dr. Frank’s subsequent activities.
His most recent work was the making of a DVD trilogy entitled Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls Exposed. He often stated that the information contained within the Dead Sea Scrolls is of immense value to the public because it reveals the direct link between the words of Jesus and the existence of beings from other worlds.
One of Dr. Frank’s last sentences delivered to the Inner Circle before his passing was: “I will remain in His Service, from wherever I may be.”
May the winds of love continue to sweep you upwards, Dr. Frank.