Here’s How the Pandemic is Designed to Propel Paranoia on a Mass Scale

Here’s How the Pandemic is Designed to Propel Paranoia on a Mass Scale

The COVID-19 threat isn’t the first of its kind to threaten the human race. The influenza epidemic that came before it was similarly notorious when it came to facilitating the spread of paranoia. The truth is that infectious illnesses have always shaped the human psyche—since time immemorial.

How Paranoia Spreads

Michel Foucault talked about this when he wrote his magnum opus, Madness and Civilization. He starts by explaining how lepers, back in the Middle Ages, were shipped off to distant lands—only because they were sick and were infecting others. These people were branded “mad” and easily alienated—both literally and figuratively. In theory, we call this the “otherization” of people.

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we have seen similar otherization happen all around us. There have been reports of racism against Asians, mass deportations, travel and immigration bans against certain people, and more. Psychology Today even talked about chilling cases of mass murder, with the help of examples from history. It explained how, during the Black Death, Jews were killed by their neighbors because that’s how paranoid people were: paranoid enough to persecute a fellow human.

Remember, for fear to work, you need something to be afraid of. And since we can’t see the virus, we need a visible enemy. Fellow humans seem like a good enough scapegoat.

The Big Question: Who Benefits From Paranoia?

Whenever something bad happens, and whenever we feel it difficult to determine an agenda, ask this question: who benefits? At this point, when the whole world is in chaos and up in arms, humans are not benefiting at all.

Whenever something bad happens, and whenever we feel it difficult to determine an agenda, ask this question: who benefits? At this point, when the whole world is in chaos and up in arms, humans are not benefiting at all. If it was an affliction that affected a sorry few of the society, perhaps you could say that so or so government was involved.

But humans are, collectively, on the losing side here.

The only party that’s winning is a party that has long waited to pounce on humans at the slightest sign of weakness. It’s the extraterrestrials with an agenda, the ones with a mercenary army at their behest, who have long waited for humans to drop their guard.

Humans: Distracted, But Not Defeated

We humans are completely engaged in other issues at home at the moment. We are involved in finding vaccines for a virus that is posing an existential threat to us. We want to ensure the world economy still runs despite all of this. Humans aren’t even, most surprisingly, fighting any new wars. This says something about how great the paranoia is.

We are, collectively, distracted.

This is a ripe time for enemies of our planet and our kind to unleash their nefarious attacks on us. They can do it undetected and unchallenged. However, not all of us are so easily fooled. Many of us are well onto the hidden truths that have been kept from us. Many of us have been looking into the details of extraterrestrial agendas for too long. With divine and channeled wisdom on our side, we may surpass this threat that stands before us.



The Eerie Similarities Between Previous Plagues and the Present Pandemic

The Eerie Similarities Between Previous Plagues and the Present Pandemic

Too many people are under the impression that the coronavirus pandemic is the first of its kind. But history books are not kind to people who hold this opinion.

We’ve dealt with pandemics that have been just as devastating in the past—in fact, some of these pandemics have been worse!

And many of them were strikingly similar to the one we’re going through right now.

Let’s take a look at a few examples:

The Black Death

It’s known as the “greatest catastrophe ever”—and for good reason. 50 million people wiped out in merely a few years. 60% of the entire population of Europe gone. The 14th century was a troubling time to live in—especially since science wasn’t even known in its current form and people tried primitive methods to treat and stop the spread of an invisible sickness.

They called it the “black death.”

And there are similarities to the novel coronavirus. Rats—a close cousin of bats—spread the black death. And similar in some respects to the coronavirus, it supposedly started in one place, and then spread throughout the world at unbelievable speeds.

The 1920 Plague

If Albert Camus’ novel The Plague springs to mind when you think of the word plague, you aren’t far off. We’re talking about the Spanish Flu that affected some 500 million individuals between 1918 to 1920.

If Albert Camus’ novel The Plague springs to mind when you think of the word plague, you aren’t far off. We’re talking about the Spanish Flu that affected some 500 million individuals between 1918 to 1920. It was reported that of those infected, one-fifth died. The similarities to the novel coronavirus are, once more, shocking. Allegedly, again, rodents were the primary source of infection.

Contrary to the name, however, the plague didn’t originate in Spain. It instead originated in the barracks of the soldiers fighting the First World War. Similar plagues and sicknesses also spread in soldiers’ barracks when Henry VIII laid siege to Boulogne.

And That isn’t All

Between 1957–58, there was an influenza epidemic that also, like the coronavirus, originated in China. It was dubbed the Asian Flu and killed an estimated one or two million people. Not as “destructive” as the other two epidemics of the 20th century (the Spanish Flu and the 1968 flu pandemic) it was still damaging.

And very recently, between 2002 to 2004, there was the SARS outbreak. SARS is actually a coronavirus and this is the reason the current and related coronavirus threat we call COVID-19 is referred to in scientific publications as SARS-CoV-2. It was far deadlier than the current coronavirus, because it killed more people—but it didn’t spread as far around the world.

The Bottom Line

One question we need to ask ourselves is this: we have come so far and have dealt with so much; yet, we still underestimate our strength. The obvious answer is that we never believed in the actual source of human power.

But unbeknownst to us, there are sinister forces out there, just waiting to pounce on humankind as soon as we forget and ignore our true origin. There’s a reason pandemics like these strike after every couple of decades. Could it be a part of the extraterrestrial agenda that goes way beyond alien abductions?

In times like these, it is wisdom to keep the Creator close. Ask for divine wisdom and guidance as often as you can. The times might be difficult, but there IS a way to stay safe, and also heal.


Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Apr2020

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Apr2020

1) The Chinese coronavirus is spread as aerosols, not merely as droplet dispersion. Is this virus being distributed by chemtrails? The USA continues to be hit hard by chemtrails. Can the Lightworker Healing Protocol be modified to address exposure or elimination of chemtrails, at least in the USA if not globally? And finally is the mainstream media being used to disinform the public about the severity of this pandemic?

2) It has been stated in the Adolph Hitler channeling, as well as others, that WWII was slated to be the final solution for the pesky humans on Earth. It was also stated that this was avoided because of many prayers with a resultant divine intervention.  This would seem to go against Creator’s statement that ANY killing is non-divine.  WWII has always been characterized as the “good” war, and that it was necessary to stop Hitler. Could you clear this up for us?

3) Is there any truth to the idea that more enlightened/awake/aligned with the Divine a person becomes, the faster they may experience the effects of karma, and therefore the stakes appear to be higher for the wiser, more spiritually advanced person, although it may actually be a difference only in the size of the experienced gap between an action and its consequence?

4) In recent years, there has been a rock/megalith discovery on Gornaya Shoria/ Mount Shoria in southern Siberia in Russia. Was this an enormous rock structure created by the Anunnaki or another ET Race? If so, what was the significance of this site? Was the Trilithon at Baalbek and Gobekli Tepe also Anunnaki sites, possibly used for sacrifice and ’entertainment” of Anunnaki?

5) A well known whistleblower who claims to be a part of, or a former member of, the Secret Space Program, or what is known here as the Mercenary Army Program, states that the German breakaway culture in space has time traveled and established 50 colonies in space with approaching one billion in population each and they are in contact with other ET groups not yet described here. This is 7 times the Earth’s current human population. Is this true? If it is true, is the Lightworker Healing Protocol work being done here benefit these supposed off planet human populations? What about the off planet human slave colonies that we already know about?

6) You have said that perhaps 10% of babies born today are ET hybrids who are categorically soulless beings. How does this affect the karma involved when they interact with their families and others in their lives? If a divine human family member were to mistreat the hybrid child, for example, does that incur karma for the human in the same way as it would if a human child were involved?

7) Seeing as how we were ill-equipped to handle the interlopers with this current divine human project and we fail and humanity is eliminated, what would Creator do differently, if anything, for the next attempt for the divine human? Would the ET races be eliminated as well or would there be another attempt to place them back on Earth? Would we be given any other upgrades to make us less susceptible to manipulation? From my understanding, it is not the fault of humans for not being able to withstand the evil spirits and ET meddling because we are just not equipped with enough capability to do some, right from the outset. Was this a miscalculation by Creator thinking we were given enough to overcome the great power of the interlopers or why weren’t we given some baseline programming not to at least be so easily reprogrammed?

In question 2) Karl Mollison continues to channel information about Adolph Hitler, WWII, and divine intervention to save humanity. Learn more by checking out the original Hitler channeling from 2017.