David Koresh Channeled by Karl Mollison 27March2018
Adapted from https://www.biography.com/people/david-koresh-9368416
& https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Koresh
David Koresh August 17, 1959 – April 19, 1993 was the American leader of the Branch Davidians sect, believing himself to be its final prophet.
Koresh came from a dysfunctional family background and was a member, and later a leader, of the Shepherds Rod, a reform movement led by Victor Houteff that arose from within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Koresh joined a spiritual group that was based at the Mount Carmel Center outside Waco, Texas, where the group took the name “Branch Davidians”.
The serving of arrest and search warrants by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) as part of an investigation into illegal possession of firearms and explosives provoked the historic 1993 raid on the center.
Four ATF agents and six Davidians were killed during the initial two-hour firefight, both sides claiming the other side fired first. The subsequent siege by the FBI ended when the center was set on fire — Koresh and 79 others were found dead after the conflagration.
Discoveries by film makers Jason Van Fleet confirmed thatFederal Government agencies along with the Military used pyrotechnic devices, shape charged explosives and automatic and/or semi-automatic rifle fire to kill many of the Branch Davidians as some of them apparently attempted to escape during the fire on April 19, 1993.
The film, Waco – A New Revelation, also revealed that decisions leading to this massacre likely were made in the White House during the Clinton administration.
Is there a deeper reason for such a debacle in the humanexperience that is being overlooked?
Questions for Light Being David Koresh 27 March 2018
1) Does the move WACO – A New Revelation directed by Jason Van Fleet give an accurate account of the WACO massacre?
2) Who was the God that spoke to you? How did you identify him then and how you identify him now?
3) What specifically did the extraterrestrials do to you and the ATF, FBI and other Law Enforcement Officials in charge of the WACO massacre, if anything?
4) How have the methods of mind control changed since those days in the 80’s and 90’s?
5) What is being done to children now as compared to what was being done to children back in the early 90’s?
6) What are the best ways for humans to protect their children from the state and the Extraterrestrial Alliance?
7) Have you since met any of your attackers in the Light? Can you explain to us your interactions with them?
8) What would you say to those who claim that there is little or no hope for Humans to resist or overcome what is apparently in store for them?