US Secret Service Agent Channeled by Karl Mollison 23Feb2017
This is what I called Part 2 when it was first shown on Why Is This True?
Karl and I do a follow-up interview based on an idea from Karl where he channels those who have or have not successfully transitioned upon death and were involved in the secrecy of alien involvement in the intelligence services and government primarily in the US.
In this initial series Karl channels Dwight D. Eisenhower, former US President 1953 to 1961, an unknown SS Agent or other US Intelligence Agency employee involved during the time of Eisenhower’s Presidency, and finally James Forrestal, former Secretary of Defense who was most likely “suicided” at Bethesda Hospital in 1949 for his knowledge and opinions regarding secret societies and the alien agenda.
Here in Part 2 Karl channel’s the unknown agent and we learn that he calls himself Phillip, that he had a sister and his sister’s children are still living. Little else is known regarding his identity other than he most likely was dead before March 1957. Who is this unknown Secret Service Agent and why is he even included in this interview/channeling?
And as noted in this video “There is a file sourced from Central Intelligence Agency’s declassified archives that describes plan to assassinate President Dwight D. Eisenhower under the direction of Allen Dulles and the right-wing members of France’s Gladio “stay behind” network. See https://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/14656/
Also see https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/09/23/gladio/ for more information about the “French Gladio.”
One of the issues that looms large in this approach is the disincarnate’s unwillingness to cause further negative karmic conditions so some information is withheld and this makes perfect sense when looking at the bigger picture and considering the overall challenges facing light workers at this pivotal moment in our planetary history. This leaves the researcher unable to verify some facts and it is no different in this case of the unknown Secret Service Agent.
The group photos shown in this video are the actual members of Eisenhower’s Secret Service team and credit goes to Vince Palarama at https://presidenteisenhowerikesecretservice.blogspot.com/
Be sure to check out Vince’s book The Not-So-Secret Service: Agency Tales from FDR to the Kennedy Assassination to the Reagan Era https://a.co/dnR7PBI/
I would also like to admit that some of my questions were not as well thought out given these conditions and I think a better researcher with a feel for these limitations could devise a line of questioning for each of these subjects that would better serve the light worker community. I have learned a lot since this recording about crafting questions for Light Beings!
In any case, I think this will continue to improve over time. We were at the infant stages utilizing this method of revelation!
Please see Karl’s bio here https://www.getwisdom.com/karl-mollison/
So we hope you enjoy and get something valuable from this interview series which can be found in its entirety at https://www.getwisdom.com/channeling-series/