GetWisdom Webinar – Prayer Applications and Enhancements 08Jan2023
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Henry P. Albarelli, Jr. Channeled by Karl Mollison 04Dec2022
From https://www.amazon.com/H.-P.-Albarelli-Jr/e/B002LNJE60 & https://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/obituary-henry-p-albarelli-jr/Content?oid=27996910
From a young age, Hank was a passionate and knowledgeable student of contemporary music, especially blues and rock. In the 1970s, he produced Burlington’s first annual Blues Festivals, as well as the first Vermont concerts of Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne and Judy Collins.
After leaving Burlington for Washington, D.C., in 1978, Hank worked in the Carter White House and, later, as a field director for the Service Employees International Union.
During the ’90s, he returned to an early interest in writing for the theater. His play The Whole Shebang was winner of the 1994 Baltimore Playwrights’ Festival.
H.P. Albarelli Jr. is a writer and investigative journalist who lived in Vermont, Florida, and London (U.K.). He had written numerous feature articles about the 9-11 anthrax attacks; biological warfare; the American intelligence community; the death of Frank Olson; the Cuban revolution; and social and political affairs. Some of his work can be found at the World Net Daily, Cubanet, Counterpunch, and Crime Magazine websites, as well as in numerous magazines and newspapers.
Albarelli’s articles have been acknowledged and cited in many publications and books, including American History magazine, THE BIOLOGY OF DOOM by Ed Regis; Alston Chase’s classic, HARVARD AND THE UNABOMBER; and THE EIGHTY GREATEST CONSPIRACIES OF ALL TIME by Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen. An accomplished scriptwriter and playwright, Albarelli’s LIFE GOES ON, written with his brother, Dean Albarelli, was published by WITNESS, a literary journal and performed in several theaters; in 1995 Albarelli produced and directed Academy Award winner’s Steve Tesich’s play ON THE OPEN ROAD.
Albarelli was a graduate of Antioch law School, and had traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, South Africa, the Middle East, and the Sudan. His first novel, THE HEAP, was published several years ago, and his fictional account of infamous narcotics agent George Hunter White’s activities in the 1950s will be released next year, as will his biography of White, which will be published by TrineDay Books.
H.P. “Hank” Albarelli Jr., author and Burlington native, died on June 18 from complications of a stroke. The eldest son of Nancy O’Neill Albarelli and the late Henry P. Albarelli Sr., he was 72. In recent decades, Hank and his wife, Kathleen McDonald, made their home in the Tampa Bay region of Florida, where he passed away surrounded by family.

Dorothy Hunt Channeled by Karl Mollison 27Nov2022
From https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKhuntD.htm
Dorothy Wetzel was born in Ohio on 1st April, 1920. She became an employee for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after the Second World War and was stationed in Shanghai, China, where she met her future husband, E. Howard Hunt.
After the war Dorothy worked for the CIA in Paris. She was liaison between the American Embassy and the Economic Cooperation Administration (a CIA front). The couple returned to the United States and settled in Maryland. Her husband spent much of his time involved in covert operations in Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Cuba.
On 3rd July, 1972, Frank Sturgis, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, Bernard L. Barker and James W. McCord were arrested while removing electronic devices from the Democratic Party campaign offices in an apartment block called Watergate. The phone number of E. Howard Hunt was found in address books of two of the burglars. Reporters were able to link the break-in to the White House.
Bob Woodward, a reporter working for the Washington Post was told by a friend who was employed by the government, that senior aides of President Richard Nixon, had paid the burglars to obtain information about its political opponents.
Howard Hunt threatened to reveal details of who paid him to organize the Watergate break-in. Dorothy Hunt took part in the negotiations with Charles Colson. According to investigator Sherman Skolnick, Hunt also had information on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He argued that if “Nixon didn’t pay heavy to suppress the documents they had showing he was implicated in the planning and carrying out, by the FBI and the CIA, of the political murder of President Kennedy”
James W. McCord claimed that Dorothy told him that at a meeting with her husband’s attorney, William O. Buttmann, she revealed that Hunt had information that would “blow the White House out of the water”.
In October, 1972, Dorothy Hunt attempted to speak to Charles Colson. He refused to talk to her but later admitted to the New York Times that she was “upset at the interruption of payments from Nixon’s associates to Watergate defendants.”
On 15th November, Colson met with Richard Nixon, H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman at Camp David to discuss Howard Hunt’s blackmail threat. John N. Mitchell was also getting worried by Dorothy Hunt’s threats and he asked John Dean to use a secret White House fund to “get the Hunt situation settled down”. Eventually it was arranged for Frederick LaRue to give Hunt about $250,000 to buy his silence.
However, on 8th December, 1972, Dorothy Hunt had a meeting with Michelle Clark, a journalist working for CBS. According to Sherman Skolnick, Clark was working on a story on the Watergate case: “Ms Clark had lots of insight into the bugging and cover-up through her boyfriend, a CIA operative.”
Also with Hunt and Clark was Chicago Congressman George Collins. Dorothy Hunt, Michelle Clark and George Collins took the Flight 533 from Washington to Chicago. The aircraft hit the branches of trees close to Midway Airport: “It then hit the roofs of a number of neighborhood bungalows before plowing into the home of Mrs. Veronica Kuculich at 3722 70th Place, demolishing the home and killing her and a daughter, Theresa. The plane burst into flames killing a total of 45 persons, 43 of them on the plane, including the pilot and first and second officers. Eighteen passengers survived.”
Hunt, Clark and Collins were all killed in the accident.

Michael Ruppert Channeled by Karl Mollison 20Nov2022
From https://osa.3fprojects.org/concepts-and-theories/people/michael-ruppert.html
Michael Ruppert, February 3, 1951 – April 13, 2014, was a former L.A. police officer who later tried to expose government corruption and drug smuggling. He is said to be a victim of Gang Stalking and later committed suicide.
His father, Ernest Charles Edward Ruppert III, had been a pilot in the US Air Force during World War II and later worked for Martin Marietta, functioning as a liaison between the company, the CIA, and the Air Force. His mother, Madelyn, was a cryptanalyst at the National Security Agency, working in a unit that cracked Soviet codes in order to track their nuclear physicists.
Michael Craig Ruppert was an American writer, former Los Angeles Police Department officer, investigative journalist, political activist, and peak oil awareness advocate known for his 2004 book Crossing The Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.
From 1999 until 2006, Ruppert edited and published From The Wilderness, a newsletter and website covering a range of topics including international politics, the CIA, peak oil, civil liberties, drugs, economics, corruption and the nature of the 9/11 conspiracy.
Ruppert joined the LAPD in 1973. He was assigned to handle narcotics investigations in the most dangerous neighborhoods of Los Angeles. Beginning in 1976, he made discoveries that led him to believe that he had stumbled onto a large network of narcotics traffickers and that the US military as well as the LAPD might be involved. He resigned from the force in November 1978.
On November 15, 1996, then Director of Central Intelligence John Deutch visited Los Angeles’ Locke High School for a town hall meeting. At the meeting, Ruppert publicly confronted Deutch, saying that in his experience as an LAPD narcotics officer he had seen evidence of CIA complicity in drug dealing. He went on to become an investigative journalist and established the publication From The Wilderness, a watchdog publication that exposed governmental corruption, including his experience with CIA drug dealing activities.
In the summer of 2006, claiming government harassment, and fearing for his life, Ruppert left the United States with Raul Santiago for Venezuela, vowing not to return.
From The Wilderness was a newsletter published from 1998 to 2006 by the media company, From The Wilderness Publications. The newsletter covered political and governmental issues. It was published eleven times per year but featured weekly updates online.
The end of From The Wilderness was announced in a post at the website on November 7, 2006. Reasons for the closure were detailed in the article. Ruppert claimed his bad health, glitches that disabled their web store, “problems of human origin” and his departure to Venezuela had led to the demise of From The Wilderness. After shutting down, From the Wilderness was sued by their landlord for unpaid rent owed on their Ashland office space. Later that year, Ruppert flew to Toronto, Canada, for medical treatment. The following statement was posted on the From The Wilderness website on November 26, 2006:
“Personally, I am through forever with investigative journalism and public lecturing. I am leaving public life. It is my hope that by continuing to repeat this sincere position that many of the inexplicable difficulties which have dominated my life over the past months will ease. It is time to move on. I spent twenty-seven years as a dedicated public activist and that is something which I am no longer able or inclined to do. The price was ultimately too great.”
On April 13, 2014, Ruppert was found dead in Napa County at home just outside the Calistoga, California city limits. Ruppert died of a single self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. This was confirmed by close friend and property owner and landlord Jack Martin. Martin found Ruppert’s body and suicide note. According to his business partner and last attorney of record, Wesley Miller, Ruppert shot himself after taping his final broadcast of The Lifeboat Hour with friend and colleague Carolyn Baker, Ph.D.
See https://osa.3fprojects.org/concepts-and-theories/people/michael-ruppert.html and

GetWisdom Webinar – Urgent Divine Warnings About Disclosure 13Nov2022
About The Webinar
Hear important new information about Disclosure.
Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help.

Disclosure Analysis with Karl Mollison and Denny Hunt 12Nov2022
We interrupt this regularly scheduled program for a Disclosure Analysis 12 Nov 2022
Is there something sinister about disclosure? Or is this just a sincere call for transparency from the world’s governments about their involvement with ET races? Can it be both?
What happens when you ask about disclosure using intuitive means? Are there corrupted sources?
Who can we trust? Is there a danger lurking for the Human Family?
Karl and Denny delve into these questions and more.
For a primer on the topic from the GetWisdom.com perspective see What Price Disclosure?
Here are two questions where we will be sharing the answers in this special channeling series video:
1) This one was addressed to Dwight D, Eisenhower in the light – “Were you close to James Forrestal and did you agree with his opinions regarding public disclosure of the UFO and extraterrestrial information?”
2) And this one is addressed to Source Creator from one of our Lightworker Healing Protocol Practitioners:
“In regard to the disclosure agenda the Extraterrestrial Alliance are potentially planning, how do we reject their assistance? Seeing as how the major political leaders and organizations have been corrupted and may have either hybrids or Reptilians at the top, how do we tell them to leave us and not interfere without causing a backlash from them that would cause mass chaos and death? If the majority of people don’t accept them as potential leaders, will that be enough to start an ascension process of some kind? I can’t see that they would just accept our lack of support for them and leave us alone. I feel like they would continue subjugating us in some way. What can the average person do? Is this information sharing, such as the teachings at GetWisdom, what will potentially open our minds and help us save ourselves at that time?”
Join us as we investigate the topic of Disclosure from a decidedly different and more coherent perspective.
Victory to the Divine Human!

Karl Mollison channels George Adamski
To see the rest of this video, go to https://www.getwisdom.com/george-adamski-channeled-by-karl-mollison-25sept2022/
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Adamskirom https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Adamski
George Adamski 17 April 1891 – 23 April 1965 was a Polish-American author who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he displayed numerous photographs in the 1940s and 1950s that he said were of alien spacecraft, claimed to have met with friendly Nordic alien Space Brothers, and claimed to have taken flights with them to the Moon and other planets.
Adamski was the first, and most famous, of several so-called UFO contactees who came to prominence during the 1950s. Adamski called himself a “philosopher, teacher, student and saucer researcher”, although most investigators concluded his claims were an elaborate hoax, and that Adamski himself was a charlatan and a con artist.
Adamski authored three books describing his meetings with Nordic aliens and his travels with them aboard their spaceships: Flying Saucers Have Landed (co-written with Desmond Leslie) in 1953, Inside the Space Ships in 1955, and Flying Saucers Farewell in 1961.
The first two books were both bestsellers; by 1960 they had sold a combined 200,000 copies.
In addition to his contributions to ufology in the United States, Adamski’s work became very popular in Japan and helped inspire many depictions of aliens and UFOs in postwar Japanese culture and media.
See https://www.the-adamski-case.nl/his-mission/global-reach/
Rick Hall Channeled by Karl Mollison 06Nov2022

Rick Hall Channeled by Karl Mollison 06Nov2022
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Hall
Rick Hall January 31, 1932 – January 2, 2018
He was an American record producer, songwriter, and musician who became known as the owner of FAME Studios in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.
After his mother left home when young Hall was aged 4, he, along with his sister was raised in rural poverty by his father and grandparents in Franklin County, Alabama. According to The Guardian, Dollie worked in a bordello after leaving the family. His father was a gospel music fan and his uncle gave Rick a mandolin at age 6. Later, he learned to play guitar.
As the “Father of Muscle Shoals Music”, he was influential in recording and promoting both country and soul music, and in helping develop the careers of such musicians as Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding, Duane Allman and Etta James.
He had his first songwriting successes in the late 1950s, when George Jones recorded his song “Achin’, Breakin’ Heart”, Brenda Lee recorded “She’ll Never Know”, and Roy Orbison recorded “Sweet and Innocent”. In 1960, he started a company based in Florence, Alabama, together with fellow ex-Fairlanes member Billy Sherrill, the future producer of Tammy Wynette’s records. They named their company FAME (Florence Alabama Music Enterprises) and opened their first primitive studio above a drugstore.
Producer Sam Phillips, originally from Florence, Alabama, was an early mentor. During a 2015 interview with The New York Times, Hall recalled those early days. “We would sit up and talk until 2 o’clock in the morning and Sam would tell me, ’Rick, don’t go to Nashville, because they’ll eat your soul alive.’ I wanted to be like Sam — I wanted to be somebody special.”
When both his new bride Faye and his father died within a two-week period in 1957, he suffered depression and began drinking regularly. He later began moving around the area playing guitar, mandolin, and fiddle with a local group, Carmol Taylor and the Country Pals, and first met saxophonist Billy Sherrill.
Hall was inducted into the Alabama Music Hall of Fame in 1985 and also received the John Herbert Orr Pioneer Award. In 2014, he won the Grammy Trustees Award in recognition of his lengthy career. Hall remained active in the music industry with FAME Studios, FAME Records, and FAME Publishing.
“By the mid-’60s it had become a hotbed for pop musicians of various stripes, including the Rolling Stones, Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett, Clarence Carter, Solomon Burke and Percy Sledge,” according to the Los Angeles Times. Singer Aretha Franklin credited Hall for the “turning point” in her career in the mid-1960s, taking her from a struggling artist to the “Queen of Soul”.
According to Hall, one of the reasons for FAME’s success at a time of stiff competition from studios in other cities was that he overlooked the issue of race, a perspective he called “colorblind”. “It was a dangerous time, but the studio was a safe haven where blacks and whites could work together in musical harmony,” Hall wrote in his autobiography.
Some years after the death of his first wife, he met and married Linda Cross of Leighton, Alabama. The couple had three sons, Rick Jr., Mark, and Rodney.
Hall had five grandchildren, who affectionately called him Pepaw. Hall’s life and career are profiled in the 2013 documentary film Muscle Shoals. During an interview before the release of the movie, Hall told a journalist that in 2009, he and his wife had donated their home of 30 years to the Boys and Girls Ranches of Alabama, a charity for abused and neglected children. The house now serves as a home to up to seventeen teenage girls at a time that have been removed from their families through no fault of their own.
In 2014, Hall was awarded the Grammy Trustees Award for his significant contribution to the field of recording.
Hall published his memoirs in a book titled The Man from Muscle Shoals: My Journey from Shame to Fame in 2015. On December 17, 2016, Hall was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of North Alabama in Florence.
He died on January 2, 2018, twenty-eight days away from his 86th birthday, at his home in Muscle Shoals, after a battle with prostate cancer.

Inés Zorreguieta Channeled by Karl Mollison 23Oct2022
From https://nypost.com/2018/06/07/dutch-queen-maximas-sister-found-dead-in-apparent-suicide/
The sister of Dutch Queen Maxima committed suicide in her apartment in Buenos Aires, officials said.
Inés Zorreguieta, 33, was found at her home in Argentina after a battle with depression and mental health issues, according to the BBC.
“It is presumed that it was a suicide,” a spokesman for the Dutch government told Argentinian newspaper La Nacion. Queen Maxima, 47, a native of Argentina, is “shocked and devastated” by her younger sister’s death, according to a statement to Dutch newspaper De Volksrant. She canceled her upcoming engagements including a state visit to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Zorreguieta was a bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding to then Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander in 2002 and was godmother to their youngest of three daughters, 11-year-old Princess Ariane. She was a civil servant who had been working for the Argentinian government since 2016, in an office that oversees social policies.
Between 2009 and 2011 she worked at the United Nations headquarters of Panama but returned to Argentina in 2012 after a breakup. Reports of her receiving medical treatment for problems with her diet and depression began circulating when she returned to the country.
Aside from her royal sister, Zorreguieta has two brothers, Martin and Juan, and three half-siblings. The father of Inés and Maxima, Jorge Zorreguieta, served as agriculture minister during Argentina’s brutal military dictatorship and died last year of Hodgkin’s lymphoma at 89.
His post caused an uproar in the Netherlands — the Dutch parliament held a debate before Maxima married the crown prince and her father wasn’t allowed to attend their nuptials.
Tributes were paid to the “very beautiful and talented” Zorreguieta on a video her brother Martin posted of her singing and playing the guitar last year.
See also https://totaldisclosure.net/louder-than-love/ines-zorreguieta/
Ines was thirty-three years old when she was found hanging from a doorknob by a red scarf. Kate Spade (June 5) and Anthony Bourdain (June 8) were found hanging in the same week as Ines was.