Al Bielek Channeled by Karl Mollison 18Sept2018
Al Bielek Died on Monday, October 10, 2011 at 6:30 AM in Guadalajara, Mexico. Al was 84 years old and was buried at a local cemetery in Guadalajara.
By Ken Adachi August 9, 2001 http://educate-yourself.org/ab/
Much needs to be said of Al Bielek. I first heard him on the radio with Art Bell about 1995, which I think was a repeat broadcast from 1994. During that 3 hour interview, I was amazed to hear the details of the Philadelphia Experiment. I had only read an article about the Philadelphia Experiment in Newsweek
magazine somewhere around 1984 I believe, but I had no idea of the incredible technology that was being employed or the eventual consequences that humanity would have to pay for the folly of that experiment; since it ripped opened a hole in the space-time continuum that allowed unwelcome (and unenlightened) aliens to literally pour into our galaxy.
There already exists many articles about Al Bielek on the Internet and I will repost some of those articles here, but I hope to add new material based on a four part video autobiography that Al made about his life story in April of 2000 in Colorado.
I’ll also cover new info from a four hour talk that Al gave at a private home in Laguna Hills, California on February 17, 2001, along with insights gained from many conversations with Al over the phone. Al is featured on a CD produced in October 2000, which covers his life as Al Bielek, Edward A. Cameron,
the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project, mind control and time travel.
Prior to conversations with Al, I was already familiar with some of his earlier videos made at various expos, including a very informative video on mind control made in the 1992 with Vladimir Terziski. Most of the material on the Terziski videos has not appeared in text form on the Internet. Al also laid out the details of the Philadelphia Experiment in a book, The Philadelphia Experiment & Other UFO Conspiracies, co-authored with Brad Steiger in 1990.
Lost Memories
In 1988, Al Bielek started to recover fragmented memories of his involvement in the Philadelphia Experiment after seeing a late night TV airing of the 1984 movie, The Philadelphia Experiment. Because of Al’s involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project, and other secret, black budget programs, he’s been subjected to mind control (as have all personnel connected with such projects), with the goal of eliminating from his conscious mind all memories of his involvement in the black projects. “Memories” can be created, changed, or wiped completely when you are subjected to mind control.
Does that mean that Al’s information may not be 100% accurate?
Perhaps, but I feel strongly that the overwhelming bulk of information that Al Bielek has relayed over the years is true and has occurred as he has stated it.
It’s always possible that selected memories could have been distorted or even inserted into Al’s subconscious mind for disinformation purposes, but to dismiss his remarkable revelations out of hand is foolish. Al had discovered that if both hemispheres of the brain are in balance or in ’sync’, then mind control access or manipulation by mind control programmers is thwarted. He explains in his autobiography videos some methods for balancing the left brain and the right brain to achieve this balanced state.
Al Bielek and Phil Schneider have been two of the very best sources we have had to reveal highly secret information about the Accrblack projects of the American government.
(People have often asked Al why he hasn’t been killed if his information is so good. He tells them that he and brother Duncan have something of a protected status because their bodies are locked in with the time experiments of Montauk and that the earth needs to complete a biorhythm stabilization
cycle that converges on Aug. 12, 2003. According to Al, that stabilization is somehow locked in with Al and Duncan’s bodies.
Al already found out that he cannot (and will not) be arrested by police when he was taken into custody after being discovered on a clandestine and unauthorized inspection of the Montauk base
in the early 1990’s.)
One of the more compelling revelation from Al’s private talk in Laguna Hills and from his eight hour video autobiography is the reference to being teleported to the year 2137. After jumping off the Navy ship Eldridge on August 12, 1943 with his brother Duncan Cameron, as the Philadelphia Experiment
began to spiral out of control on board ship, Al and his brother found themselves in a future hospital in the year 2137.
Hospital personnel and other people with whom he spoke, told Al of the great changes and cataclysmic events that occurred in the opening years of the 21st century.