George Adamski Channeled by Karl Mollison 25 Sept 2022 short

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Karl Mollison channels George Adamski

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George Adamski 17 April 1891 – 23 April 1965 was a Polish-American author who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he displayed numerous photographs in the 1940s and 1950s that he said were of alien spacecraft, claimed to have met with friendly Nordic alien Space Brothers, and claimed to have taken flights with them to the Moon and other planets.

Adamski was the first, and most famous, of several so-called UFO contactees who came to prominence during the 1950s. Adamski called himself a “philosopher, teacher, student and saucer researcher”, although most investigators concluded his claims were an elaborate hoax, and that Adamski himself was a charlatan and a con artist.

Adamski authored three books describing his meetings with Nordic aliens and his travels with them aboard their spaceships: Flying Saucers Have Landed (co-written with Desmond Leslie) in 1953, Inside the Space Ships in 1955, and Flying Saucers Farewell in 1961.

The first two books were both bestsellers; by 1960 they had sold a combined 200,000 copies. 

In addition to his contributions to ufology in the United States, Adamski’s work became very popular in Japan and helped inspire many depictions of aliens and UFOs in postwar Japanese culture and media.


George Adamski Channeled by Karl Mollison 25Sept2022

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George Adamski 17 April 1891 – 23 April 1965 was a Polish-American author who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he displayed numerous photographs in the 1940s and 1950s that he said were of alien spacecraft, claimed to have met with friendly Nordic alien Space Brothers, and claimed to have taken flights with them to the Moon and other planets.

Adamski was the first, and most famous, of several so-called UFO contactees who came to prominence during the 1950s. Adamski called himself a “philosopher, teacher, student and saucer researcher”, although most investigators concluded his claims were an elaborate hoax, and that Adamski himself was a charlatan and a con artist.

Adamski authored three books describing his meetings with Nordic aliens and his travels with them aboard their spaceships: Flying Saucers Have Landed (co-written with Desmond Leslie) in 1953, Inside the Space Ships in 1955, and Flying Saucers Farewell in 1961.

The first two books were both bestsellers; by 1960 they had sold a combined 200,000 copies. 

In addition to his contributions to ufology in the United States, Adamski’s work became very popular in Japan and helped inspire many depictions of aliens and UFOs in postwar Japanese culture and media.


Dick Sutphen Channeled by Karl Mollison 24July2022

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Dick Sutphen Channeled by Karl Mollison 24July2022

From and

Dick Sutphen born April 3, 1937 in Omaha, Nebraska, USA was a psychic researcher, past-life therapist, prolific author and speaker. He began his career offering his metaphysical seminars in the late sixties around Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Sedona, Arizona, and since then over 250,000 people have attended one of his Sutphen Seminars, retreats, or workshops.

He authored 65 books, including the million-copy bestseller, You Were Born Again To Be Together, and he was the first person to put hypnosis programming on tape for sale, creating over 900 audio products between 1976 and 2011. Dick appeared on hundreds of radio and tv shows including Phil Donahue, Good Morning America, and Tom Snyder’s Tomorrow Show.

A leader in the field of hypnosis, Dick was honored with many awards throughout his career, including his honorary life-time membership to the International Hypnosis Federation and the Lifetime Achievement Humanitarian Award presented by the Hypnotherapy Academy in May 2019.

He has authored 21 New Age titles⎯seven for Simon & Schuster who calls him “America’s Foremost Psychic Researcher.” Dick is called “America’s leading past-life therapist” by the Body Mind Spirit Festivals in England and Australia. Richard first introduced the Sedona Vortexes to the world in his 1978 bestseller, “Past Lives, Future Loves.” Published by Simon Schuster Pocket Books, who calls him “America’s Foremost Psychic Researcher.

Also in 1976, he conducted the first nationally televised Past-Life Regressions on the “David Susskind Show” and “Tom Snyder’s Tomorrow Show.” As a specialist in brain/mind technology, Dick instructs medical professionals in how to use his life-changing techniques.

He has created over 300 mind-programming CDs. Over 190,000 people have attended a Sutphen Seminar, workshop, or retreat, which are conducted in major cities throughout the world. Richard is also a featured speaker at Professional Hypnosis conferences and has appeared on over 400 radio and television shows.

As a world recognized Spiritual Hypnotherapist, Dick annually conducted several training seminars to teach others to be professional hypnotists. Working with Roberta Sutphen (a Spiritual Medium) he was available for Private Sessions. Together, they conducted a “Metaphysical Examination,” which was rapidly becoming a benchmark metaphysical exploration.

Dick passed away on September 1, 2020 and is survived by his wife Roberta and their Lhasa Apso puppies. 

For more information:

Seth Farber Channeled by Karl Mollison 03July2022

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Seth Farber Channeled by Karl Mollison 03July2022


Seth Farber, Ph.D. is an author, spiritual visionary and renegade psychologist. Farber trained with some of the giants in the helping professions (Salvador Minuchin, Jay Haley) and hoped to change the profession.

However, he soon discovered the system was resistant to reform. Dr Farber was one of the first in his field to realize that the mental health professions have become part of a psychiatric-pharmaceutical industrial complex–PPIC–whose primary goal is to make profits. He sees this as a social trend: “the cannibalization of the population by the corporations, assisted by the government.”

In the late 1980s Dr Farber became a supporter of the psychiatric survivors’ movement, now called the Mad Pride movement. Farber’s most unusual theory is fully developed in his latest book: The mad are spiritual pioneers who have the potential to become catalysts of messianic transformation.

Dr Farber says, “The testimony of our greatest seers from Jesus to Sri Aurobindo is that we can realize the Kingdom of heaven on earth–this means the union of heaven and earth, paradise on earth. But we must choose: Either love and God, or money and war. We were right about that in the 1960s.”

Seth passed away as a result of a brain tumor, Saturday, October 16, 2021 in a New York hospital.

William S. Sadler Channeled by Karl Mollison 26June2022

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William S. Sadler Channeled by Karl Mollison 26June2022


William Samuel Sadler June 24, 1875 – April 26, 1969 was an American surgeon, self-trained psychiatrist, and author who helped publish The Urantia Book.

The book is said to have resulted from Sadler’s relationship with a man through whom he believed celestial beings spoke at night. It drew a following of people who studied its teachings.

A native of Indiana, Sadler moved to Michigan as a teenager to work at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. There he met the physician and health-food promoter John Harvey Kellogg, co-inventor of corn flakes breakfast cereal, who became his mentor. Sadler married Kellogg’s niece, Lena Celestia Kellogg, in 1897. He worked for several Christian organizations and attended medical school, graduating in 1906.

Sadler practiced medicine in Chicago with his wife, who was also a physician. He joined several medical associations and taught at the McCormick Theological Seminary. Although he was a committed member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for almost twenty years, he left the denomination after it disfellowshipped his wife’s uncle in 1907.

Sadler and his wife became speakers on the Chautauqua adult education circuit in 1907, and he became a highly paid, popular orator. He eventually wrote over 40 books on a variety of medical and spiritual topics advocating a holistic approach to health. Sadler extolled the value of prayer and religion but was skeptical of mediums, assisting debunker Howard Thurston, and embraced the scientific consensus on evolution.

In 1910, Sadler went to Europe and studied psychiatry for a year under Sigmund Freud. Sometime between 1906 and 1911, Sadler attempted to treat a patient with an unusual sleep condition. While the patient was sleeping he spoke to Sadler and claimed to be an extraterrestrial. Sadler spent years observing the sleeping man in an effort to explain the phenomenon, and eventually decided the man had no mental illness and that his words were genuine. The man’s identity was never publicized, but speculation has focused on Sadler’s brother-in-law, Wilfred Kellogg.

Over the course of several years, Sadler and his assistants visited the man while he slept, conversing with him about spirituality, history, and cosmology, and asking him questions. A larger number of interested people met at Sadler’s home to discuss the man’s responses and to suggest additional questions. The man’s words were eventually published in The Urantia Book, and the Urantia Foundation was created to assist Sadler in spreading the book’s message. It is not known who wrote and edited the book, but several commentators have speculated that Sadler played a guiding role in its publication. Although it never became the basis of an organized religion, the book attracted followers who devoted themselves to its study, and the movement continued after Sadler’s death.

Pliny the Younger Channeled by Karl Mollison 02Jan2022

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Pliny the Younger Channeled by Karl Mollison 02Jan2022


Pliny the Younger 61 – c. 113 was a lawyer, author, and magistrate of Ancient Rome. Pliny’s uncle, Pliny the Elder, helped raise and educate him.

Pliny the Younger wrote hundreds of letters, of which 247 survive, and which are of great historical value. Some are addressed to reigning emperors or to notables such as the historian Tacitus.

Pliny served as an imperial magistrate under Trajan (reigned 98–117) and his letters to Trajan provide one of the few surviving records of the relationship between the imperial office and provincial governors.

Pliny rose through a series of civil and military offices, the cursus honorum. He was a friend of the historian Tacitus and might have employed the biographer Suetonius on his staff. Pliny also came into contact with other well-known men of the period, including the philosophers Artemidorus and Euphrates the Stoic, during his time in Syria.

Pliny the Younger, the Roman governor of Bithynia and Pontus (now in modern Turkey) wrote a letter to Emperor Trajan around AD 112 and asked for counsel on dealing with the early Christian community. The letter (Epistulae X.96) details an account of how Pliny conducted trials of suspected Christians who appeared before him as a result of anonymous accusations and asks for the Emperor’s guidance on how they should be treated.

Neither Pliny nor Trajan mentions the crime that Christians had committed, except for being a Christian; and other historical sources do not provide a simple answer to what that crime could be, but most likely due to the stubborn refusal of Christians to worship Roman gods; making them appear as objecting to Roman rule.

Pliny states that he gives Christians multiple chances to affirm they are innocent and if they refuse three times, they are executed.

Pliny states that his investigations have revealed nothing on the Christians’ part but harmless practices and “depraved, excessive superstition.” However, Pliny seems concerned about the rapid spread of their practices and views Christian gatherings as a potential starting point for sedition.

The letter is the first pagan account to refer to Christianity, providing key information on early Christian beliefs and practices and how these were viewed and dealt with by the Romans. The letter and Trajan’s reply indicate that at the time of its writing there was no systematic and official persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. 

There was persecution of Christians before this but only on a local basis, like the Neronian persecution in Rome or the expulsion of Jewish-Christians and Jews from Rome by order of Claudius. Trajan’s reply also offers valuable insight into the relationship between Roman provincial governors and Emperors and indicates that at the time Christians were not sought out or tracked down by imperial orders, and that persecutions could be local and sporadic.

Percy Crosby Channeled by Karl Mollison 12Sept2021

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Percy Crosby Channeled by Karl Mollison 12Sept2021


Percy Crosby December 8, 1891 – December 8, 1964

During his career as a celebrity American artist and author, Percy Crosby crusaded against corruption and stood up to the likes of Al Capone and his henchmen when American citizens were too frightened to speak out.

He used his Irish humor and gift of satire to lampoon politicians, President Roosevelt, the Ku Klux Klan, and fought for civil liberties, child labor laws, rights of veterans, and freedom of the press.

Although he made a profound impression with millions of Americans, primarily through Skippy, the loveable and mischievous cartoon character who became a household word, Percy Crosby was unable to prevent retaliation by those who coveted control of Skippy for their commercial gain, and wanted him silenced.

Percy Crosby was falsely imprisoned in a New York mental hospital for the last 16 years of his life, following years of harassment by the IRS. He referred to this period of his life as a “political witch hunt.”

During this time, Crosby’s famous Skippy trademark and its valuable goodwill was pirated by a bankrupt peanut butter company, which later merged with a Fortune 500 company, making a fortune in illicit sales under the Skippy brand name.

The true story concealed from Crosby’s heirs, aided and abetted by Percy Crosby’s lawyers, has shocked thousands of Skippy fans, collectors, consumers, artists, writers and lawyers.

Thanks to the advent of the Internet, the lawful Skippy heirs can reveal what the food pirates (Bestfoods) and their army of attorneys concealed from the courts and the public for decades, threatening to use their “political influence in Washington to keep certain doors forever shut” to Skippy’s business. Bestfoods’ legal department, apprehensive of being exposed on the Internet as the naked Emperor, has recently changed its website about its Skippy history, and compounded its conduct by engaging in willful wire fraud, a federal crime.

The familiar saying applies here: “The only way evil can prevail is for men of good will to say and do nothing.”

Anthony Bourdain Channeled by Karl Mollison 15Aug2021

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Anthony Bourdain Channeled by Karl Mollison 15Aug2021


Anthony Michael Bourdain June 25, 1956 – June 8, 2018 was an American celebrity chef, author, and travel documentarian, who starred in programs focusing on the exploration of international culture, cuisine, and the human condition. 

Bourdain was a 1978 graduate of The Culinary Institute of America and a veteran of a number of professional kitchens during his career, which included many years spent as an executive chef at Brasserie Les Halles in Manhattan.

He first became known for his bestselling book Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly (2000). His first food and world-travel television show A Cook’s Tour ran for 35 episodes on the Food Network in 2002 and 2003. In 2005, he began hosting the Travel Channel’s culinary and cultural adventure programs Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations (2005–2012) and The Layover (2011–2013).

In 2013, he began a three-season run as a judge on The Taste, and concurrently switched his travelogue programming to CNN to host Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown.

Though best known for his culinary writings and television presentations, along with several books on food and cooking and travel adventures, Bourdain also wrote both fiction and historical nonfiction.

In early June 2018, Bourdain was working on an episode of Parts Unknown in Strasbourg, with his frequent collaborator and friend Éric Ripert. 

On June 8, Ripert became worried when Bourdain had missed dinner and breakfast. He subsequently found Bourdain dead of an apparent suicide by hanging in his room at Le Chambard hotel in Kaysersberg near Colmar.

Christian de Rocquigny du Fayel, the public prosecutor for Colmar, said Bourdain’s body bore no signs of violence and the suicide appeared to be an impulsive act. 

Rocquigny du Fayel disclosed that Bourdain’s toxicology results were negative for narcotics, showing only a trace of a therapeutic non-narcotic medication. 

Bourdain’s body was cremated in France on June 13, 2018, and his ashes were returned to the United States two days later.

We seemingly break new ground with the testimony from the Light Being who was Anthony Bourdain when he answers a question about the circumstances regarding his death.

Hunter S. Thompson Channeled by Karl Mollison 20June2021

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Hunter S. Thompson Channeled by Karl Mollison 20 June 2021


Hunter S. Thompson July 18, 1937 – February 20, 2005 was an American journalist and author, and the founder of the gonzo journalism movement. He first rose to prominence with the publication of Hell’s Angels (1967), a book for which he spent a year living and riding with the Hells Angels motorcycle club to write a first-hand account of the lives and experiences of its members.

In 1970, he wrote an unconventional magazine feature titled “The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved” for Scanlan’s Monthly, which both raised his profile and established him as a writer with counterculture credibility. It also set him on a path to establishing his own subgenre of New Journalism that he called “Gonzo”, which was essentially an ongoing experiment in which the writer becomes a central figure and even a participant in the events of the narrative.

Thompson remains best known for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1971), a book first serialized in Rolling Stone in which he grapples with the implications of what he considered the failure of the 1960s counterculture movement. It was adapted on film twice: loosely in Where the Buffalo Roam starring Bill Murray as Thompson in 1980, and directly in 1998 by director Terry Gilliam in a film starring Johnny Depp and Benicio del Toro. The Doonesbury cartoon character Uncle Duke – who was modeled after Thompson – pens an essay about “my shoplifting conviction” titled “Fear and Loathing at Macy’s Menswear”, a reference to Thompson’s book.

Politically minded, Thompson ran unsuccessfully for sheriff of Pitkin County, Colorado, in 1970 on the Freak Power ticket. His run for sheriff is chronicled in the documentary film Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb. He became well known for his dislike of Richard Nixon, who he claimed represented “that dark, venal, and incurably violent side of the American character”. He covered Nixon’s 1972 re-election campaign for Rolling Stone and later collected the stories in book form as Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72.

Thompson’s output notably declined from the mid-1970s, as he struggled with the consequences of fame, and he complained that he could no longer merely report on events, as he was too easily recognized. He was also known for his lifelong use of alcohol and illegal narcotics, his love of firearms, and his iconoclastic contempt for authoritarianism. He often remarked: “I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.”

Thompson died by suicide at the age of 67, following a series of health problems. In accordance with his wishes, his ashes were fired out of a cannon in a ceremony funded by his friend Johnny Depp and attended by friends including then-Senator John Kerry and Jack Nicholson. Hari Kunzru wrote, “the true voice of Thompson is revealed to be that of American moralist … one who often makes himself ugly to expose the ugliness he sees around him.”

Aldous Huxley Channeled by Karl Mollison 27Sept2020

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Aldous Huxley Channeled by Karl Mollison 27Sept2020


Aldous Huxley was born July 26, 1894, Godalming, Surrey, England—died November 22, 1963, Los Angeles, California, U.S., English novelist and critic gifted with an acute and far-ranging intelligence whose works are notable for their wit and pessimistic satire. He remains best known for one novel, Brave New World (1932), a model for much dystopian science fiction that followed.

Aldous Huxley was a grandson of the prominent biologist Thomas Henry Huxley and was the third child of the biographer and man of letters Leonard Huxley; his brothers included physiologist Andrew Fielding Huxley and biologist Julian Huxley. He was educated at Eton, during which time he became partially blind because of keratitis. He retained enough eyesight to read with difficulty, and he graduated from Balliol College, Oxford, in 1916. He published his first book in 1916 and worked on the periodical Athenaeum from 1919 to 1921. Thereafter he devoted himself largely to his own writing and spent much of his time in Italy until the late 1930s, when he settled in California.

Huxley established himself as a major author with his first two published novels, Crome Yellow (1921) and Antic Hay (1923); these are witty and malicious satires on the pretensions of the English literary and intellectual coteries of his day. Those Barren Leaves (1925) and Point Counter Point (1928) are works in a similar vein.

Brave New World (1932) marked a turning point in Huxley’s career: like his earlier work, it is a fundamentally satiric novel, but it also vividly expresses Huxley’s distrust of 20th-century trends in both politics and technology. The novel presents a nightmarish vision of a future society in which psychological conditioning forms the basis for a scientifically determined and immutable caste system that, in turn, obliterates the individual and grants all control to the World State. The novel Eyeless in Gaza (1936) continues to shoot barbs at the emptiness and aimlessness experienced in contemporary society, but it also shows Huxley’s growing interest in Hindu philosophy and mysticism as a viable alternative. (Many of his subsequent works reflect this preoccupation, notably The Perennial Philosophy [1946].) In the novel After Many a Summer Dies the Swan (1939), published soon after he moved to California, Huxley turned his attention to American culture.

Huxley’s most important later works are The Devils of Loudun (1952), a detailed psychological study of a historical incident in which a group of 17th-century French nuns were allegedly the victims of demonic possession, and The Doors of Perception (1954), a book about Huxley’s experiences with the hallucinogenic drug mescaline. His last novel, Island (1962), is a utopian vision of a Pacific Ocean society.

The author’s lifelong preoccupation with the negative and positive impacts of science and technology on 20th-century life, expressed most forcefully in Brave New World but also in one of his last essays, written for Encyclopædia Britannica’s 1963 volume of The Great Ideas Today, about the conquest of space, make him one of the representative writers and intellectuals of that century.

This article was most recently revised and updated by J.E. Luebering, Executive Editorial Director.–TheUltimateRevolutionABlueprintToEnslaveTheMasses/Aldous_Huxley–The_Ultimate_Revolution–Berkeley_Part1.mp3

Were Huxley’s dire predictions for humanity actually unwitting Extraterrestrial or ufo research? How does he see his work from his current place in the light?