Dr. John Mack Channeled by Karl Mollison 24Oct2017
See https://makemagicproductions.com/johnmack/ https://www.facebook.com/JohnEMackMD/ https://johnemackinstitute.org/ Extracted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_E._Mack
John Edward Mack M.D. (October 4, 1929 – September 27, 2004) was an American psychiatrist, parapsychologist, writer, and professor at Harvard Medical School. He was a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, a leading researcher and writer on alien abduction experiences, and a campaigner for the elimination of nuclear weapons.
The dominant theme of his life’s work has been the exploration of how one’s perceptions of the world affect one’s relationships. He addressed this issue of “world view” on the individual level in his early clinical explorations of dreams, nightmares and teen suicide He wrote A Prince of Our Disorder: The Life of T.E. Lawrence (1976) his biographical study of the life of British officer T. E. Lawrence, for which he received the Pulitzer Prize for Biography in 1977.
His later research broadened into the general consideration of the merits of an expanded notion of reality, one which allows for experiences that may not fit the Western materialist paradigm, yet deeply affect people’s lives. His second (and final) book on the alien encounter experience, Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters (1999), was as much a philosophical treatise connecting the themes of spirituality and modern worldviews as it was the culmination of his work with the “experiencers” of alien encounters, to whom the book is dedicated.
On Monday, September 27, 2004 while in London to lecture at a T. E. Lawrence Society-sponsored conference, Mack was killed by a drunken driver heading west on Totteridge Lane. He was walking home alone, after a dinner with friends, when he was struck at 11:25 p.m. near the junction of Totteridge Lane and Longland Drive. He lost consciousness at the scene of the accident and was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. The driver was arrested at the scene, and later entered a plea of guilty by careless driving whilst under the influence of alcohol. Mack’s family requested leniency for the suspect in a letter to the Wood Green Crown Court. “Although this was a tragic event for our family,” the letter reads, “we feel [the accused’s] behavior was neither malicious nor intentional, and we have no ill will toward him since we learned of the circumstances of the collision.”
Was John silenced?

Phil Schneider Channeled by Karl Mollison 05May2017
Phil Schneider was a geologist, engineer, and explosives expert who was employed by the government and government contractors during 1970s and 80’s in the boring of the covert tunnel system underneath the United States. This led to his exposure to many classified government projects and cover-ups including a battle between Grey extraterrestrials and U.S. soldiers in a deep underground base near Dulce New Mexico. Phil was born in 1947 to a Navy captain who himself was involved in A-bomb testing in the Pacific and the infamous “Philadelphia Experiment”.
As a protection against assassination, Phil began telling what he knew at various conferences and lectures during the 1990’s. He died in his Oregon home in 1996 under suspicious circumstances that authorities attributed to suicide.
Questions for Phil Schneider
- You were employed by the government as a geologist in the construction of massive tunnels under the Western part of North America, is this correct? How extensive is the tunnel system under America and across the world today? Are extraterrestrial beings also living in these underground bases and which ones?
- You reported a mishap that occurred in 1979 in a deep underground base located under a mesa near Dulce New Mexico. Can you elaborate on this incident? What was the purpose of the Dulce base? Was it recently damaged? If it was damaged can you elaborate? If it is still in operation; in what capacity?
- You felt certain that your father, Captain Oscar Schneider, was somehow involved in the “Philadelphia Experiment”. Have you verified this? Can you describe this project in detail and its effects on other time lines?
- You had a friend who told you about a Portland Oregon manufacturing company that received a portion of a government contract to build over 100,000 railroad cars with shackled seating, to accommodate 15 million prisoners. Can you verify that now? Is there an ongoing governmental plan to incarcerate U.S. Citizens in the future?
- It was reported that you committed suicide in your home in January 1996. Please relate exactly what happened to cause your death.
- Why was I strongly compelled to choose you as a subject for channeling at this time?
- What advice can you give to current government whistle blowers?

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 27April2017
From Karl –
“So the idea of even talking to Creator is somewhat new for me. It took me years to get here. And I was influenced by the same notions that have been conveyed by the spiritual folk themselves “Oh you can’t really talk to Creator there’s too much energy there, it would be overwhelming, probably even fatal, if you tried to do that. Creator doesn’t deal with us, that’s what the angels are for blah, blah, blah” and so on.
And I always assumed that was so.”
- If you were to be characterized as male or female to assist humans to understand you better which would be more accurate?
- What is the difference between a corrupted source and an uncorrupted source?
- Does a corrupted source depend on the source’s intention? What are the other factors?
- Would it be accurate to say that no good alien has an agenda to physically appear to humans?
- What can whistleblowers and others concerned about the interference by extraterrestrials do to help humanity?