Earle Wheeler Channeled by Karl Mollison 25Oct2020
In late 1945, Wheeler returned to the U.S. as an artillery instructor at Fort Sill, then returned to Germany from 1947–1949 as a staff officer of the United States Constabulary (formerly VI Corps), occupying Germany. He attended the National War College in 1950. He then returned to Europe as a staff officer in NATO, in a series of roles. In 1951–52 he commanded the 351st Infantry Regiment, which controlled the Free Territory of Trieste, a front-line position of the Cold War.
In 1955, Wheeler joined the General Staff at The Pentagon. In 1958 he took command of the 2nd Armored Division. In 1959, he took command of III Corps. He became Director of the Joint Staff in 1960. In 1962 he was briefly Deputy Commander of U.S. Forces in Europe before being named Chief of Staff of the United States Army later that year.
President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Wheeler Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in July 1964 to succeed General Maxwell Taylor. Wheeler’s tenure as the nation’s top military officer spanned the height of America’s involvement in the Vietnam War.
Wheeler’s accession to the top job in the U.S. military, over the heads of officers with more combat experience, drew some criticism. Then Air Force Chief of Staff, General Curtis LeMay, called him “Polly Parrot” and said he was awarded a medal for “fighting the Battle of Fort Benning”, an army post in Georgia where Wheeler served during much of World War II.
Wheeler oversaw and supported the expanding U.S. military role in the Vietnam War in the mid-1960s, consistently backing the field commander’s requests for additional troops and operating authority. He often urged President Johnson to strike harder at North Vietnam and to expand aerial bombing campaigns. Wheeler was concerned with minimizing costs to U.S. ground troops. At the same time, he preferred what he saw as a realistic assessment of the capabilities of the South Vietnamese military.
This earned him a reputation as a “hawk.”
Wheeler, with General William C. Westmoreland, the field commander, and President Johnson, pushed to raise additional American forces after the February 1968 Tet Offensive. American media at the time widely reported the Tet Offensive as Viet Cong victory. This followed a widely noted news report in 1967 that cited an unnamed American general (later identified as General Frederick C. Weyand) who called the situation in Vietnam a “stalemate.” It was a view with which Wheeler agreed in more confidential circles. However, Wheeler was concerned that the American buildup in Vietnam depleted U.S. military capabilities in other parts of the world.
He called for 205,000 additional ground troops, to be gained by mobilizing reserves, but intended these remain in the US as an active reserve. The president decided this was not easily accomplished. Together with the Tet Offensive and shifts in American public opinion, this abortive effort contributed to President Johnson’s ultimate decision to de-escalate the war.
After the election of President Richard M. Nixon, Wheeler oversaw the implementation of the “Vietnamization” program, whereby South Vietnamese forces assumed increasing responsibility for the war as American forces were withdrawn.
Wheeler retired from the U.S. Army in July 1970. Wheeler was the longest-serving Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to date, serving six years. Upon his retirement, he was awarded the Defense Distinguished Service Medal and was the first recipient of that decoration.
Wheeler died in Frederick, Maryland after a heart attack on 18 December 1975. Wheeler was survived by his wife, Frances Howell “Betty” Wheeler, a son, two grandsons and two great-grandchildren.
His unacknowledged daughter Cisco was one of the authors of The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave where she gives a detailed account of his life as her master and mind-control programmer which remains part of his life unknown to many.
Can this be true?
Mind control is a large part of the extraterrestrial agenda. Did Earle Wheeler recognize his contribution to their dark plans?