Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 02Oct2019
1) Are stars truly powered by internal nuclear fusion, or is the energy coming externally from the Galaxy in the form of electromagnetic energy and plasma?
2) Can you give us some clarity on the Fatima Prophecies? What did the girls see? Was that a celestial ship that the crowds observed? Was it Mother Mary?
3) Who or what was The Buddha, his mission on earth, and how can Buddhism be reconciled with these channeled messages of the very existence of a Creator, let alone the encouragement of human partnership with Creator, when the Pali scriptures say the Buddha was only concerned about one primary matter, which was/is the complete cessation of/freedom from suffering (dukkha) or the unshakeable freedom of mind, and that ultimately the Buddha rejected both theism and the soul theory because they are delusions and objects of attachment?
4) Why is it that some humans in powerful positions are replaced with a Reptilian interloper (i.e. George Bush, Pol Pot), and yet others are killed off (i.e. Jack Kennedy, Eva Peron). Would not the ET Alliance have total control of humanity if they just replaced all of our leaders with a Reptilian, especially those leaders who are well liked and trusted?
5) Is language used against us as a magic spell because words do not only have an everyday meaning but also another meaning that influences us on a subliminal level?
6) What are the mysterious 2.8-billion-year-old Klerksdorp spheres? What is or was their purpose? Who made them and why? Do they still function today?
7) When we do Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions, is this one way Creator has devised to give “Grace” for healing? Does this reduce the severity and duration of the Karmic repayment?
8) The Greek philosopher Plato, who narrated to us the Atlantean history and its fall, also described the existence of an astronomical cycle of approximately 26000 years, which he called “the Great Year”, in reference to the complete cycle of precession of the equinoxes. You marked for us the fall of Atlantis approximately 26000 years ago. Does karma distribute its energies to the rhythm of astronomical cycles and are we at the dawn of the great anniversary of the fall of the Atlantis, and maybe the project GetWisdom existed long ago, with the same actors, and the same mission, trying to warn and save Humanity, one “Great Year” before, at the dawning of the fall?
9) What is the significance of the number 144,000, if any, as it relates to Biblical prophecy and is there any relation between that number and the quorum allegedly needed as the number of people praying in partnership with the Divine Realm and Creator to turn the tide of the Dark Alien Agenda for Human?