DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsYou told us the interlopers are visiting the future to assess outcomes of their manipulations of human culture, and changing not only the present to create even more future mayhem, but going back to the past to have a do-over and gain an even greater advantage. Does that forced time travel, making us go through possibly painful times more than once while they work to “get it right,” add significantly to stress and our accumulated karmic trauma needing healing? Can you give us a tutorial to explain how those dynamics take place and describe their consequences?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago
In many ways, this is your worst nightmare when it comes to the consequences of trauma and their legacy. When you think of the famous saying, "Those who do not understand history are condemned to repeat it," this is a literal real-life horror show of repetition that is forced on you, not of your choosing, to have a reexperiencing of some periods of time in your life, not of your choosing, but you are along for the ride, inevitably. So, for example, if the interlopers look into the future and see something about humanity getting ahead instead of falling behind, they will likely decide to come back to the present and set about launching a new series of perturbations to prevent that future human progress. To do so, they might also see not only do they have to come back to the present time but, to really head it off, they need to go further back so they could commence doing manipulations with enough of a head start to make an impact on those future developments being projected in the future extension of the current timeline. As a consequence, what happens is they are creating a kind of looping of time during which that segment of history is being repeated, and the people affected by what is changed will have a new set of problems, or perhaps just have a kind of sudden disjunction where something is changed around them unexpectedly because this time travel intervention is done for the convenience of the extraterrestrials and not human society. Bad things will be started more early than happened in actual history, so the new history that is created will be a worsening. In the meantime, those along for the ride will have negative karma being created, and that will go on their akashic records. If there is a do-over and, in effect, a restarting of that historical period in order to make changes, there will be a parallel of that timeline that will become dominant because it is disconnecting that older future from happening, and that parallel looping forces everyone to relive that period of time in between, whether it is months, days, or years. Now, during the do-over period of time, the things that happen to people who are not perhaps directly involved with the detailed circumstances the extraterrestrials need to change to have the future the way they want it, will still potentially take place if not precluded. So all the people who had misfortunes of any kind may well have them again and relive, in effect, the impact. For example, someone who develops chronic illness and goes through a nightmare of harsh medical treatments, like chemotherapy for cancer, will relive perhaps being diagnosed and then going to treatment, and spend months with side effects, and so on. If the extraterrestrials decide to repeat that same time segment again, to shift in some way a particular strategy using another do-over for fine-tuning, people who are suffering during that interval coincidentally, having traumas of all sorts, will have yet another repetition of the painful experiences, inadvertently. This is because everything is interconnected, so you cannot have a selective change that does not repeat a time segment for all others in existence. So what could be a small thing will inevitably be magnified in its consequences. The extraterrestrials know this but do not care. They not only are oblivious to the suffering of humans, in terms of having any misgivings, they see it as an advantage to be able to magnify unpleasantness for as many as possible, and that is because they are truly savage in their appetites, and in their attitudes they are immoral, self-serving, and cruel because they have no compassion or ability to love—it is all about power for them. So there are many, many repetitions of time segments that further amplify the build-up on the akashic records of increasing negativity. The Law of Karma must reckon with it all because that is the way things work. Nothing gets overlooked. Everything has consequences. Any imbalance energetically will remain as a problem, and this system of reckoning will enforce the need to make amends. So any misfortunes will be revisited again by those who suffered and they will have to find a way to make an improvement, and if not, that will be yet another traumatic experience that will add to all the others that came before and make the problem harder to fix. It is no wonder that humanity is dealing with a mountain of unmet healing need because it is more than natural lifetimes you are dealing with. You are dealing with an ongoing imbalance and perversion of existence through this endless tinkering with time. People will be dragged through the mud again and again as a consequence and it will compound the suffering accordingly.