Sentient beings created as life forms to initiate this grand Experiment in Free Agency and Free Will under conditions of delayed karmic feedback, to give greater latitude for exploration and the trial-and-error process to be bolder, more daring, and to take greater risks of failure, was started about a third of the way along after formation of the galaxy. Keep in mind there have been other universes created before the current one, so life forms have been made long, long before the advent of the physical universe you are aware of through your science. So we conceived of this program in advance and wanted to have a stable physical situation underway, and to have a good launching at an appropriate point with many other things underway throughout the universe already, before starting the Divine Human Free Will Experiment within the Milky Way Galaxy itself, to contain the spread of evil should that arise as was foreseen would happen. So we would give a date of approximately 4 billion years along after the creation of the Milky Way Galaxy itself, that the first sentient beings were installed, and having greater latitude to maneuver as well as having an angelic cohort devoted to the galaxy specifically, so they as well would be contained and constrained to operate within that physical plane alone and not be free to roam the rest of the universe. This, again, was for safety reasons of containment.
So there was a period of approximately 4 billion years for this experiment to take hold and expand. So your thesis is correct, that there was a considerable period during which it can be stated with confidence, and our corroborating support, for an ongoing success of the enterprise prior to that downturn from the fall of grace by Lucifer and his angelic cohort. So, in summary, a little more than half of the time in which sentient beings have been present in your galaxy there has been the rise of evil, but it did not start at the outset. And, as you rightly point out, that prior stability, successful adapting, and expressing growth while in relative divine alignment for the most part, was a testament to the idea being a feasible one, because a 4 billion year tryout is a pretty good test and demonstration of it being a workable scheme. But clearly, the subsequent failings of the angelics, who are now spirit meddlers in your galaxy, show this was still not long enough a period to ensure long-term stability and success of the enterprise.
So the question is one of perspective. Given that this negative consequence has come about, the question now is, can enough healing from the physical plane itself, via human beings, turn the tide and get serious healing underway on a large scale? That becomes the true test and deciding factor now, so that even though evil rose up in serious form and to a significantly serious degree to threaten the enterprise, if healing from the physical plane is still possible to win out in the end, that will be an effective validation that Creator's Plan can and will be a successful undertaking that can be widened in scope to spread through the universe because you and your fellow human beings will have established how to manage it and heal it effectively if it ever gets out of alignment elsewhere to a significant extent. This hard-won learning will stand for all of time as a textbook reference in how to deal with adversity. That will keep things humming along, and will be able to teach many worlds how to nip evil in the bud, so never again will things reach the extremes you have experienced personally, at the hands of corrupted beings who had a long head start in developing a depraved culture.
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