DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindYou have told us that stored trauma memories in the akashic records can connect via cordings to cellular consciousness within the body to produce symptoms. Do cordings also interconnect with the upper subconscious and the deep subconscious levels of the mind?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This is very true and, after all, because cordings consist of consciousness, this is not a mixing and matching of energies that differ, but are seamless in their ability to combine and complement one another to become interlinked to constitute a kind of deeper meaning and intention, as well as potential for future action. This is a kind of state of being as well as state of mind that is created by all of these impinging energies, as they provide a kind of backdrop that largely determines the makeup of an individual as being expressed by their soul in the current life experience. These are the modulating influences on the soul expression that will impinge and have an influence on mood state and especially, the inner motivations and final choices about goals and activities of all kinds. You see this indirectly in people being so widely divergent in their preferences, their makeup personality, emotional expressions, and behaviors including many examples of people acting in a way that is clearly irrational or at least counterproductive. Many times, people will go against their own self interest and that is the clearest example of someone going with the flow, so to speak, of this inner influencing, above what would be logical and reasonable for them in weighing their options by the conscious self alone in choosing what to do next in a given situation. When instead, they do something foolish, ill-considered, or destructive, that to another person observing them is quite perplexing, it is because there are missing pieces to the story not available and observable by outsiders and truly unknown to the individual themselves, that they are marching to the beat of a different drummer than their conscious self. What is more powerfully in charge is the drumbeat of prior karma rearing up to push them in a different direction. Good or bad, it is always a force to reckon with and little appreciated by current human society.