DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyYou have explained that racism has its origins in human karma because many people were either slaves or slaveholders in prior lifetimes. Is that the primary cause of today’s great sensitivity on racial matters, or is this primarily a consequence of mind control manipulation to make people so race conscious and to assume the worst about white people especially?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
While the karma of past racial animus planted the seeds of today’s dilemmas, the fact that the issue is so very prominent and of such great concern is solely due to the ginning up of race as an issue in many settings where this is not truly the case, it is a made-up problem for the most part. Those with severe incorrigible racial prejudice live insular existences because they are not accepted in polite company. Those who harbor such feelings by and large do not act on them because they have learned their views are unacceptable. This is a major step along the way of eradicating an evil of culture that is a departure from divine truth. To bring it out in the open and embrace it fans the flames of animosity and will have many repercussions for society beyond the original alleged crime of harboring prejudice. Many times it is better to let the sleeping dogs lie because rooting out the presumed evil creates a greater evil in the doing. Beliefs are not readily changed, that is why it is called prejudice, it is a deeply ingrained bias that is not easily overturned. This commonly requires the turnover of generations to eradicate, so it is not a simple problem, but one need only prevent prejudice from being the driving force in social policy or interchange. What people believe in their hearts and minds is their own affair and is no one else’s concern provided it is not forced on them in some way. This pursuit of evil at all costs has a dangerous risk of becoming a crusade with things like taking loyalty oaths and psychological probings to evaluate fitness to be accepted in society, and these kinds of approaches always end up being abused because the need for them was orchestrated and then the presumed cure orchestrated as well, and always proves to be worse than the disease. That is no accident, it is all a well-worn path of the interlopers to create problems and then worsen them with faulty solutions of their own devising.