DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaYou have confirmed that the plan of the interlopers, rather than stage 4-5 tidal power outages through the course of the year, has now changed to carry out one strategically timed big event, with a possible second one for reinforcement if the damage to the financial system is less than expected from the first blackout. Will the average outage for a given electrical grid still be 4-6 days, or will they be longer in duration for greater impact?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
The outage that is planned to be a big splash and bring down the markets and keep them down for a good long while will not necessarily be longer in duration, but simply timed in such a way with enough buildup and prelude preparation of various sorts to ramp up fear more greatly, and that fear reaction is what will truly do the damage. So they will gain this from their timing more so than the length of the outages. Keep in mind, for it to generate the most fear they want it to be observed so that recipients of power on each of the grids will have their turn when in a blackout, but the rest of the time will be able to observe neighboring grids and their impact on fellow human beings. The fact that the impact will be difficult to know, except in its aftermath, because communications will be hampered and there will be limited ability of people to communicate without power for their various devices, means that there will be a great deal of uncertainty and that is one of the most difficult things to cope with. This is a time-honored way to upset people, to keep them in the dark. This is why any major societal uncertainty that could have economic implications will always spook the stock market because people are fear-based to a large degree, and anything happening that is unexplainable and not fully understood will cause a wave of trepidation and people will start selling out of fear and that will create a herd instinct response to do the same. Keep in mind that we are giving you estimates, but the actual events themselves will determine the tempo and duration. Each event will be unique, after all, and while the product of careful forethought and planning, always has an element of unpredictability, especially in its effect on human responses.