As you saw intuitively, these are all mishaps and accidents arranged to happen by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. Much is done by agents of the Secret Space Program we call the Mercenary Army Program, as direct sabotage to cause chemical leaks, fires, and explosions to happen. There can be energetic perturbations done indirectly, as well. People can be manipulated to be less observant, even careless, by making their mind wander so they will skip a step in a safety protocol that will cause a catastrophe through unleashing a chain of events. So there are many ways for this to be brought about and that includes corrupting pilots, or replacing their mind, so they are unable to control their aircraft because it is being controlled by the consciousness of an extraterrestrial who will steer it into a building on the ground because the mind of the human pilot has been pushed aside. These are simple and routine things the extraterrestrials do all the time, and, when mounted in a concerted fashion, will even have economic impact and that is what is unfolding now. The aggregate effect of multiple constraints on food supply have grown and are spreading throughout the economy.
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