DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerWould Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions and/or appropriate Mega Prayers directed at the Extraterrestrial Alliance leadership with the specific intention to heal and thwart any intention to further harm Gaia and the human population from the giant oil spill off the coast of Brazil be the best course of action?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
It would be better to leave the target of the prayer up to the divine realm but to state as the point of focus the desired outcome and issues wanting to be addressed. That way we have maximum flexibility and discretion. Sometimes going to the top is not the best way to mitigate a disaster but going more to the practical level where the damage is taking place can allow for things to be modified because the leadership might be the most refractory to change but will not always be aware that things are happening to reduce the impact of their decisions and are best left out of the loop on the healing end, at least initially, to get repairs underway. There will always be time to go back and work on them as well and that will always happen because the nature of the Lightworker Healing Protocol mandates this to be done.