DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaWith the public appearance of a friendly negotiation between President Trump and Kim Jung Un, have the plans of the Extraterrestrial Alliance changed about creating a war between US and North Korea?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Nothing has changed. This is simply tactics. They are creating a breather with an ulterior motive to make Pres. Trump appear to be a statesman and to give him an opportunity to prove his worth on the world stage. He will not win over everyone, and that is no accident either. The drumbeat continues to stir up discord in the warring political factions of the two major political parties. But even with the hatred there will be a grudging respect for what appear to be tangible accomplishments, and this will serve down the line when very tough decisions need to be made, and there is a desire to enlist the help of the public to support military action. The rapprochement is only temporary and is intended to fall through down the line. This, in itself, can be added pretext for war. So time will tell how things develop from here.