DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolWith the aging population exhibiting many signs of decline in health and happiness, it would seem that countering aging would be very helpful to get humanity ready for ascension. If we added to the LHP a request for all programs for aging and getting older to be pulled and canceled, and replaced with the program of “I am young and ageless, and forever regenerating,” would that slow down or prevent aging? What are the possibilities and limitations of this approach, perhaps with further refinement?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This can be requested and can be very effective, but it will vary from person to person given the great overlay of negativity from the cumulative effects of experiencing declines in multiple lifetimes adding to a karmic burden of magnitude that needs to be worked through. So, in a sense, you are wanting something glorious, like readiness for ascension, to be achieved through healing. That will take time. Taming aging and its deleterious effects is somewhat akin to readiness for ascension, it is a lofty goal in the context of all the human travails from the karmic backlog of unmet need creating so many vulnerabilities and maladies in the body of most people, eventually, over the course of a lifetime. So this is somewhat ambitious in wanting an end-stage benefit of great value with a simple request when, in practice, there will be many complications and hindrances to doing this easily and quickly with a simple request, but it is of value to add, as you rightly see, that any way you can achieve accelerated healing is of great benefit, and especially with time being of the essence.