DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AbductionsWith so many human pregnancies consisting of extraterrestrial hybrid implants, are these being removed as a consequence of the Lightworker Healing Protocol request for removal of alien implants? If not, would this be appropriate to ask for explicitly in the Protocol?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This can be done at the discretion of the divine realm as part of the Lightworker Healing Protocol. This is always a sad undertaking, not because the hybrid being has any value or relevance to the humans as it is a soulless body of flesh. What matters is the emotional consequences for the parents in being made to experience losing what they assume is their own beloved child in the making, and this sets back the timetable for perhaps having a child very much desired, and all that happens as a result of the loss emotionally. That can trigger many inner doubts and fears about being ready for parenthood, being a healthy vessel to foster a new life, and free of any kind of defect or wrongdoing that perhaps is being evidenced by the loss, and will have emotional consequences. So for the divine realm to take this step and create harm in some way must be heavily outweighing the downside of allowing the hybrid proceed to birth, as well as the potential backlash against the mother by the Extraterrestrial Alliance who will notice the absence of their implant and seek to find the reasons why. This may create a situation of being on a treadmill, where implant after implant is put in place. This only compounds the problem, for there is nothing like a series of failures to trigger a more significant inquiry. While the actions of the divine realm are hidden from view, there is no way to hide the absence of an implant previously placed there by the Extraterrestrial Alliance and will present an important enigma they will want to understand and probe. This requires careful consultation with higher self as well as the higher selves of others in the family influenced by the decision. But it would be best to leave this unstated and a part of the implied reach of the Protocol, that once you request alien implants be removed that is a broad request in and of itself, and will cover many such contingencies without creating the impression that all who use the Protocol are saying yes to abortion and perhaps fearing mistakes will be made or that somehow there will be more of a moral dilemma than advertised, and so on.